06-23-2013, 01:35 PM
early on in the sessions (session 4 to be exact), Don asks a question regards healing, Ra talks about the disciplines of the mind, the body, and then the spirit. The parts relating to the body is quite brief:
this phraseology is somewhat terse and compact like a zenmaster answer, and so Jim brings it up much later in session 61:
there seems to be a lot to digest here.
at heart, it seems to suggest that man is a social animal, and that the physical complex should be used wisely when it comes to the company of others.
that too much withdrawal (spending all your time in your house, in your room, in front of a screen) maybe unbalanced, and on the flip side, someone who is constantly in the company of friends and family because they 'fear' being alone with themselves maybe an excess of love for the other-self.
there is also the "touching, loving, sexual life" and being in the company of others. (physical presence of others).
I guess there is no 'script' for balanced behaviour here; the "many fantasies and stray thoughts which may be examined in most of your peoples in this balancing process" should offer hints as to where imbalances lie.
one individual might be quite happy with a 'setting' where they can spend time alone, and it does not 'affect' them as much as another individual who spent the same amount of time alone.
my feeling is that in the internet age, there is a tendency towards the withdrawal of the self from the physical presence of others.
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that said, I am not sure I understand fully how Ra describes the excess of love versus the excess of wisdom in the above passages. So I am most welcome to hear your thoughts and experiences on this matter
Quote:"4.17 The second part has to do with the disciplines of the body complexes. In the streamings reaching your planet at this time, these understandings and disciplines have to do with the balance between love and wisdom in the use of the body in its natural functions."
this phraseology is somewhat terse and compact like a zenmaster answer, and so Jim brings it up much later in session 61:
Quote:"61.6 Questioner: I want to ask a few questions Jim had here about the healing exercises. The first is, in the healing exercise concerning the body, what do you mean by the disciplines of the body having to do with the balance between love and wisdom in the use of the body in its natural functions?
Ra: I am Ra. We shall speak more briefly than usual due to this instrument’s use of the transferred energy. We, therefore, request further queries if our reply is not sufficient.
The body complex has natural functions. Many of these have to do with the unmanifested self and are normally not subject to the need for balancing.
There are natural functions which have to do with other-self.
Among these are touching, loving, the sexual life, and those times when the company of another is craved to combat the type of loneliness which is the natural function of the body as opposed to those types of loneliness which are of the mind/emotion complex or of the spirit.
When these natural functions may be observed in the daily life they may be examined in order that the love of self and love of other-self versus the wisdom regarding the use of natural functions may be observed. There are many fantasies and stray thoughts which may be examined in most of your peoples in this balancing process.
Equally to be balanced is the withdrawal from the need for these natural functions with regard to other-self. On the one hand there is an excess of love. It must be determined whether this is love of self or other-self or both. On the other hand there is an over-balance towards wisdom.
It is well to know the body complex so that it is an ally, balanced and ready to be clearly used as a tool, for each bodily function may be used in higher and higher, if you will, complexes of energy with other-self. No matter what the behavior, the important balancing is the understanding of each interaction on this level with other-selves so that whether the balance may be love/wisdom or wisdom/love, the other-self is seen by the self in a balanced configuration and the self is thus freed for further work."
there seems to be a lot to digest here.
at heart, it seems to suggest that man is a social animal, and that the physical complex should be used wisely when it comes to the company of others.
that too much withdrawal (spending all your time in your house, in your room, in front of a screen) maybe unbalanced, and on the flip side, someone who is constantly in the company of friends and family because they 'fear' being alone with themselves maybe an excess of love for the other-self.
there is also the "touching, loving, sexual life" and being in the company of others. (physical presence of others).
I guess there is no 'script' for balanced behaviour here; the "many fantasies and stray thoughts which may be examined in most of your peoples in this balancing process" should offer hints as to where imbalances lie.
one individual might be quite happy with a 'setting' where they can spend time alone, and it does not 'affect' them as much as another individual who spent the same amount of time alone.
my feeling is that in the internet age, there is a tendency towards the withdrawal of the self from the physical presence of others.
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that said, I am not sure I understand fully how Ra describes the excess of love versus the excess of wisdom in the above passages. So I am most welcome to hear your thoughts and experiences on this matter