01-08-2013, 04:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2013, 05:15 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(01-08-2013, 04:13 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: "More enlightened" is a judgment imposed by you upon the material. "Less distorted" cannot even be assumed based on context. "Alternate" would be more accurate. Concepts of ethics are not less enlightened than concepts of existence. They are simply differently oriented.
No. More enlightened means... having more knowledge than before. It is not a judgement between two things. What you have spoken of here is your own judgement that you have projected into my words. If we had started with knowledge about magnetic polarization, and then secondarily moved to the ethical angle.. that would also be "more enlightened."
In the future, I recommend that our discussions would go easier if you refrained from telling me what I think about something, and instead asked me for clarification if it appears to you that I am making some kind of wildly judgmental and/or inaccurate statement.
Quote:Magnetic polarization is an excellent metaphor for this concept. Let us explore it further.
Hallelujah! Praise Jesus and the Saints! Somebody actually wants to explore the concept!

Quote:Assume that the m/b/s complex is composed of a clustering of particles, each of which has a spin, each a polarity.
Yes. And each "particle" is a quantum of identity.
Quote:When the m/b/s complex as a whole is unpolarized, these particles have an apparently random orientation, giving no particularly strong overall polarization. In terms of existence, this generates a weak magnetic field.
Quote:In terms of ethics, this produces alternately motivated actions: Sometimes you are generous, sometimes stingy. Sometimes you are selfless, sometimes selfish. Sometimes you accept, sometimes you control.
Yes. But it also extends beyond the ethical realm. If we limit our discussion to only the ethical realm, we will miss out on other valuable angles.
Quote:In other words, the more powerful magnetic source which can cause further polarization is the inner choice which occurs on a metaphysical level. This is why Christians place such importance upon being "saved." They're talking about this inner change, which cannot be accurately judged by anyone except the m/b/s complex herself.
Yes. But it could be anything. It doesn't matter what the choice is. In the case of Christians, that source might be Jesus. In order to create alignment, that might mean taking the phrase "What would Jesus do?" to heart. Alternatively, a LOO student might align according to "Where is the love in this moment?" Another person might experience alignment around a certain mantra, or meditative focus. And yet another person might experience alignment for what we would consider totally "selfish" or "evil" reasons.
The goal is the alignment of consciousness. That's what causes the polarization.
On the other hand, somebody could be a "good, kind, helpful" person and have little polarization, because they are still not aligned. Perhaps they are kind on the surface, but underneath they are a jealous person. This is why it is fruitful to consider polarization outside of "ethics and activity". Otherwise, we might become confused and think that taking ethical actions will, in and of itself, produce polarization. Otherwise, we could spend our lives "outwardly serving" and then be quite surprised when we croak to find that we have hardly done any work toward spiritual growth. Do you see?
Let's go back to our Christian friends... they could spend their entire lives taking the "right actions" from the standpoint of their religion... they go to Church on Sundays... they give alms to the poor... etc... but it all amounts to nothing if they are just empty actions, and are not aligned with Christ Consciousness.
Quote:But, each particle within the self is unique. Hence, each particle within the self has free will. Thus, even though it is a matter of choice to place oneself in the stronger field of the committed (or "initiated," to use a more specific term) time/space self, there are still further choices to be made. Namely, a choice must be made for every single new particle which comes into alignment with the greater field.
Quote:Even though you are "saved," you still have many, many lessons before you, each one involving a microcosmic experience of the original choice that "saved" you. Furthermore, if you repeatedly choose against the original choice (this becomes especially possible in the case of a person who has only just made the commitment to a path of coherence), you will begin to create a secondary polarity within you which can counteract the effect of the original choice.
Yes, I agree with the principle behind your words here. But I think you are still placing too much emphasis on the "original choice." The idea is that we can only make a "choice" to the degree that we are already polarized.
The more "particles" that are aligned with each other- the more we have access to "free will" and can make a true choice. Fragmented beings don't really have that much free will. One particle is pointed in one direction, and a second particle is pointed in a different direction. As you say, each of the particles has "free will" but the integrated total of all these particles pointing in different directions amounts to nil.
Quote:Our ex-junkie swears she will never let that happen again. She remembers how she used to manipulate people into giving her money when she was a junkie constantly looking for a fix, so she decides she will just import that skill into the workplace. Now she is equipped to avoid the humiliation of being fired. She gets another job and quickly schemes to get dirt on everyone, throw her weight around, and use all her other manipulative tactics in an effort to secure her work life.
Right, exactly. And on and on and on and on. Forever- or until the junkie realizes that, as long as they are framing their recovery in terms of "ethics and activity" they will never acquire enough willpower to actually make a choice that lasts for a meaningful length of time.
If the junkie already had will... if they already had the full power of choice... then they could simply put the heroin down and that would be that. The fact that the junkie is a junkie means they don't have Will (with a capital "W") and Choice (with a capital "C"). If they did, they wouldn't be a junkie. So therefore, our continuing to reinforce the notion that they have "free will" to make the "right choices" is actually working against them.
That's exactly why the first step in the 12 Step Program is to acknowledge that one does not have the will to choose to stop using drugs and alcohol. That what the other 11 steps are designed to do... to empower the junkie/alcoholic to make a choice. As it stands on Step 1... the only "choice" they can make is to abuse substances. That is not a real choice, but rather fate- and a sad one at that.
Quote:Ionic polarization, or separation of the positive from the negative, also occurs within the self. I described two opposed aspects of the self in the example of the junkie earlier. This kind of example illustrates the dynamic movements of the positive and negative within the self. When there is a smooth mixture of positive and negative within the self, there is no coherence whatsoever, no consistency, and nothing indicating a direction to move.
The junkie lacks coherency and consistency because they are attempting to apply the wrong polarization principle to the situation at hand. They are attempting to separate the positive from the negative within their own consciousness, when instead (as you yourself pointed out) they should begin by accepting the totality of the self.
5.2 Wrote:It is not for a being of polarity in the physical consciousness to pick and choose among attributes, thus building the roles that cause blockages and confusions in the already-distorted mind complex.
Do you see? Polarization means a move toward unity, not separation. If we notice that our consciousness is fragmented, and then attempt to separate the "good" from the "bad", we will end up worse than we were before. If we continue this long enough, we might actually crystallize our consciousness in this way... and at that point no further work will be possible in this incarnation.
Quote:Their separation creates the potential for an enormous amount of work, visible in the actions that result from inner conflict, energy poured into rationalizations which are designed to maintain the contradiction, and the ultimate drama which will result when the contradiction is faced head-on. Once this contradiction is resolved, the ex-junkie will be extraordinarily empowered in whichever direction she ultimately chooses, for this experience will inevitably give her an abundance of direct experience in terms of polarizing further.
Yes, the separation creates the potential for work. But it is not the work itself. Rather, the work is to integrate and align these different aspects of themselves, so that they are all moving together in a coordinated fashion.
This will never occur so long as the junkie is judging "this part over here" to be "good" and "that part over there" to be "bad." No. What the junkie must do is find a common aim for all of these parts. Or at least, more of the parts then they did before.
Quote:As always, the Choice happens at every moment, through each individual aspect of your self, each having free will, choosing for itself. When the macrocosmic Choice is made (when you are "saved"), this Choice influences the moment-to-moment choices, but it does not determine them, for free will is always and everywhere preserved.
This is circular reasoning. You have assumed that The Choice is made in the past, and then use that to explain why it cannot be in the future.
A magnet cannot do work until it has become polarized. And the more polarized it becomes, the more work it can do. Would you agree with this statement?
Quote:This is why two 5-D positive wanderers can incarnate on Venus in an effort to increase the harvest and be surprised (and dismayed) to find out that they had polarized negative in that incarnation.
Yes, and for exactly the same reason, a person could dedicate their life to outward service of others... volunteering, working for causes, being a nice and kind person... and then be surprised (and dismayed) to find out that they have hardly polarized at all!