05-20-2015, 11:29 AM
(pre-edit: I've bolded the main parts of interest for anyone who wants to skip the long-winded comparisons to further help understand this concept)
I've done a lot of thinking for a while on Polarity. I understand it perfectly enough (for now personally) from a Unity standpoint. The problem is not Polarity in my mind, but how we perceive it. We call it Service to Self and Service to Others.
It's not a mantle to pick up in my mind, even if it can be referred to as such through colloquial metaphor or normal metaphor. Service to Self and Service to others aren't even two sides of the same coin for me. It's the same things, the exact same things with different views added on. The understanding of Service to Self individuals in the Ra Material accidentally paints, by an Service to Self Entity itself, a strongly negative view of how they operate. Similarly it seems there's this biased view of what being Service to Others entails. Polarity belongs to All in the sense of this density. Which I will try to focus solely on, and not the 4th-7th Densities.
Here we make a choice, and here there is no wrong except that which we think is wrong, of which, it is not truly wrong. The only Truly Wrong aspect is Wrong itself. This can't be stressed, and perhaps exceptions exist but considering existence was around before Creation, I'm not entirely sure you can call anything actually truly wrong even if it...Say, disintegrates Creation itself? (Nukes, which Ra even directly says aren't wrong by referring to them as another aspect of the One) But here, in 3D. There is a wrong. And there is a right. It's personal for everyone, and society often times ignores both ends of the spectrum, and also often times doesn't. It just depends on your perspective, and on your view, as in, your view of Reality.
So then we have Service to Self beings who get to know themselves, then react the way they choose to react.
So then we have Service to Others beings who get to know themselves, then react the way they choose to react.
Then there's intermediary actions that both can take that are not actually that different, but closer to being similar in that they're the exact opposites.
One chooses to Love Self and Extend Love
One chooses to Love Self and Extend Control
One chooses to say what is and isn't best.
One chooses to say anything is worthy.
So the true issue arises when these different but same polarities meet. Ra explains how this is resolved in the case of a Service to Self Entity that utilizes Death and Pain against a Service to Others Entity that desires to Love All Unconditionally (technically Carla, Jim, and Don in this case which balances out, as also said by Ra.)
So now we understand the concept of potentially highly dangerous magical entities that can indirectly assault you. This typically is not how it works I think personally, considering the Ra Contact was in itself a highly unusual situation of harmony in itself, it called for highly unusual circumstances to deal with the situation. This case was a being who used underlings, then went in itself.
So now there's the bias out there, it's pretty easy to see such a traumatic occurrence as attempted murder and then immediately identity it with all Service to Self Entities. The same can be said of such horrors perceived by anyone who can link them to a genre or group. Racism exists this way. Sexism does too. So in this case, I think we have a beautifully funny case of Spiritualityism where a group believes erroneously that another similar group is worse than it actually is and has attributes they do not. (Which, Sexism and Racism do too, interesting how that works...)
So then in my mind, it's not about polarity, it's about intention and identity. We're all human. I did a lot of thinking about my choice and polarity and discovered I do legitimately and genuinely care for basically the whole of Humanity and Earth, right down to the horror and madness, but typically find myself too tired to be able to figure out how to handle it all, all the time.
So I want to offer to the people of the Law of One philosophy a conceptual orientation I'm trying to figure out in my head. Service to All, or Service to the Creator. Which might sound redundant or essentially Service to Others oriented, but in a way that tries to understand the fact that service to the creator is not all good and bad, but mostly just endlessly loved regardless of what is offered, or experienced. Which means the horror is all there to teach us how to better love.
So thus I am left with a desire to try and...Fix up, even if just a little, this semantic issue of Service to Others versus Service to Self. I think at the level most of us are at in our incarnations, we will never have to worry about something like an unseen magical entity indirectly trying to murder us for being of Service to Others. I think some of us may experience very keen and prominent greetings, but I also believe and feel that the overall light regarding greetings is incorrectly aimed at blaming something for the greeting through treating it like it's a disservice by trying to thank it in response.
I find if we actually accept greetings as a service (for the sake of clarity, accepting greetings does not mean taking them up and letting them do something like jeopardize you), and view them as coming from ourselves regardless, we are being serviced in a positive light by a negative entity. It has offered us a catalyst, and as entities that have taken up the race, we respond with love which effectively polarizes us, which is neutralized by the not accepting another's service, but only if it is a literal full decline of the catalyst, if the catalyst provided still occurs, service has still been done, and responding will still polarize one in the appropriate manner. And if the service isn't declined, you've polarized. Service was given through a perceived disservice. This is why anyone perceiving greetings of psychic thoughts being planted (thoughts you perceive as not your own) or emotions being triggered (anger, paranoia, fear, sadness, to name a few), you can polarize seemingly alone by responding to such thoughts and emotions with love and forgiveness towards All (self and perceived other) rather than further negativity (thinking that is wrong, I don't want to think that.) Remove all negative connotations, then the negative gradually fades for the true nature of things. All Is As It Should Be, negative or positive, at this very moment, it is as it should be, needs to be, will be. It can be negative, and even bad, but not wrong.
Similarly to continue the explanation, Service to Others often times may allow Service to Self people to polarize, by manipulating them in a way that they may never notice. A Service to Self oriented person who has a Service to Others oriented friend may find their friendship despite being at odds spiritually, will still allow for polarization.
The two paths aren't separate, some of you know this and make a point to mention the interesting occurrences that each path does mirror each other, almost as if reciprocally.
So thus I come to My Choice. I am of Service to All Others, to the extent I am able to be of Service without jeopardizing myself or others now or in the future.
I see Service to Self people who need love no different from anyone else, who I would willingly let manipulate me here and there to aid them, if they'd accept my service in return without ever manipulating me in a cruel or overtly harmful way. However, I also understand that those people who are of Service to Self aiming for graduation do have to take up some mean ways of interacting with people in order to attain 95%. At those levels, I understand that such ties would need to be severed possibly for their sake if they don't desire to treat you badly (which, honestly, is pretty thoughtful.)
Here's where I might lose some people.
What if instead of severing those ties, I maintained that they have the free will to perform their actions, and that I would accept such action as long as it does not jeopardize myself or others now or in the future, and stick around purposefully allowing them to polarize off of me while they indifferently allow me to do the same thing towards them by being kindly towards them?
If the Service to Self entity does not desire harmful ways to polarize, are they really...Bad? Don't not bad people do bad things? Does that make them overall bad?
Similarly, could someone of Service to Others actually be more selfish than selfless, be...Worse than another who is Service to Self?
Being of Service to All means remembering the Infinite Creator is All. You cannot disservice the Infinite Creator in a sense of absolutely. It is the same responsibility we all have, to attempt to do as we desire (If anyone disagrees with this, I encourage you to please say so and why so I can attempt to adjust my explanation until I have a real viable core concept). To service ones self is to service the creator. To service another is to service the creator. To disservice one's self is still service to the creator. To disservice another is still a service to the creator.
The Polarity aspect is what adds the intention behind it all. Disservice pointlessly is in a sense a less viable service than a disservice that teaches another. A disservice to the self is the same way, it's not as viable if it seems pointless, but is very much a service if it provides teaching or learning.
So with polarity in mind, this could work both ways. On the one end a Service to Self person would still perform what they needed to do to polarize up to 95%, while being indifferent towards a friend who is polarizing positively by being unconditional in their lovingness towards the Service to Self person, as well as allowing them to manipulate to an agreed extent the Service to Others person. So both can polarize off of each other in a harmonious way that allows each to get to graduation. (inb4 the STS entity screws the STO in order to graduate...Though that'd make a great plot point in a book, and could still allow the STO entity to graduate if it forgave the other genuinely.)
It'd be even better if the Service to Self person was able to be friendly towards the Service to Others' person in a way that still allowed them to get something out of it in a polarizing way. An example could be a business owner STS person helping out his STO friend who is in need for whatever reason, and in so doing accrues attention that the STS person can use to further their business to further their goals to further their polarization.
On the flip end, the Service to Others person need simply provide forgiveness and love to their shop owner STS buddy for helping them but only for their benefit. (which is why I say forgive), and in the process has polarized by simply doing so.
Can't there be a third way to graduate, a way for All? A...Better Way for Humanity? That allows us to see all things for what they really are. A chance to be of Service to the Infinite Creator? But more importantly, allows us to treat each other the way we really should consider more often. Aiding endlessly without even meaning to. A set up that leads to automatic harmonious polarization on both ends...
Or maybe this is all just wishful thinking for another Universe in another time. I don't know, but I perceived many, many issues with both Service to Others and Service to Self paths that left me with questions without answers regarding unity and cooperation between entities of opposing Orientation's and how this seemingly odd stalemate could be...efficient without being... Painful or traumatic.
If it sounds viable, or considerable at the least...Could ya'll please provide some feedback, comments or Constructive Criticism?
As a final note: I felt this was more appropriate in the Law of One forum rather than the Olio forum since it's a discussion on the mechanics of the two paths of polarity, and is looking for ways to blend the two together into a Path that considers the whole spectrum rather than one side of the spectrum. (That being STS confined and STO confined mentalities).
I've done a lot of thinking for a while on Polarity. I understand it perfectly enough (for now personally) from a Unity standpoint. The problem is not Polarity in my mind, but how we perceive it. We call it Service to Self and Service to Others.
It's not a mantle to pick up in my mind, even if it can be referred to as such through colloquial metaphor or normal metaphor. Service to Self and Service to others aren't even two sides of the same coin for me. It's the same things, the exact same things with different views added on. The understanding of Service to Self individuals in the Ra Material accidentally paints, by an Service to Self Entity itself, a strongly negative view of how they operate. Similarly it seems there's this biased view of what being Service to Others entails. Polarity belongs to All in the sense of this density. Which I will try to focus solely on, and not the 4th-7th Densities.
Here we make a choice, and here there is no wrong except that which we think is wrong, of which, it is not truly wrong. The only Truly Wrong aspect is Wrong itself. This can't be stressed, and perhaps exceptions exist but considering existence was around before Creation, I'm not entirely sure you can call anything actually truly wrong even if it...Say, disintegrates Creation itself? (Nukes, which Ra even directly says aren't wrong by referring to them as another aspect of the One) But here, in 3D. There is a wrong. And there is a right. It's personal for everyone, and society often times ignores both ends of the spectrum, and also often times doesn't. It just depends on your perspective, and on your view, as in, your view of Reality.
So then we have Service to Self beings who get to know themselves, then react the way they choose to react.
So then we have Service to Others beings who get to know themselves, then react the way they choose to react.
Then there's intermediary actions that both can take that are not actually that different, but closer to being similar in that they're the exact opposites.
One chooses to Love Self and Extend Love
One chooses to Love Self and Extend Control
One chooses to say what is and isn't best.
One chooses to say anything is worthy.
So the true issue arises when these different but same polarities meet. Ra explains how this is resolved in the case of a Service to Self Entity that utilizes Death and Pain against a Service to Others Entity that desires to Love All Unconditionally (technically Carla, Jim, and Don in this case which balances out, as also said by Ra.)
So now we understand the concept of potentially highly dangerous magical entities that can indirectly assault you. This typically is not how it works I think personally, considering the Ra Contact was in itself a highly unusual situation of harmony in itself, it called for highly unusual circumstances to deal with the situation. This case was a being who used underlings, then went in itself.
So now there's the bias out there, it's pretty easy to see such a traumatic occurrence as attempted murder and then immediately identity it with all Service to Self Entities. The same can be said of such horrors perceived by anyone who can link them to a genre or group. Racism exists this way. Sexism does too. So in this case, I think we have a beautifully funny case of Spiritualityism where a group believes erroneously that another similar group is worse than it actually is and has attributes they do not. (Which, Sexism and Racism do too, interesting how that works...)
So then in my mind, it's not about polarity, it's about intention and identity. We're all human. I did a lot of thinking about my choice and polarity and discovered I do legitimately and genuinely care for basically the whole of Humanity and Earth, right down to the horror and madness, but typically find myself too tired to be able to figure out how to handle it all, all the time.
So I want to offer to the people of the Law of One philosophy a conceptual orientation I'm trying to figure out in my head. Service to All, or Service to the Creator. Which might sound redundant or essentially Service to Others oriented, but in a way that tries to understand the fact that service to the creator is not all good and bad, but mostly just endlessly loved regardless of what is offered, or experienced. Which means the horror is all there to teach us how to better love.
So thus I am left with a desire to try and...Fix up, even if just a little, this semantic issue of Service to Others versus Service to Self. I think at the level most of us are at in our incarnations, we will never have to worry about something like an unseen magical entity indirectly trying to murder us for being of Service to Others. I think some of us may experience very keen and prominent greetings, but I also believe and feel that the overall light regarding greetings is incorrectly aimed at blaming something for the greeting through treating it like it's a disservice by trying to thank it in response.
I find if we actually accept greetings as a service (for the sake of clarity, accepting greetings does not mean taking them up and letting them do something like jeopardize you), and view them as coming from ourselves regardless, we are being serviced in a positive light by a negative entity. It has offered us a catalyst, and as entities that have taken up the race, we respond with love which effectively polarizes us, which is neutralized by the not accepting another's service, but only if it is a literal full decline of the catalyst, if the catalyst provided still occurs, service has still been done, and responding will still polarize one in the appropriate manner. And if the service isn't declined, you've polarized. Service was given through a perceived disservice. This is why anyone perceiving greetings of psychic thoughts being planted (thoughts you perceive as not your own) or emotions being triggered (anger, paranoia, fear, sadness, to name a few), you can polarize seemingly alone by responding to such thoughts and emotions with love and forgiveness towards All (self and perceived other) rather than further negativity (thinking that is wrong, I don't want to think that.) Remove all negative connotations, then the negative gradually fades for the true nature of things. All Is As It Should Be, negative or positive, at this very moment, it is as it should be, needs to be, will be. It can be negative, and even bad, but not wrong.
Similarly to continue the explanation, Service to Others often times may allow Service to Self people to polarize, by manipulating them in a way that they may never notice. A Service to Self oriented person who has a Service to Others oriented friend may find their friendship despite being at odds spiritually, will still allow for polarization.
The two paths aren't separate, some of you know this and make a point to mention the interesting occurrences that each path does mirror each other, almost as if reciprocally.
So thus I come to My Choice. I am of Service to All Others, to the extent I am able to be of Service without jeopardizing myself or others now or in the future.
I see Service to Self people who need love no different from anyone else, who I would willingly let manipulate me here and there to aid them, if they'd accept my service in return without ever manipulating me in a cruel or overtly harmful way. However, I also understand that those people who are of Service to Self aiming for graduation do have to take up some mean ways of interacting with people in order to attain 95%. At those levels, I understand that such ties would need to be severed possibly for their sake if they don't desire to treat you badly (which, honestly, is pretty thoughtful.)
Here's where I might lose some people.
What if instead of severing those ties, I maintained that they have the free will to perform their actions, and that I would accept such action as long as it does not jeopardize myself or others now or in the future, and stick around purposefully allowing them to polarize off of me while they indifferently allow me to do the same thing towards them by being kindly towards them?
If the Service to Self entity does not desire harmful ways to polarize, are they really...Bad? Don't not bad people do bad things? Does that make them overall bad?
Similarly, could someone of Service to Others actually be more selfish than selfless, be...Worse than another who is Service to Self?
Being of Service to All means remembering the Infinite Creator is All. You cannot disservice the Infinite Creator in a sense of absolutely. It is the same responsibility we all have, to attempt to do as we desire (If anyone disagrees with this, I encourage you to please say so and why so I can attempt to adjust my explanation until I have a real viable core concept). To service ones self is to service the creator. To service another is to service the creator. To disservice one's self is still service to the creator. To disservice another is still a service to the creator.
The Polarity aspect is what adds the intention behind it all. Disservice pointlessly is in a sense a less viable service than a disservice that teaches another. A disservice to the self is the same way, it's not as viable if it seems pointless, but is very much a service if it provides teaching or learning.
So with polarity in mind, this could work both ways. On the one end a Service to Self person would still perform what they needed to do to polarize up to 95%, while being indifferent towards a friend who is polarizing positively by being unconditional in their lovingness towards the Service to Self person, as well as allowing them to manipulate to an agreed extent the Service to Others person. So both can polarize off of each other in a harmonious way that allows each to get to graduation. (inb4 the STS entity screws the STO in order to graduate...Though that'd make a great plot point in a book, and could still allow the STO entity to graduate if it forgave the other genuinely.)
It'd be even better if the Service to Self person was able to be friendly towards the Service to Others' person in a way that still allowed them to get something out of it in a polarizing way. An example could be a business owner STS person helping out his STO friend who is in need for whatever reason, and in so doing accrues attention that the STS person can use to further their business to further their goals to further their polarization.
On the flip end, the Service to Others person need simply provide forgiveness and love to their shop owner STS buddy for helping them but only for their benefit. (which is why I say forgive), and in the process has polarized by simply doing so.
Can't there be a third way to graduate, a way for All? A...Better Way for Humanity? That allows us to see all things for what they really are. A chance to be of Service to the Infinite Creator? But more importantly, allows us to treat each other the way we really should consider more often. Aiding endlessly without even meaning to. A set up that leads to automatic harmonious polarization on both ends...
Or maybe this is all just wishful thinking for another Universe in another time. I don't know, but I perceived many, many issues with both Service to Others and Service to Self paths that left me with questions without answers regarding unity and cooperation between entities of opposing Orientation's and how this seemingly odd stalemate could be...efficient without being... Painful or traumatic.
If it sounds viable, or considerable at the least...Could ya'll please provide some feedback, comments or Constructive Criticism?
As a final note: I felt this was more appropriate in the Law of One forum rather than the Olio forum since it's a discussion on the mechanics of the two paths of polarity, and is looking for ways to blend the two together into a Path that considers the whole spectrum rather than one side of the spectrum. (That being STS confined and STO confined mentalities).