Of course any negativity is a corruption of that which is true, the light, the positive, all that.
There is free-will within all consciousness, and at this level, human imagination could conjure by the desire to survive the elements with as much pleasure and comfort as possible an idea to shock or awaken people to THE Moment by means of fear and total chaos. I will use 9-11 as the primary example.
After the event, people wanted answers, retaliation, etc. because! (this is important, actually) self-defense, as stated the Ra Material, Book I, is the only reason where one could kill. This is congruent with the nature of self-love, as preserving the self is an act of love and respect for the self, as well as love for others, as you would protect your family as you would yourself.
If the one these people look to is the manufacturer of the event, or is controlled by those who manufactured the event, this would be, in their eyes, an act of service-to-others to acquiesce the people's GENUINE ASKING OF SERVICE. It is, as I'm sure you're fully aware, a manipulated deal. And that is how they polarize and "prosper." Their service-to-others is manufactured, and yet, it is still a service because we experience time linearly. Imagine how many people felt positive feelings of thanks, and debt-repayment when Obama announced Osama bin Laden was killed.
Those feelings count people! And that's their primary argument.
"Without them, that positivity would not have occurred."
However, lol, we see how folly that really is.
They are not necessary. STS fed us a lie to think we needed them to grow. They JUSTIFY that suffering is AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY to learning how to LOVE.
Service-to-others catalyst could have still been around without all this disaster and suffering, blending spirituality with organized religion/dogma. Also in Book I does it say that Telsa's technology was to free us from the constraints of money to pay for energy so that the vast majority of us could use our free-time to ponder our connection with the Universe, and thus, the Law of One. Just like what had occurred to spur the Italian-European Renaissance (Rebirth!). There was plenty of catalyst in bonding together, to respect Mother Earth, nature, and to learn from it. Do you think the Native Americans would not have learned enough to become positively-polarized without the Spaniards/British decimating their people and land?
I really don't think they're a shadow to our light, they're a dung pile smeared across the road for everyone to smell every step of the way.
I'll take them for what they are, because I'm here. I'm here to help.
It's just become plain to me.
We never looked to ourselves to be our own authority. You don't have to look to someone to know that someone with a broken knee won't be running again that year.
To go vegan on you, you don't have to be a scientist to know that an elephant chained to the ground, despite all its fight, will forget any inherent desire to act own its own natural accord. It will succumb to our use, for our amusement, for its survival. Because it has no choice.
That is the nature of STS. If we accept cruelty, it affects us all. And it entraps us in state of illusion.
"Service" to Self, "Service" to All.
Moderator may move thread to Strictly Law of One Material if felt need be.
There is free-will within all consciousness, and at this level, human imagination could conjure by the desire to survive the elements with as much pleasure and comfort as possible an idea to shock or awaken people to THE Moment by means of fear and total chaos. I will use 9-11 as the primary example.
After the event, people wanted answers, retaliation, etc. because! (this is important, actually) self-defense, as stated the Ra Material, Book I, is the only reason where one could kill. This is congruent with the nature of self-love, as preserving the self is an act of love and respect for the self, as well as love for others, as you would protect your family as you would yourself.
If the one these people look to is the manufacturer of the event, or is controlled by those who manufactured the event, this would be, in their eyes, an act of service-to-others to acquiesce the people's GENUINE ASKING OF SERVICE. It is, as I'm sure you're fully aware, a manipulated deal. And that is how they polarize and "prosper." Their service-to-others is manufactured, and yet, it is still a service because we experience time linearly. Imagine how many people felt positive feelings of thanks, and debt-repayment when Obama announced Osama bin Laden was killed.
Those feelings count people! And that's their primary argument.
"Without them, that positivity would not have occurred."
However, lol, we see how folly that really is.
They are not necessary. STS fed us a lie to think we needed them to grow. They JUSTIFY that suffering is AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY to learning how to LOVE.
Service-to-others catalyst could have still been around without all this disaster and suffering, blending spirituality with organized religion/dogma. Also in Book I does it say that Telsa's technology was to free us from the constraints of money to pay for energy so that the vast majority of us could use our free-time to ponder our connection with the Universe, and thus, the Law of One. Just like what had occurred to spur the Italian-European Renaissance (Rebirth!). There was plenty of catalyst in bonding together, to respect Mother Earth, nature, and to learn from it. Do you think the Native Americans would not have learned enough to become positively-polarized without the Spaniards/British decimating their people and land?
I really don't think they're a shadow to our light, they're a dung pile smeared across the road for everyone to smell every step of the way.
I'll take them for what they are, because I'm here. I'm here to help.
It's just become plain to me.
We never looked to ourselves to be our own authority. You don't have to look to someone to know that someone with a broken knee won't be running again that year.
To go vegan on you, you don't have to be a scientist to know that an elephant chained to the ground, despite all its fight, will forget any inherent desire to act own its own natural accord. It will succumb to our use, for our amusement, for its survival. Because it has no choice.
That is the nature of STS. If we accept cruelty, it affects us all. And it entraps us in state of illusion.
"Service" to Self, "Service" to All.
Moderator may move thread to Strictly Law of One Material if felt need be.