11-12-2017, 04:10 PM
The adage, You Get What You Give is prime.
It just clicked for me so this may be a premature post but it felt too good to pass up.
I have read in NDE's and Michael Newton's LBL Sessions that souls can directly experience the life of another that they hurt. For instance in the LBL session, a person was describing how in the afterlife he and a person he bullied at school in the most previous life were exchanging experiences. He experienced first hand the pain he inflicted on another by throwing rocks at them.
There was an NDE about a...Vietnam veteran if I remember correctly. He was a sharpshooter and had killed many people but one stood out the most, an innocent little girl with no intention other than to give a gift. He misinterpreted her movements as potentially hostile and shot her from a good distance away.
His NDE tunnel was a trench of blood filled with the dead outreaching hands of those he killed trying to hold him back, he saw the light ahead and knew he had to make it there. Along the way he was stunned in horror at that little girl being there.
Both instances show how individual souls can experience their own forms of judgment. The former example was a lighthearted sharing of understanding and experience. Bullying isn't so horrible as to illicit a graphic need to understand, the hell of that experience was simply sharing in the pain inflicted.
It reminds me of the saying, to hurt another is to hurt yourself.
Then there's the latter, his life plan took him through some graphic experiences. He made very heavy choices that greatly weighed upon his conscious, his self judgment was fierce and brutal, he was bathed in the blood of those he murdered, and he had to face every single one of those people if he wanted to move forward, and in the moment he saw that little girl, he experienced the vivid depth of just exactly what he had done, but he was not dragged to hell. He experienced Hell for sure because he created it for himself through his actions in life.
We believe that life and the afterlife are very different, yet they may be so similar that life creates the experiences for the afterlife, and vice versa in a perpetual cause/effect forward motion.
We plan the life in the afterlife, and our actions in that life create what experiences we'll return to work with.
Those whom have spread joy and love will probably bask in bliss going over those experiences in the afterlife.
Those whom have spread pain and misery will probably know that pain and misery in the afterlife.
Such experiences could be means to formulate the identity of heavenly and hellish afterlife's.
It would seem that we create our reality all the way through life into and beyond death.
So when we next plan to exact revenge, or punish someone cruely, or plan to hurt someone.
Try to leave that notion of 'Justice and Judgment' behind. Forgiveness is for the self, to forgive another is to remove you from needing to experience the lessons and catalyst associated with wanting to hurt another.
Heaven and Hell are created for us here on Earth, to be experienced once our incarnation ends.
It is my honest belief that there is no permanent hell, only a purgatory for teaching souls (the hard way) why they should be nice to each other while incarnated. Other than that, the afterlife is heavenly regardless.
We have no need to worry about going to heaven or hell, both are tools awaiting us to be grasped, so as to enlighten us further.
We judge the bad, evil, darkness so much.
We should be wary of this, that we don't experience such self judgment in the afterlife.
Dark is Light. Hell can be a part of Heaven. Eden was a part of Earth.
Learning from bad, evil, dark things, is probably essential in evolving through dualistic reality. Both teach the same lessons just with very different perspectives. Don't hate those horrible experiences, they're there to be transformed into positive experiences, that's the challenge of duality.
Reconciling opposites back to their belonging. So don't worry, or be fearful of going to Hell. Unless you've given yourself a reason to visit, you won't need to go, and even if you did, your visit will not be permanent.
Some souls need that shock value.
Thoughts and Opinions for discussion would be greatly appteciated
It just clicked for me so this may be a premature post but it felt too good to pass up.
I have read in NDE's and Michael Newton's LBL Sessions that souls can directly experience the life of another that they hurt. For instance in the LBL session, a person was describing how in the afterlife he and a person he bullied at school in the most previous life were exchanging experiences. He experienced first hand the pain he inflicted on another by throwing rocks at them.
There was an NDE about a...Vietnam veteran if I remember correctly. He was a sharpshooter and had killed many people but one stood out the most, an innocent little girl with no intention other than to give a gift. He misinterpreted her movements as potentially hostile and shot her from a good distance away.
His NDE tunnel was a trench of blood filled with the dead outreaching hands of those he killed trying to hold him back, he saw the light ahead and knew he had to make it there. Along the way he was stunned in horror at that little girl being there.
Both instances show how individual souls can experience their own forms of judgment. The former example was a lighthearted sharing of understanding and experience. Bullying isn't so horrible as to illicit a graphic need to understand, the hell of that experience was simply sharing in the pain inflicted.
It reminds me of the saying, to hurt another is to hurt yourself.
Then there's the latter, his life plan took him through some graphic experiences. He made very heavy choices that greatly weighed upon his conscious, his self judgment was fierce and brutal, he was bathed in the blood of those he murdered, and he had to face every single one of those people if he wanted to move forward, and in the moment he saw that little girl, he experienced the vivid depth of just exactly what he had done, but he was not dragged to hell. He experienced Hell for sure because he created it for himself through his actions in life.
We believe that life and the afterlife are very different, yet they may be so similar that life creates the experiences for the afterlife, and vice versa in a perpetual cause/effect forward motion.
We plan the life in the afterlife, and our actions in that life create what experiences we'll return to work with.
Those whom have spread joy and love will probably bask in bliss going over those experiences in the afterlife.
Those whom have spread pain and misery will probably know that pain and misery in the afterlife.
Such experiences could be means to formulate the identity of heavenly and hellish afterlife's.
It would seem that we create our reality all the way through life into and beyond death.
So when we next plan to exact revenge, or punish someone cruely, or plan to hurt someone.
Try to leave that notion of 'Justice and Judgment' behind. Forgiveness is for the self, to forgive another is to remove you from needing to experience the lessons and catalyst associated with wanting to hurt another.
Heaven and Hell are created for us here on Earth, to be experienced once our incarnation ends.
It is my honest belief that there is no permanent hell, only a purgatory for teaching souls (the hard way) why they should be nice to each other while incarnated. Other than that, the afterlife is heavenly regardless.
We have no need to worry about going to heaven or hell, both are tools awaiting us to be grasped, so as to enlighten us further.
We judge the bad, evil, darkness so much.
We should be wary of this, that we don't experience such self judgment in the afterlife.
Dark is Light. Hell can be a part of Heaven. Eden was a part of Earth.
Learning from bad, evil, dark things, is probably essential in evolving through dualistic reality. Both teach the same lessons just with very different perspectives. Don't hate those horrible experiences, they're there to be transformed into positive experiences, that's the challenge of duality.
Reconciling opposites back to their belonging. So don't worry, or be fearful of going to Hell. Unless you've given yourself a reason to visit, you won't need to go, and even if you did, your visit will not be permanent.
Some souls need that shock value.
Thoughts and Opinions for discussion would be greatly appteciated