04-18-2014, 08:01 PM
Hello, my names Eduardo. My story started three years ago. I was in 8th grade(yea I know I'm not old). I assume you have read the Law of One and in the book hey mention the Orion. It mentions how they serve themselves and that all they do is through dominating others. I was headed down that road. Although I was 14 I had gone through enough. Life was hard, my dad had a form of cancer, and my mom had to support the family on her own. Things were never really bad considering she had to take care of us, but inside me a hate grew. I always wondered why bad hints happened to those who hurt no one, such as my father and mother, while other wasted their life away. I'd see kids my age doing drugs having sex, lying, stealing. Cheating and nothing bad ever happened to them. My hate grew intensely I didn't understand why life worked that way. I got into satanism and not that little kid rebel crap. It was never anything like" oh it's so cool not to believe in god", it was a spiritual thing. The satanism I was getting into dealt with all that is mentioned in the Ra material. People talked of healing and having spiritual powers. It amazed me, they spoke of controlling those you hated mentally and destroying them spiritually and that always made me "happy". Well I went down that path for a while then I hit rock bottom. At the moment I didn't realize it because I was blinded by my hate but I was miserable. I was angry all the time, hate was literally all I felt my mother worried about me and seemed help. I ended up going to therapy. I hated he idea of it, I didn't think I needed help I though I was fine. The guys name was Douglas when he first met me we talked of power, of the feeling it brought me. At one point I mentioned the satanism and how I knew of all the spiritual powers those people had. I thought he'd think I was crazy but that's when he spoke of light and love. He started telling me of the densities and the way people reached the fourth. He always said you could go by way of servicing yourself or servicing others. I was obviously choosing self and that was a mistake. For a while we talked on this subject(matter of months) my anger grew smaller with time then he finally told me of the book. By this time I wasn't really mad I was just full of questions. I read the book and it helped a lot. It all made sense I realized light and love were the way things really needed to be. Douglas since I met him always said I had an old soul I wasn't sure what it meant but now I have a better grasp of what me meant. I'm proud to say that all I do now(well most) is to help others, because after the anger and hate left I was left with this empty void that I had no idea what to do with. I had really always been good with people(of my choosing I always avoided those who I hated). I was the funny guy all the time(even when I was mad it was strange because around people my mood always lightened) so I noticed that when I made people happy or smile or laugh it helped. It was a great feeling knowing you could help other so now I do. I'm not saying everything's perfect I love making others feel special but I feel lonely really that's the one thing that has never changed. I feel like I'm lost here, I don't want to say I'm from the fourth density because the truth is I don't know but life's good. It's good to love its good to live. That's it thanks for reading goodbye.