06-11-2012, 12:19 PM
this is rather a personal matter, and is discussed here:
this seems quite fascinating that not only the body may experience an Orgasm, but the mind can too. I assume the spirit joins the party as well, and that the spirit can orgasm.
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Ra uses the word 'integration' a couple of times, so it is all about melding these experiences into a whole, and seeing/experiencing the Unity of the self, as creator being.
Quote:49.2 Questioner: I have a question here from Jim first. He says: “For the past nine years I have had what I call frontal lobes experiences in the pre-conscious state of sleep when I wake up in the morning. They are a combination of pleasure and pressure which begins in the frontal lobes and spreads in pulses through the whole brain and feels like an orgasm in the brain. I have had over 200 of these experiences and often they are accompanied by voices and visions which seldom make much sense to me. What is the source of these frontal lobes experiences?”
Ra: I am Ra. We scan the questioner and find some pertinent information already available which regards the physiological disposition of this particular part of the brain. The experiences described and experienced are those distillations which may be experienced after a concentration of effort upon the opening of the gateway, or indigo, mind complex so that experience of a sacramental, or violet, ray may occur. These experiences are the beginnings of that which, as the body, the mind, and the spirit become integrated at the gateway, or indigo, level, may then yield not only the experience of joy but the comprehension of intelligent infinity which accompanies it. Thus the body complex orgasm and mind complex orgasm becoming integrated may then set forth the proper gateway for the spiritual complex integration and its use as a shuttle for the sacrament of the fully experienced presence of the One Infinite Creator. Thus there is much to which the questioner may look forward.
this seems quite fascinating that not only the body may experience an Orgasm, but the mind can too. I assume the spirit joins the party as well, and that the spirit can orgasm.
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Ra uses the word 'integration' a couple of times, so it is all about melding these experiences into a whole, and seeing/experiencing the Unity of the self, as creator being.
Quote:Thus there is much to which the questioner may look forward.