11-25-2010, 09:26 AM
(11-24-2010, 07:16 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:That's almost what I'm saying.. However with one slight change.(11-24-2010, 06:05 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote:(11-24-2010, 03:33 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Awesome, Ali! I think we're finally getting someplace.I am now officially happy
(11-24-2010, 06:05 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote:Quote:I agree with all that. Here's a question for you though: Can the shaman experience the perspective of the apple, and the perspective of the apple tree, as well as the perspective of you, and of me, and of the wolf in the forest, and the forest itself, and all other perspectives, all at the same time?This is a profound question! It reaches deep into the core. And the answer is no.. The shaman cannot be all those things.
But "the essence that was shaman" can become the apple the tree, you and me and the wolf in the forest the forest and all else.. simultaneously. He'll only stop being a shaman he'll then be the collective of those things he could even include his former self but he would then still not still be his former self.
That is the crux of the 'Infinity' debate. I see Infinity as being ALL those things, simultaneously, including ALL, without any reservation or differentiation or limitation.
Thus, the shaman can experience Infinity from different perspectives, infinitely, in all directions, but only Infinity itself is all of that, all the time, simultaneously, and beyond Time.
The shaman shifts from one reality to another, from one perspective to another, even including a glimpse into Timelessness, Infinity itself. But I don't think the shaman can be said to be Infinity, as in, Infinity undifferentiated, undistorted, though the shaman, and all of us, are the essence of Infinity, as in, can access all of Infinity, as Ra indicated (in my understanding). Why? Because you and I still exist as ourselves, while that shaman is out there being a wolf. As along as you and I are here, there is differentiation/distortion.
The difference is in perspective, that of shifting perspectives, vs. all perspectives at the same time. If the shaman was truly Infinity, without distortion, then you and I wouldn't be here to have this conversation. I am not, in this moment, aware of a shaman looking thru my eyes. That doesn't mean he might not do that sometime. But since, at this point in time, I am aware of myself as self, then that means I am something individuated from a shaman who might be experiencing the essence of Oneness or running as a wolf, or whatever. He is accessing the essence of Infinity, but he isn't all of infinity, because I'm still me right now, and I don't feel him. Thus I am a differentiated spark at the moment. Infinity is both me and that shaman, and all else, at the same time and beyond time.
If the shaman adopts your perspective, it will still be you looking out through your eyes. This is that "You cannot see what I see because you see what you see" I keep going on about. That's a cosmic truth. Perspective and identity are the same thing. You cannot change the one without changing the other.
So if the shaman decides to look through your eyes, he'd have to become you first. In other words. That shaman can never look through your eyes, he'd stop being the shaman. But his essence is always looking through your eyes. Just like you're looking through his. So as Ra states, inside of everything there is infinity. Inside the shaman is the intelligent infinity, and this is inside of you as well. And that's how these impossible things are done.
So the shaman very much IS infinite intelligence and our personas exist within him. Just like he exists within that infinite intelligence. This is not a contradiction or paradox. Perspective and holograms allow multiple things to be true at the same time. Two people can look at the same hologram and see different things because their perspective is different. The shaman and you are two individualized portions of the logos observing the same hologram in it's totality. Your perspective makes it seem like you're seeing only a specific part. But you cannot see only a specific part and not all else because all is contained within the tiniest.
This is what saints mean when they tell other people that they (those other people) are gods. It's meant literally. Ra also means this quite literally. As literally and matter of factly as we know him to state things.
This is exactly what Blake meant.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
It's the core teaching of any mystery tradition of past present and I presume future. It's why they're called mystery traditions, no one knew what those hippies were on about... Ironically, even though hardly anyone ever got it upon hearing it most of those traditions held divulging this information to third parties as punishable by death.
Fortunately for me I'm not a member of such a group.