04-02-2017, 11:44 PM
I was trying to figure out today how that would go.
How do you look at someone trying to do you or others harm and see the creator?
When you do see the creator in them how does that impact your actions.
Tonight my husband put on an old favourite movie 5th element.
I was amazed at the main character (played by Bruce Willis) seemed to be totally show casing what it looks like to see the creator in your attacker.
I've never seen that in a movie before. He wasn't cold when fighting off those trying to rob him, or kill him or his friends. He was totally not offended, nor did he show anger or judgement. The theif he kept his gun but complimented his hat. Totally not taking anything personally. It was pretty neat.
He didn't turn into a doormat and let himself be stopped on his mission but it seemed like a pretty good illustration of seeing the creator even in those who wish you harm. Ok short of killing them but it truely did seem necessary to save the universe so justified.
Just thought I'd share incase others are curious.
How do you look at someone trying to do you or others harm and see the creator?
When you do see the creator in them how does that impact your actions.
Tonight my husband put on an old favourite movie 5th element.
I was amazed at the main character (played by Bruce Willis) seemed to be totally show casing what it looks like to see the creator in your attacker.
I've never seen that in a movie before. He wasn't cold when fighting off those trying to rob him, or kill him or his friends. He was totally not offended, nor did he show anger or judgement. The theif he kept his gun but complimented his hat. Totally not taking anything personally. It was pretty neat.
He didn't turn into a doormat and let himself be stopped on his mission but it seemed like a pretty good illustration of seeing the creator even in those who wish you harm. Ok short of killing them but it truely did seem necessary to save the universe so justified.
Just thought I'd share incase others are curious.