12-24-2010, 04:53 PM
Hey gang,
I have a deep respect for you all... and especially for your well informed opinions and general open mindedness. I therefore want to bring up a subject that may prove to be quite a large issue in the next decade or so... or not.
I read an enlightening and somewhat disturbing article the other day... here it is: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34509513/ns/health-cancer/
Someone, I think Peregrinus, posted something similar maybe half a year ago. I admit I didn't take it too seriously at that time- it was an interview with one individual, and since I hadn't heard it previously from anyone else I thought it might be a one off thing. But now it seems more and more people are talking about this, and I believe there may be reason to be concerned! (especially living somewhat tech savvy manner, in a fairly tech savvy area (the bay area).
I also however see the wisdom of reasonable skepticism. It seems based on what I'm hearing that skepticism in this case may not be warranted, but I am as of now unsure about that. My end all goal is to, of course, remain as healthy as possible along with my family.
So, wise Bring4th forum member, what do you make of all this? Have you changed anything in your daily life to take precautions against EMFs? Or do you think it's an overblown issue lacking sufficient evidence? I do not wise to promote fear in any way... ultimately everything is as it should be. However if I am able to I will opt for a more healthy incarnation.
And yet I don't want to make a huge fuss out of something that eventually proves harmless (think Y2K).
thanks, and much love, and a merry Christmas too!
I have a deep respect for you all... and especially for your well informed opinions and general open mindedness. I therefore want to bring up a subject that may prove to be quite a large issue in the next decade or so... or not.
I read an enlightening and somewhat disturbing article the other day... here it is: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34509513/ns/health-cancer/
Someone, I think Peregrinus, posted something similar maybe half a year ago. I admit I didn't take it too seriously at that time- it was an interview with one individual, and since I hadn't heard it previously from anyone else I thought it might be a one off thing. But now it seems more and more people are talking about this, and I believe there may be reason to be concerned! (especially living somewhat tech savvy manner, in a fairly tech savvy area (the bay area).
I also however see the wisdom of reasonable skepticism. It seems based on what I'm hearing that skepticism in this case may not be warranted, but I am as of now unsure about that. My end all goal is to, of course, remain as healthy as possible along with my family.
So, wise Bring4th forum member, what do you make of all this? Have you changed anything in your daily life to take precautions against EMFs? Or do you think it's an overblown issue lacking sufficient evidence? I do not wise to promote fear in any way... ultimately everything is as it should be. However if I am able to I will opt for a more healthy incarnation.

thanks, and much love, and a merry Christmas too!