09-23-2014, 10:28 AM
Being more conceptually-minded than technically minded.....maybe you folks could help me hash out a way to use gravity as propulsion for space craft or any craft, really. I have always just known that is how it is done. I came to me when I learned about how bumble bees don't have sufficient surface area on their wings to fly according to physics. They vibrate as to create 0-point gravity, giving them the ability to hover. It seems like once you attained 0-point gravity it would be a simple step to vibrate to -1 point gravity and blast off as it were. It would be a great breakthrough and we wouldn't have to rape our planet for fossil fuels. Has anyone has every studied the work of Ralph Ring? I think he had it figured out. Anyhoo, I would be so very pleased to hear your thoughts and ideas on this subject!