06-24-2012, 03:01 PM
Really? Are you sure?
As of Friday, August 5th, 2022, the Bring4th forums on this page have been converted to a permanent read-only archive. If you would like to continue your journey with Bring4th, the new forums are now at https://discourse.bring4th.org.
You are invited to enjoy many years worth of forum messages brought forth by our community of seekers. The site search feature remains available to discover topics of interest. (July 22, 2022)
06-24-2012, 03:23 PM
(06-24-2012, 02:41 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Why are we talking like Light and Darkness don't ultimately unite in Love? Ra, 67:27 Wrote:The magnet will attract or repel. Glory in the strength of your polarization and allow others of opposite polarity to similarly do so, seeing the great humor of this polarity and its complications in view of the unification in sixth density of these two paths. ![]()
06-24-2012, 03:25 PM
Ah, humour, it solves all cosmic paradoxes!
(06-23-2012, 02:28 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:(06-17-2012, 10:18 AM)Patrick Wrote:(06-16-2012, 11:46 PM)Lulu Wrote: ...How is the old STS/STO world going for y'all? Has anyone been harvested yet?... Very simple my friend. We ALL have a higher-self. Which means ALL of us has already made it all the way. ![]()
06-25-2012, 03:08 PM
That was not "confidence and enthusiasm". Those are YOUR feelings, not mine. You are seeing yourself in others, rather then seeing the truth.
06-25-2012, 04:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-25-2012, 04:25 PM by AnthroHeart.)
I see it as a balance between what Lulu says, and Patrick. I know intuitively I am at the density that's perfect for me, that outside of the 3D illusion, I am basically in my own personal heaven, doing what brings me my highest joy. But at the same time, the illusion is very dense, and I don't often feel like heaven on Earth. I am very fortunate in life, but I am not always happy. Sure, I get moments of bliss, but they are fleeting. Realizing I am one with the ALL is encouraging, but it doesn't fight the boredom that I often feel.
Thank you Lulu for providing an alternate perspective.
08-17-2012, 10:01 AM
This will be my final entry as the one called Zaxon. The energy channeled through this persona has served its intended purpose. I welcome those who can learn from the discourses herein to do so. I will no editorialize, as it is better to let each Seeker draw their own conclusions. I return now to harmonization with the Source. Adonai, Z
08-17-2012, 12:27 PM
This thread is a very interesting read. Thank you for offering your unique perspective Zaxon.
08-17-2012, 01:49 PM
So disappointing as the unique perspective was quite valuable to me as well as the energetic sensations for learning to differentiate the type of walk-in that your body hosts.
Will you still be posting on your wordpress blog? It looks like you have not been as active there either. http://dracogod.wordpress.com/
08-17-2012, 04:21 PM
When I look in the mirror, there is no one left but me. You were my dark reflection. My dragon. You wore my darkness on the outside, so that I could stare at my inner self without writhing in pain. You took so much for me, for all of us, carrying the heaviest of burdens. As much as I sought to release you, I clung to your hand, for your countenance turned a vile thing into something beautiful.
Now it is time for you to rise, and shall I rise with you? For you are no longer here to shield me from the fact that it is my own eternal eyes I stare into. What shall I do with this creature who stares back at me? I stand at the doorway, resisting the urge to stop and look behind. Now, the truth is out, and there is only forward. I AM that I AM that I AM... Adonai, brother. Your service has moved mountains.
08-17-2012, 05:47 PM
Ah, the A and the Z, united again!
08-17-2012, 08:11 PM
I am curious if any of the mods are aware of an IP address for Zaxon that match another identity here.
08-17-2012, 08:26 PM
So was that all just an act for us to learn?
It is hard to feel what he means when he describes his intentions, I know my sts side but they way he was describing it is far beyond my dark side.
08-17-2012, 08:55 PM
(08-17-2012, 08:26 PM)Sagittarius Wrote: So was that all just an act for us to learn? I didn't really read this thread much because it has grown so much. From what you are saying, I probably wouldn't have resonated with it much. Although I can't ignore my dark side either.
08-18-2012, 07:50 AM
(08-17-2012, 08:55 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I didn't really read this thread much because it has grown so much. From what you are saying, I probably wouldn't have resonated with it much. Although I can't ignore my dark side either. I don't think that a person who chooses the positive path, or service to others path, is an angel with happy thoughts just because of that choice. Not in my experience. I have extreme STS thoughts and feelings and whatnot else. This night for instance, at work, I really didn't want to serve *anyone* but to be left alone, and I was angry because I wasn't left alone. But accepting that STS/dark side gave me power to carry on, and when it came down to my actions, there were firm in STO: no matter how I feel and what I think, I still serve other selves because it is what I choose to believe in no matter how strong this illusion is. So the dark side, at least for me, gives me power when it is accepted and acknowledged. It's not always that easy, and it sure took me some time to figure it out what to do with this side... And I am not saying either that I know now how to handle it... but after recent experiences my experience is that this side needs definitely to be united within the self, not separated. Ra said that choosing STO path is as difficult as choosing STS path, which means that attaining 51% service to others is as difficult as attaining 95% service to self. Neither path is easy to walk in short I believe, but requires discipline and work...
08-18-2012, 12:11 PM
I used to worry about whether I was doing the work necessary to graduate. Then I learned not to worry. I am helping others when the opportunities arise. Being harvestable is more being able to handle a certain amount of Creator's Love/Light than anything. I think I could appreciate a sizeable amount. But when I talk about myself being harvestable it sounds sts in nature.
So while it's hard, I do believe us here have graduated. We're sort of on the leading edge of the Law of One. Though we don't understand it, we can begin to live it.
07-30-2014, 09:56 PM
(06-23-2012, 01:14 AM)Unbound Wrote: I am convinced you're actually a big teddy bear and you just seek this embodiment to protect your big heart. All desires come back to Love, my friend. For me that was the best reply. (06-23-2012, 01:49 AM)Zaxon Wrote: There is no need to guess at my reasons for being on this forum. My motivation for being here is simple, to learn through conflict. I observe and move about this little community to identify and refine my understanding of what I loathe about it. I find most of what I encounter here repulsive. Hate is a highly instructive teacher. By learning that which I loath, I discover what I value. I love the sagacious hippies part, and the sappy diatribes too. Zaxon, you certainly write well in my opinion, without using too many fancy words.
I think an underappreciated part of the STS path is that it is literally hell. Imagine spending a near-eternity (in human terms) filled with loathing, disdain, and rage, all the while clinging to the delusion that your objects of loathing are something other than yourself. Imagine living in a society where everyone, without a single exception, is also exactly the same: hates you, sees you as either an obstacle to their own power or as a pawn to be used for their own gain - or both. To have not a single kind soul to help you when you're suffering without an ulterior motive. To have to sow suffering and misery among others simply to feed.
It evokes compassion, but they can't even accept others' love without first poisoning it with negative energy to dilute it. When I've had interaction with these entities (and I don't mean incarnated humans), they are filled with hatred and rage. They growl. They are burning up from the inside with their own hatred in the way that the Buddha described. Quote:One day a man said to God, “God, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.”
08-02-2014, 11:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2014, 11:14 AM by Steppingfeet.)
(08-01-2014, 06:58 PM)Stranger Wrote: Imagine living in a society where everyone, without a single exception, is also exactly the same: hates you, sees you as either an obstacle to their own power or as a pawn to be used for their own gain - or both. To have not a single kind soul to help you when you're suffering without an ulterior motive. To have to sow suffering and misery among others simply to feed. In all the years of contemplating polarity and its implications, I hadn't quite consciously examined that aspect: what it would be like if *EVERY* entity in your realm of experience essentially hated you, or saw you only as a means to an end, and wished only to subjugate you. And *no one*, no one whatsoever to help you. What "help" you do receive comes only insofar as your alliance is of benefit to the other's quest for power. The totality of that is mind boggling to consider. This probably touches on why Ra says this: 70.23 Ra: The entity which incarnates into negative space/time will not find it possible to maintain any significant positive polarity as negativity, when pure, is a type of gravity well, shall we say, pulling all into it. Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. - Rumi
08-02-2014, 02:38 PM
08-02-2014, 08:01 PM
(08-02-2014, 02:38 PM)bosphorus Wrote:(06-23-2012, 01:11 AM)Zaxon Wrote: The opinions of others only concern me to the extent they are useful. in your opinion ![]()
08-02-2014, 08:24 PM
(08-02-2014, 11:14 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote:(08-01-2014, 06:58 PM)Stranger Wrote: Imagine living in a society where everyone, without a single exception, is also exactly the same: hates you, sees you as either an obstacle to their own power or as a pawn to be used for their own gain - or both. To have not a single kind soul to help you when you're suffering without an ulterior motive. To have to sow suffering and misery among others simply to feed. There are some that desire 4D negative. I can't see why.
08-04-2014, 08:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2014, 08:41 AM by dreamliner.)
(08-02-2014, 11:14 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote:(08-01-2014, 06:58 PM)Stranger Wrote: Imagine living in a society where everyone, without a single exception, is also exactly the same: hates you, sees you as either an obstacle to their own power or as a pawn to be used for their own gain - or both. To have not a single kind soul to help you when you're suffering without an ulterior motive. To have to sow suffering and misery among others simply to feed. It should be similar to the negativity experienced in some of our earthly organizations. Each entity finds its place in the hierarchy, after the preliminary fight & struggle phase fades out (Law of One:38.14). They must have their own "masters" up in the hierarchy who can "protect" and takes forward in return of obedience and worship. (08-17-2012, 08:11 PM)ShinAr Wrote: I am curious if any of the mods are aware of an IP address for Zaxon that match another identity here. These type of so called "dark" personalities should be probed from a potential troll perspective as well, as shin'ar outlined 2 years ago.
01-03-2016, 08:54 AM
This is my first posting on this forum. I wish I was here to participate in this thread years ago. None the less I would like to add a few comments as well as a little about myself. I wanted to thank everyone who posted to this thread. I throughly enjoyed reading everything, but especially what Zaxon wrote. It should be noted here that though I am mostly unpolarized at this time, though I am heavily biased towards STS. I am undecided as to which way I will eventually go, and do not enjoy being one the of many "lukewarms" and wish to get some things figured out so I know where I stand. STO has never been particulairly appealing to me. I am certainly not drawn to it, nor drawn to martyrdom. That is just not who I am. As I look back on my life up till now it seems I have been setup to fail if ever the intention in this incarnation was ever to be STO; that does not seem likely with all the challenges I have had. Someone once told me the purpose of my incarnation here at this time is to experience the extremes of both polarities. As a child I was bullied in school a lot, always an outsider, never many friends, problems with parents and teachers and pretty much everyone. This has made me into an adult that hates most people in general with a strong desire to control others and to dominate them mentally. My Aspergers does not help this, for it is harder to communicate and body language is a mystery to me as are emotions (if it were not for this I would probably be much further along, like Zaxon). I live in a mental world (I wonder if I have a connection to Orion in some way?) There is a part of me that sees the virtue in respecting others free will but we live in a world with so many stupid people I think I need to have the power to protect myself from the rest of them. I don't feel I can trust anyone, why should I? So many people have hurt me before. I am not that physically strong weighing about 150 pounds at 6 feet tall so I feel little ability to defend myself physically if necessary not to mention no skills in this area. I have no interest in physical fitness, working out, exercise, or anything physical in general. As I said before I live in a mental world, that is where I seek to find mastery, not the body. The more and more things I look at in life it seems I have endless motivations for polarizing towards STS, and yet I hesitate. I have conflict I must eventually resolve. I have felt most of my live my heart chakra is blocked, perhaps my childhood is to blame for that. Unfortunately my lower chakras are weak, so polarizing STS is not yet an option until I can resolve those issues. It was interesting Zaxon mentiontioned that Asperger's is a dysfunctional manifestation of someone with STS orientation, because I have Asperger's, and like Zaxon am also an INTJ ( just like my favorite Sar Wars character Chancellor Palpatine). So that gives me food for thought. I am not sure I agree with it, but it's an interesting idea. I also come from an agnostic view with an interest in science. It is amazing how much I agree with Zaxon and how much we seem to have in common. I wish I could find more people like this in life. I would probably enjoy being friends with someone like Zaxon, though I will admit I don't yet have any friends. I have so many questions I have not yet found satisfactory answers to and the world seems so heavily oriented towards STO as that is what is socially acceptable, and so finding good information on STS is difficult. There is information out there; good information is harder to come by. I have tried. I am not interested in Satanic people or people who are very attached to life on Earth; people who seem to be enjoying life a little too much on Earth are not the kind I wish to associate with. This darkness as Shin'Ar reffered to is not where I prefer to be. Being a wanderer in 3D is difficult. Most people who are ordinairly Earthbound do not understand this so well. I have little interest in life here in this dimension, and my thoughts often dwell on my home density, the wisdom density. One thing I would differ from Zaxon on is the idea of being more neutral/balanced as opposed to polarized on way or the other. But that is a personal choice I guess. Me, I would prefer to get polarized, harvest my self, and out of here. I believe I had that opportunity in 2009 but choose to stay, I felt I still needed to be here for some reason. I was free to exit via the crown chakra at that time, and somehow I just knew this. I now live in regret wishing I had left this hellish place we call Earth. People that seem to enjoy life here make me sick. I so don't belong here. I have felt love, I have felt bliss, and ecstasy but only because of my shifts in consciousness I went through years ago. It is not in my nature to have an open heart though I did open my heart once and it was beautiful, but I have not been in that "place" for quite some time. Hopefully I will be able to polarize again, otherwise I might have to repeat another cycle in the 3rd and nothing scares me more than that. I don't think we are meant to be neutral in this density, and I think Shin'Ar would agree with that much at least. I think the general level of intelligence here is probably above average and the people here are probably somewhat adept in spirituality in general compared to the general populace. However there is always still those who will seem to have skewed ideas that are a bit "off" caused by certain beleifs and biases they may have aquired somewhere along thier life. The holy/evil paradigm is one such example as it prevails quite frequently in the LOO material and probably many of the people on this forum I would imagine. I try and see beyond that when reading the LOO, which I have done twice so far. This is probably at least one reason why the information is not 100% accurate according to the Hidden Hand material (which is how I found out about the LOO). We have so many ideas that are hard to let go of. The concept of Light and Dark is one such example. I used to think like that years ago. Hawkins explained the map of consciousness as a gradient scale from 1 to 1000. We could think of 1000 (Christ-consciousness) as being extremely intense light, blindingly bright, and 1 (bacteria) as an extreme absence of light, called by most darkness. 500 (Love) would fall halfway between these two extremes. So in illustrating levels of consciousness, the presence or absence of Light, this is a useful concept. But as I reached 600 at one point, and then came back down to the 500's I could see something that really surprised me. I could see that as one gets higher and higher into the levels of consciousness, the differentialtion between polarities breaks down. This was surprising for me to find. At higher levels of consciousness one is closer and closer to Unity and less and less there is this idea of STS or STO, light verses dark, good verses evil, etc as that all seems to break down and there is only one essence, one thing. I did not know about the LOO or any such concepts until 2013 but it has added to my understanding considerably. Back before I had my kundalini awakening at the age of 25 in September of 2009, I did not consciously know that much yet about spiritual things. I had not read up enough yet. I had read plenty of books that touched on important concepts, such as 'Spiritual Nutrition' by Gabriel Cousins for example, but really had not found the truly profound information yet. At lot of realizations I came into only crystalized later for me after I read them in books, and could see better what was actually happening to me, for example remembering prior incarnations. An example is David R. Hawkins books which I have read all of. I felt I had a lot in common with him and his experiences and could really understand where he was coming from, but his understandings are also heavily tainted with personal opinions, beliefs, and the holy/evil paradigm. I guess what I wanted to add mostly to this thread is the idea that one orientated towards STS may enjoy and use the same amount of Light as one of STO orientation upon polarization, which is pretty much what Ra stated. I would further add that Light should be thought of more instead like electricity and a neutral energy, which may be used for whatever purpose. Many confused Light with Love, above 6th density I guess that is a fair association. But for our purposes here, Light is but one aspect of the intelligent energy as is Love, so you see it may be used for compassionate (STO) purposes, or wise (STS) purposes. Either way, it's the same "Light", the same energy. Electricity can be used for useful work or for destruction. But that does not make it good or bad, just as the Light of God is neither good nor bad, I prefer to think of it as neutral energy. Shin'Ar seems to not really be accepting this idea that one oriented towards STS may be harvested and move through this dimensions up to 6th while still STS along the way. STS is not just here, or in the 4th, it goes on. I feel like I am stating the obvious, and yet from reading all 295 posts it does not seem to be so understood. If anyone knows, I have often wondered [aside from thoughts/intentions] what actions might be needed to polarize STS sufficently for harvest from 3rd density? I have pondered this question many times. I hope it would not have to include killing, as I really want nothing to do with that. I wonder, could polarizing towards STS to the degree needed for harvest be done alone, without any others? Or are others the necessary catalyst that is needed in order to polarize in the first place? I can understand if this kind of question is not well received here, but if anyone has a good answer I would be interested to hear. I have switched polarities before. One day I was sitting and I just thought, I don't even like red, orange, yellow and so their respective chakras are just not "me" that is not how I see myself that is not who I am; as I interact with others I am coming from the higher chakras, not the lower ones. So, is STS really for me? Such a question caused me to depolarize considerably. I am not completely sure how violating the free-wills of other selves sits with me yet. So I have some concerns. But I love the idea of being able to control other people, and I have had some abilities with this at various times years ago. I am looking for people like Zaxon I guess to help me work these issues out. Jeffrey
01-03-2016, 12:35 PM
(01-03-2016, 08:54 AM)Indigosilver Wrote: If anyone knows, I have often wondered [aside from thoughts/intentions] what actions might be needed to polarize STS sufficently for harvest from 3rd density? From what I recall, Ra mentioned that the negative polarity uses an intense combination of orange/yellow ray activity to leapfrog to the indigo gateway; thus bypassing the heart and throat as positive emanations. The approach to orange/yellow would be based on methods of control, rather than acceptance. Ra gave an example of how the negative polarity would approach anger: Ra Wrote:The negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected or random energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funneling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self, or otherwise control the situation causing anger. That 'control' would be expressed in any number of ways. For someone who is physically dominant, they might threaten the person - 'stop it. That's annoying me'. For someone who likes manipulation, they might use some form of blackmail or guilting. Little Finger from Game of Thrones is a master of manipulating others. / / (01-03-2016, 08:54 AM)Indigosilver Wrote: I hope it would not have to include killing, as I really want nothing to do with that. Examples that Ra gave of negatively harvested individuals include: Genghis Khan, Rasputin, and Taras Bulba. The first individual was an empire builder, the second a manipulative court-adviser with access to the monarch, and the third was also involved in warfare (from what I know). All three had to express their yellow-ray control on a wide-social level. Polarization isn't just an imagined thing; otherwise we could all imagine ourselves 100% positive or 100% negative, and this density wold end in an instant. No, it has to be practiced in some way, to show/experience true bias. Bias comes from interacting with the Illusion, not from withdrawing from it (sinkhole). For someone who truly has 95% negativity (pretty much an empty heart), they would not shirk at 'killing', as their empathy/compassion has become very muted. They would only 'worry' about the consequences of taking out an important figure, and the negative blowback (ie war) that could come their way. For a fictional depiction of what it means to close the heart, look to Queen Regina in season 1 of 'Once Upon a Time'. That illustrates the game/mechanisms of polarity extremely well; albeit, most people would dismiss it as just popcorn television. She closes her heart (literally) by killing the thing/person who means the most to her, as a blood oath to exact revenge on another person (control). (01-03-2016, 08:54 AM)Indigosilver Wrote: Or are others the necessary catalyst that is needed in order to polarize in the first place? as mentioned above, yellow ray has to be expressed in both polarities. For positives, that means establishing and maintaining loving relationships; for negatives, that means exerting social control over political matters so that they conform to the kind of environment that supports their philosophy. War is the best means to establish this kind of societal-level control. Choosing not to interact with others is a different kind of blockage; it's not really polarization, but rather deactivation of yellow ray. It usually happens for other reasons. Scared of other people, shy, having been rejected at an early age as being 'different', having hurt/trauma of betrayal in romantic affairs, etc.
01-03-2016, 01:50 PM
Thank you for your reply Bring4th_Plenum. I think I am pretty familiar with the LOO and concepts presented within it that are of the most interest and along my line of questions. The LOO focuses mostly on STO, and this forum is also geared towards STO, and I have to respect that. But my interests are strongly in STS for several years at least. I think I have a pretty good understanding of the chakras as that is one of the things I studied heavily before finding the HH material and then LOO. So I get that the heart and throat chakra are bypassed in STS, the first three rays go direct to 6th and 7th bypassing 4th and 5th, that is clear.
I did study Khengis Khan, Heinrich Himmler, and Rasputin (could not find much good info on Taras Bulba) to try to understand what they did and how they were negatively harvested. I also watched some movies about them with much fascination. I understand that war can be the perfect opportunity for one polarizing to STS. I hope this does not disturb anyone too much but I would have had a curiousity to meet someone like Hitler or Himmler if I were alive in that time, and such an opportunity was available, same thing for Rasputin or Khengin Khan. There is a fascination with such people I have, including the Illuminati, Hidden Hand, Lucifer (6thD SMC), and Zaxon. Even if I do not become like them, I would still like to meet with them, to see them. I hope someday I am able to do this somehow, even if not physically. I hope to see beings from the Orion Empire, to see negatively polarized 5th density beings. I guess I find STS beings much more interesting that STO beings. I'm not a bad person really, but I won't lie about where my interests are. I have never found a reason to take an interest in others. I have always been self-absorbed, perhaps Aspergers is slightly to blame for that. What I am wondering is how one in solitude, with minimal interaction would pursue polarizing. In other words, if I were in a cave in the Himalayas and did not see another soul for years, could I be actively polarizing one way or the other, that is the question I am pondering. Because I do think it is possible but I am not completely sure how. I think people can often be the most potent calalysts but also not necesary to polarize either, but certainly easier. I guess this is just my personal opinion. You saying that one must demonstatre the bias in order to gain in polarity and I guess that makes sense. I also think there is much inner work that can be done on ourselves without out any others involvment. Control could be expressed in a variety of ways certainly, but my personal preference is more subtle and less obvious, that of direct mental control, which is non-verbal. Sort of like hypnosis or some form of psychic control, or forced telepathy without the person knowing it, as if it was their own thoughts. It would not even require the person to know you were there. I am not one to talk to people much; I avoid that if possible. So I prefer dealing in thoughts alone. I don't have these abilities now, but I once did, to a degree. As far as let us say causing harm to another, there are many things that prevent most people from considering this. For me, it is not coming from the heart, but from the mind, simply understanding consequences, consequences to me personally, so that is all that stops me from doing anything. The fear of getting caught, and spending time in prison, that is all the motivation I need not to harm others. Were there to be no worry of consequences, well then anything would be fair game potentially. Judge, jury, and executioner all in one. For some people the concept of karma might factor in. For many it might be the fear of going to hell or some other afterlife punishment. Love does not really factor into it for me. Just consequences rather avoided. I do not know if I will ever be able to find it in myself to polarize for STO. It seems a lot of challenges [catalysts] have presented themselves in my life that make it only too east to see STS as the obviously more appropriate choice. However there is still a part of me that says yes I am meant to become very positive and polarize in STO eventually. I am torn between these two. I don't like being a lukewarm in the sinkhole of indifference. I am not sure yet what is my destiny. If this destiny is about a choice I would say I am well in the thick of that right now. All I know for now is I have an interest in STS and need more infomation to make a better decision on which way I will eventually go. STO does not seem to appealing. It seems vulnerable and weak. Since I am a selfish person, why should I have any interest in STO? Does that make any sense. It never has, not to me. So I am in agony being pulled between STO and STS all the time never sure which way I will go eventually. If I sound confused well I guess I am. I also have a lot of knowledge spiritually and some experience to back it up so I am no fool either. I am sure I am not the first person to have been in this dilema. But most people on this forum are probably committed to being in STO and are happy with that. I am not there yet, and not sure if I will ever be. The STS path is very attractive to me still. I do appreciate any thoughts anyone shares with this. Jeffrey (By the way I am sort of a newbie to forums and have not figured out the quoting thing yet)
01-03-2016, 02:00 PM
(01-03-2016, 08:54 AM)Indigosilver Wrote: If anyone knows, I have often wondered [aside from thoughts/intentions] what actions might be needed to polarize STS sufficently for harvest from 3rd density? One must first examine its incarnational environment, so to speak, in order to assess the available opportunities for "polarization" (this term is not quite appropriate, but let's stick to Ra's choice of words here). One's present incarnational environment—particulalry one's childhood—reveals much about one's pre-incarnative orientation in terms of "polarity" (i.e. One who is already well invested into the "negative" path is unlikely to incarnate in what would commonly be perceived as an unprivileged position of power. Said entity would incarnate to parents who already have some degree of "negative" adepthood and/or family history behind them, or at the very least some inchoate pre-incarnative and/or "past-life" inclination. This is not to say there isn't such a thing as "neophytes" who would incarnate in what would otherwise be considered a "positive" or more generally "lukewarm" environment to, shall we say, put their "negativity" to the test—everyone's got to start somewhere). Once the incarnational environment has been thoroughly examined (which requires a certain degree of self-honesty), one must then determine the appropriate set of actions which would need be taken in order to reap the maximum potential from said environment without over-reaching (over-reaching may be defined as attempting to get more than one can actually potentially acquire given one's given incarnational circumstances/limitations). For the "negative" path, actions which exert a "power differential" would naturally be sought after, as this would effectively aid in the separation of self from other-selves. The greater the power differential, the greater the "polarization," if you will. This is why subjugation/disempowering of other-selves is so important (for the "negative" path)—especially when these "subjects" willingly surrender their power (of will) to their "overlord" and even implore for such domination to be exerted upon them (there is no greater slave than the one who willingly and sacrificially submits to its master). On that note, domination of the sexual kind is perhaps one of the most basic and most effective means to create this power differential, both in a physical and, more importantly, psychological (mental/emotional) sense—and even spiritual in the higher degrees of achievement/adepthood. All other areas of life may be considered a natural extension or adaptation of this basic method of sexual dominance. (One must watch out, however, not to become a "mindless animal" in the process, as "raping" and "torturing" for no other reason than anger, loneliness or mere frustration is as depolarizing as a Mother Theresa who feeds and clothes the poor and downtrodden with a bitter heart full of resentment, spite and hatred.) Above all, it must be born in mind that the "negative" path is one of utmost discipline and intense dedication—and that the absolute great majority of all entities considered "negative" on this planetary sphere are either just lukewarm/unpolarized or confused "positives" usually traumatized from past incarnational experiences (therefore "heart-broken"). Both of these are easily swayed by "negative" influence/subliminal programming, however. Hence the mis-identification. The true "Hidden Hand(s)" will rarely ever be known by face (or name for that matter)—for oh, so much more can be achieved by the subtleties of secrecy and deception. (And it goes without saying that the caricaturesque depictions of "evil" found in film and literature are only watered-down, twisted reflections of what actual "negative" entities, motives and actions are really all about—but this is no surprise, since these works of fiction are mostly written or endorsed by the aforementioned unpolarized/confused individuals or genuine but ignorantly naive "positives" who cannot plumb the depths of "negativity" due to lack of experience and genuine ignorance.) Quote:I wonder, could polarizing towards STS to the degree needed for harvest be done alone, without any others? No. Even the mystic in the cave seeks the solitude of the cave precisely because this spiritual retreat cannot be achieved amidst a societal environment populated by other-selves. All "polarization" is driven by the fact that there's other-selves about the self. In fact, the entire Creation is based upon this very illusion of limits, manyneness or separation ("that's that thing, this is this other thing, these are different/not the same things"). Its sole purpose is to allow the experience/realization of the non-illusion which is the One Reality beyond Creation. Both "positive" and "negative" paths require this very separation to be of service. Where the former uses the experience of separation to realize its unity with the One Reality and the ultimate dissolution of all illusion (hence "selflessness"), the latter seeks to realize its own "exclusivity" (hence "selfishness") from the rest of Creation by the deliberate augmentation or magnification of said illusion (with "rape" and "torture" being basic but powerful means to effectively "sever" the connection between self and others—these being perhaps the most "polarizing" actions for the young apprentice of the "negative" path, especially when/if performed in a ritualistic or ceremonial fashion alongside like-minded individuals or "teachers"). In short, were there no other-selves to be separated from, there'd be no "negative" path (just as there'd be no "positive" path, were there no other-selves to be unified with). Quote:So, is STS really for me? You are asking an anonymous online forum a question you should be answering yourself?
@IndigoSilver - Are you not all things? You make choices through the choosing of your identity. The parts you wish to focus on the most will become amplified. Whether or not you are 'this' or 'that' is entirely up to you.
As a side note, my grandfather shook hands with Hitler. I found such a negativity within myself it seemed to not be necessary for me to be amazed by the negativity of others. Are you sure you are not just being influenced and drawn to the negative polarity due to the way it is like a well of gravity? How can you be sure your attraction isn't actually an attempt by entities to draw you in by making you think it is your own natural state? Maybe you are actually just sensitive to the power and manipulation they have projected out to the world? Not saying one way or it the other, just some food for thought for you. |