05-17-2013, 09:32 PM
I started thinking about how the internet makes so much information available to us, yet how much of this information is offered through an emotional lens. The amazing way that we have seen ideas spread through the internet has a significant impact on the way our social mind works. Ideas have the ability to spread like wildfire if they strike a particular chord with a particular culture on the web. Sometimes these ideas are transported on a river of emotional resonance, where people allow the emotional content of an idea flow through them while sharing it with others.
Sometimes, when an idea appeals to an emotional state like that, the resonance is pointing to the emotion rather than to a concept itself. Those who trust their intuition and follow it are pulled in a certain direction. We like some things and dislike others and follow the path that feels best to us.
When this happens, we can sometimes empower an idea with our own emotional resonance with neglect to our analytical side. There's a popular theme of making an emotional appeal while using words such as "Scientists say" or some other appeal from a false authority, citing evidence where there is none. Dots may also be connected which, when observed rationally, may not necessarily make much sense, yet we have connected them to support our previous notions which we "liked."
I think it is important to acknowledge our emotions with faith. I believe that our emotions are one of the greatest gifts we have as conscious beings. They hoist us up to a completely new level of conscious awareness in this universe. It's a completely unique landscape of experience in which we struggle to keep our footing. I also feel that to have complete and whole appreciation for this new landscape of consciousness, we explore and analyze this landscape always searching for truth. Our emotions will attract to us certain ideas or concepts which we can then hold up to the light. It is up to each of us to decide with how much light we wish to examine these things. The more truth sought, the greater the light needed. The ability of an individual to hold this certain amount of light is what allows the truth to become apparent to us in the first place.
Sometimes, when an idea appeals to an emotional state like that, the resonance is pointing to the emotion rather than to a concept itself. Those who trust their intuition and follow it are pulled in a certain direction. We like some things and dislike others and follow the path that feels best to us.
When this happens, we can sometimes empower an idea with our own emotional resonance with neglect to our analytical side. There's a popular theme of making an emotional appeal while using words such as "Scientists say" or some other appeal from a false authority, citing evidence where there is none. Dots may also be connected which, when observed rationally, may not necessarily make much sense, yet we have connected them to support our previous notions which we "liked."
I think it is important to acknowledge our emotions with faith. I believe that our emotions are one of the greatest gifts we have as conscious beings. They hoist us up to a completely new level of conscious awareness in this universe. It's a completely unique landscape of experience in which we struggle to keep our footing. I also feel that to have complete and whole appreciation for this new landscape of consciousness, we explore and analyze this landscape always searching for truth. Our emotions will attract to us certain ideas or concepts which we can then hold up to the light. It is up to each of us to decide with how much light we wish to examine these things. The more truth sought, the greater the light needed. The ability of an individual to hold this certain amount of light is what allows the truth to become apparent to us in the first place.