Is this maybe true what the Bible says about the hell? We cant find anything in the Bible about STS, but the hell seems another word for 4th density STS.
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06-19-2012, 07:18 PM
I do not think Hell is that.
It is a low vibrational world, that I am sure of, as is Heaven a high vibrational one. Conceptually, Hell is an eternal place of Fire. Somewhere where primal emotions rule. Rage, pain, intense heat. Something akin to a forgery. I imagine it has a lot to do with lower density archetypes and/or spirits, those that give the foundation for this existence. Not a place where a human chills out for fun, even if peeks might be possible. Heaven is a "counterpart" to that - many channeled sources seem to agree on it and I had this feeling for a few months now that Angels and "Arch"angels are compartmentalizad powers, pure forces of healing and peace. They are the archetypes involved with high frequency acts: we "channel" them when we do kind things, basically : ) I think that the Bible uses these places because they are what represent some kind of border and foundation to our plane of existence, but definitely not something that will await any STO or STS being directly. Hindu tales of other worlds, other mythology's description of higher world are more vivid, more interactive, and seem more livable than places like Hell and Heaven.
06-19-2012, 08:32 PM
If I remember correctly, what we think of Hell and Heaven exist in our 3rd density time/space (in our inner planes).
06-19-2012, 09:19 PM
But what says The Law of One about Hell and heaven?
Quote:90.4 Questioner: Actually, the question I intended was how do they get here? By what means of moving?
06-20-2012, 08:49 AM
(06-19-2012, 07:06 PM)darklight Wrote: Is this maybe true what the Bible says about the hell? We cant find anything in the Bible about STS, but the hell seems another word for 4th density STS. Short answer: No. As Patrick adequately pointed out: heaven/hell would be 3rd density time/space (3D's inner planes). Of course you could call 4D or 5D positive, "heaven," but what people have defined as heaven and hell most properly refer to this planet's 3rd density's inner planes.
06-20-2012, 09:15 AM
Thanks for your explanations.
The only thing why I was thinking that "Hell" and 4th density STS may the same, was because Ra said this: "however, these loci are not satisfactory".
06-20-2012, 10:21 AM
(06-20-2012, 09:15 AM)darklight Wrote: Thanks for your explanations. That seems to be in reference to where those entities are located physically: "An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding..[]..We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you."
06-20-2012, 10:31 AM
This is probably what you are quoting.
Quote:11.12 Questioner: Where are these three entities now? All this means is that the information given by Ra regarding the location in space of this entity is not satisfactory. In the sense that they are in 4d space and we are in 3d space and so we cannot really understand where this location is with our 3d mind.
06-20-2012, 06:41 PM
There is no Bible hell.
Hell doesn't exist in the Bible. No hell, and no everlasting punishment or torture. Go ahead, try and find it. The Church created hell, even though it has no basis in scripture. Hell, and purgatory, and the limbos, and confession, make it easier to frighten people into obedience. I studied this long ago, the date, the Pope, etc. I remember that it had something to do with a Church / State power struggle at the time. But I can't find it and I haven't the energy or time to do it again. I think the thought of eternal agony began at some point in the 2nd or 3rd centuries, and entered Cannon about 5th century. (?) We live in a wise and loving universe. Love, patience, and understanding, reign. Believe this, or not. Use your own free will to create your balance, or your fear.
06-20-2012, 07:55 PM
I agree there is no bible hell.
In one channeling Bashar says how we are unconditionally loved on the other side. It's hard to realize that as we don't feel it with such a thick veil. But I realize that even when I don't choose the high road, I am still very much loved.
06-22-2012, 09:07 AM
Hell is an imaginary place created by the delusions and misinterpretations of the teachings of the Bible.
In the Old testament budding into the New testament, there was a hebrew word, sheol if my memory serves me right, which refers more to the mass grave site where corpses were cast much like a public landfill. It was from this word that the word hell was spawned. As the delusion increased and became more complex judgement and righteousness along with the authority of the Law/Torah, much conjecture and speculation led to the imaginings of a p0;lace where evil doers would be punished. If all that actually broke the law were to be held accountable by that Law, we would all be headed for this hell. We should not allow ourselves to continue to think in mindsets of delusional religious persuasion. we have evolved beyond that.
07-06-2012, 10:25 AM
'Hell' is a percieved separation from God, or being 'cut off'.
Problem is, The Law is One, and God is CREATION, collectively. The closest thing I can understand, relating to the idea of hell, is 'missing the boat' at Havest time, and spending another cycle in Third to make up your mind in terms of polarity.
To amalgamate and provide a little extra context to what Shin'ar and kdsii have said, the only mention of anything close to 'Hell' in the Bible by Jesus is 'Shaol/Sheol' which was a type of holding place in the Jewish religions afterlife structure. I believe it had to do with a resting place for souls who had already lived their lives but were waiting for the return of the messiah and the judgment. In this place Shaol, they are completely separated from everything and anything; it is meant to embody complete isolation. This leads to eventual reunion, but for the time spent in Shaol, a soul is left completely separate from God.
In many ways, this is what I actually understand the concept of Hell to be anyways; a place of no care, no compassion, no love. And what is more tortuous than being alone? Drives a man crazy. Despite this, Hell was a creation of the Catholic church around the turn of the first millennium. Like others have mentioned, it was a way to put imagery to a very deep fear and gain more control over people's MO. Implying STS and Hell being inherently connected is tricky in that the STS is not necessarily a place of great isolation. Like Lucifer here on this sphere, even the most vile and evil deeds can be performed for the greater love and in service rather than spite. Also, I would imagine the higher levels of STS action being the exploitation of people of their own volition; when people sign up with a smile to be taken by you, you are neither alone but you are also not in service to others (unless you really wanna go down the Law of One rabbit hole, as everything will always come back to the same damn thing... ![]()
07-10-2012, 05:16 PM
Hell was the goddess of the pagans in Europe. When people died they were cremated at the time in what was called hells fire...
Hell is nothing more than christian propaganda. Pagan symbols were very popular and could not be removed. So christian theologians chose to incorporate them in their own works and reframe them. The choice is simple: do you want to go to heaven? Or burn in hells fire? The christmas tree, the easter bunny are very blatant examples of this, but so is the whole ascension and ressurection business. You could possibly say there was a christianity for the common believer and that there was one for the insiders. The idea made me think though... There are 4d STS aspects in hell though, in the sense that it's all oriented about the sinners. Go figure, this whole instititution and spiritual organisation set up just for punishment. Who is more important in hell? Satan or the sinner? Who determines what goes on in there?
07-13-2012, 01:33 AM
(07-06-2012, 10:25 AM)kdsii Wrote: The closest thing I can understand, relating to the idea of hell, is 'missing the boat' at Havest time, and spending another cycle in Third to make up your mind in terms of polarity. To be honest, I'm having such a good time here that I wouldn't be upset if I missed the harvest. Life is grand, 3rd density or otherwise. ![]() More to the topic though- I agree Hell is a fiction. That's not to say really bad things can't happen though. I'm thinking of specific situations such as Carla being tricked in to negative T/S and having to backtrack polarities for eons (fortunately did not come to pass), or those of Maldek who Ra said were not contactable for many tens of thousands of years because the "knot of fear" was so tight around them in their time/space. Ultimately though, in the face of infinity, these examples are but transient mile markers on a long, long journey. That's completely opposite the Christian conception of Hell, which is said to be of unending, infinite misery. (What a downer...)
07-13-2012, 03:53 AM
Hell in the bible is the separation from God. Separation is certainly an aspect of a negative density however Hell like Heaven dwells within oneself just as all things. Christianity and by extension concept of Hell doesn't acknowledge that humans themselves are of a divine nature and has all sorts of philosophical problems raised when said that it was created by a benevolent and merciful God. Basically the bible is not the 'best' material for spiritual seeking but your free to do as you wish. 4D negative would be much more centred around the manipulation of others and structuring of hierarchy than the biblical hell. You do not go to 4th density negative simply for not believing in God or doing 'bad' things. The bible is a mish-mash of positive and negative orientated teachings, many of the teachings seem good but really only constrict peoplle's free will by holding onto dualistic notions of 'good and bad' rather than the infinite one of the creator and telling people not to take paths other than the 'good' one. however in the bible you can find grains of gold in the rubble.
As others have said the concept of hell was pretty well fabricated by the church as means of control through fear. The concept of purgatory in Christianity was also created by the church to convert a group of Irish pagans who believed in a thing like the purgatory so the church just incorporated it into the religion to bring these new servers in.
07-14-2012, 05:14 AM
kdsii wrote:
Quote:The closest thing I can understand, relating to the idea of hell, is 'missing the boat' at Havest time, and spending another cycle in Third to make up your mind in terms of polarity. I agree with you. The idea of another 26,000 years of all this separation created and maintained by different religions and races and customs and civilizations, forming misunderstandings and argument and hate and fear, and living under the Beast while we're at it . . . Arghhhh Eric wrote: Quote:To be honest, I'm having such a good time here that I wouldn't be upset if I missed the harvest. Life is grand, 3rd density or otherwise. I'm delighted for you, and I love you. The dichotomy of heaven and hell are right here on this planet in 3D. and Eric wrote: Quote:Ultimately though, in the face of infinity, these examples are but transient mile markers on a long, long journey. That's completely opposite the Christian conception of Hell, which is said to be of unending, infinite misery. (What a downer...) Well said. And thanks Eric, for that magnificent site: Lightseeker wrote: Quote:Christianity and by extension concept of Hell doesn't acknowledge that humans themselves are of a divine nature and has all sorts of philosophical problems raised when said that it was created by a benevolent and merciful God. The Church wanted to deny the spark of That One within each of us, to more easily control. And they began with an illiterate population who totally depended upon the Priests who knew how to read Latin. I've often thought that Jesus may easily have said that he was a child of God. Being a Jew, while speaking to Jews, that would have been a yawn. Calling Jesus the child of God, separated him from us. This is just my thought, but I think changing "a" into "the" has made a very big difference. Jesus preached that we can do as he does, only more and bigger and better.
11-13-2012, 10:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2012, 11:00 PM by XionComrade.)
I think if you were going to get a image of "Hell" from the LOO you wouldn't have to much trouble figuring it out if you stick to the portions dealing directly with STS entities. (As a matter of fact it is easier to get a concept of hell from it than heaven.) That gravity well of love, just pure soul-sucking crushing fear from being in the same room as one. I think Ra put it as "The Eternal Disharmony" that they cherish and sustain.
And remember the goal of the 5th Density STS companion? It wanted to trick Carla into Negative time/space(If that isn't "Hell" then what is?), making her it's slave/adding her to it's own power structure. I think alot of you guys are deliberately skipping over these major parts to try to cover up this "Hell" and sugar coat the Cosmos. You cannot bear the idea that yes there are beings out there that would tear you apart given a moments notice, would sooner kill you than give you the time of day, that inhabit and create places/configurations in the Cosmos so terrible and full of pain and fear we could hardly even fathom it. They generate what the world's most dedicated religious practitioners/mystics(Think saints) have come to understand as "Hell". Go and read stories of the old Saints and Spiritual giants dealing with "Devils" and compare that to what you read in the LLresearch material dealing with STS entities. It...Is....Identical! Down to the dot, even calling on the beings of light to protect them and watching the entity just burn away in agony, I suppose being burned by Love/Light sent out from the protectors. Everything from Holy Water, defensive prayers, exorcisms, devilish temptations, discernment of spirits/testing of spirits, all of it is touched on in very great detail by LLresearch. Everything that such people have experienced and documented for thousands of years, experienced the same by this group. I suppose we should be thankful for the Law of One, the structure of consciousness itself protects us! This stuff, the LOO, LLresearch, Occult, is the science of religion/spirituality. None of this stuff is new people, just the terms are different and the way of viewing the items/subjects more detailed. Far more detailed, far far more efficient. (11-13-2012, 10:54 PM)XionComrade Wrote: ...I think alot of you guys are deliberately skipping over these major parts to try to cover up this "Hell" and sugar coat the Cosmos. You cannot bear the idea that yes there are beings out there that would tear you apart given a moments notice, would sooner kill you than give you the time of day, that inhabit and create places/configurations in the Cosmos so terrible and full of pain and fear we could hardly even fathom it... Oh I really do know what true negative entities are capable of. Still, I have only one reaction to offer them. Ra (67.11) Wrote:...A portion, seemingly of the Creator, rejoices at your choice to question us regarding the evolution of spirit. A seemingly separate portion would wish for multitudinous answers to a great range of queries of a specific nature. Another seemingly separate group of your peoples would wish this correspondence through this instrument to cease, feeling it to be of a negative nature. Upon the many other planes of existence there are those whose every fiber rejoices at your service and those such as the entity of whom you have been speaking which wish only to terminate the life upon the third-density plane of this instrument. All are the Creator. There is one vast panoply of biases and distortions, colors and hues, in an unending pattern. In the case of those with whom you, as entities and as a group, are not in resonance, you wish them love, light, peace, joy, and bid them well...
11-13-2012, 11:18 PM
Oh yes! The only way to deal with a greeting and just walk away, the more fear you feed into them the stronger the greeting gets in my experience, with ridiculous speed to boot. If I am not mistaken that has something to do with Negative Thought form Constructs(Like the MIB) as well, the more fear you show to them the stronger they get, a viscous cycle. Will eventually kill you.
I think the trick is keeping yourself together while something tries to tear you apart.
11-14-2012, 02:01 AM
11-14-2012, 04:06 PM
(11-14-2012, 02:01 AM)zenmaster Wrote:(11-13-2012, 11:18 PM)XionComrade Wrote: I think the trick is keeping yourself together while something tries to tear you apart.No. The trick is to know you are together while you are town apart. Different perspectives of the same thing really. I guess it is also somewhat reassuring to know that these beings are "Doing it for your own good", they sincerely believe they are helping us whenever they interact with us, and they are whether we realize it or not. Kind of a strange thought really. Can't say I would have things any differently, adds a pretty fantastic zing of excitement to the Cosmos. Especially for those who want to polarize STO. Really makes you wonder what it would be like if they did do a mass landing and forced takeover, what kind of technology and methods would they use. How do they behave face to face and all of their ways of going about things seem so utterly fascinating. Just so intense though when in the middle of things with them. I have heard about 20 mile diameter flying saucers from STO, makes you wonder just how insane these technologies get when STS really bring the guns out, who are focused on Power...Bound to have some maddeningly over the top machines/craft in their ploy. As a matter of fact I would say that Over-The-Top is as a general rule of thumb the basic way of going about things for them. Just more reason to lay down the fake material life for the real spiritual one. Reality is always more fantastic than fantasy, basically a law.
Thought creates Form. Given enough 'believers' attuning to the vibrational existence of a Hell directing energy towards the form it is safe to say that a place likened to such probably does exist on one of the lower Astral Planes in a state of quasi-reality.
The Biblical narrative of Hell however is a distortion from the original translation of 'Gehenna' which simply translated to garbage dump in the valley of Hinnom south of Jerusalem. Curious thing is the description of Heaven and Hell in Islam though, being attributed with 7 Gates each, which could correspond to the Energetic Centers of the being, or 7 vibratory densities. Heaven, or 'Jannat' in Islam is described as where anything you can think of will Manifest. Sounds alot like a higher vibratory Astral Realm. All Souls in this Heaven are also 33 years of age, which corresponds to what Bashar mentioned in a session that the residential Spirit Form will revert to once it has transitioned from this mode of existence. In addition to the above, in comparative eschatology one will find both Abrahamic Religions to present the idea of Hell being a disconnection with God at core. You may liken this to a state of self judgment an Entity can impose on themselves through free will, resulting from a state of not being their selves (i.e. of God).
11-14-2012, 07:55 PM
(11-14-2012, 04:51 PM)Horuseus Wrote: Thought creates Form. Or just 4th density in general. Interesting to note that the goal of the Negative entities is separation, extreme individualization.
11-15-2012, 06:16 AM
^ Possible, but the descriptions in the scripture relate to instant manifestation, which is more indicative of the inner planes of 3D.
The coming 'Heaven on Earth' in the Biblical narrative does parallel 4D, though.
11-15-2012, 07:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2012, 07:28 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
The concept of hell never made much sense to me... so lemme get this straight... all the "naughty" and "evil" people go to hell when they die, which is lorded over by the "devil"... who punishes them for their misdeeds? Wouldn't the "devil" be pleased and reward his minions?
Anyway, I tend to envision 4D negative as more of a Camazotz like place from A Wrinkle In Time. A world of extreme conformity and hierarchical command. Quote:Camazotz and IT
11-15-2012, 07:10 PM
Your happy destiny is unavoidable. You cannot not be 'saved'. Even 4D negative is temporary. There is no hell except not knowing this.
11-15-2012, 07:28 PM
I think one of the big misunderstandings about 4D/negative is the notion that entities are taken there against their will. To the contrary, it is exactly the sort of world they hoped and dreamed for while in 3D.
11-15-2012, 08:25 PM
(11-15-2012, 07:28 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I think one of the big misunderstandings about 4D/negative is the notion that entities are taken there against their will. To the contrary, it is exactly the sort of world they hoped and dreamed for while in 3D. Yes, even if their choice is hard to understand for people like me. ![]() |