01-29-2010, 08:27 PM
that sentence is one of the things that really resonated with me when i
came here. Carla has written when talking about wanderers
that " you are loved , you are not alone and you are here on a mission.
man how that resonated with me.
lately ive been feeling very much as though it's not only me living
my life but also others of my social memory complex also. when you look at
it as wanderers we likely come from a density where we are part of an
integral group soul, constantly connected to one another. that connection
didnt end when we came here thats for sure but we tend to forget it.
caught up in the affairs of the day we can often forget that it is not just
us experiiencing our life but also our social memory complex and all souls
in the bible there is a statement " seeing therefore that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses" to me i would say those witnesses include the christ, the buddha , every avatar who has ever walked this earth. without a doubt we have access to them and they to us.
i think that one of the things that causes so much pain here is that sense of aloneness of separation that we feel so much of the time.
when we realize that we truly are not alone that we truly are connected
and we surrender to that mystery and that beauty it is very comforting.
whats that saying " a burden shared is a burden halved"
may all the angels embrace us and may we embrace them and each other and every soul we come in contact with on our journey home


came here. Carla has written when talking about wanderers
that " you are loved , you are not alone and you are here on a mission.
man how that resonated with me.
lately ive been feeling very much as though it's not only me living
my life but also others of my social memory complex also. when you look at
it as wanderers we likely come from a density where we are part of an
integral group soul, constantly connected to one another. that connection
didnt end when we came here thats for sure but we tend to forget it.
caught up in the affairs of the day we can often forget that it is not just
us experiiencing our life but also our social memory complex and all souls
in the bible there is a statement " seeing therefore that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses" to me i would say those witnesses include the christ, the buddha , every avatar who has ever walked this earth. without a doubt we have access to them and they to us.
i think that one of the things that causes so much pain here is that sense of aloneness of separation that we feel so much of the time.
when we realize that we truly are not alone that we truly are connected
and we surrender to that mystery and that beauty it is very comforting.
whats that saying " a burden shared is a burden halved"
may all the angels embrace us and may we embrace them and each other and every soul we come in contact with on our journey home