05-23-2014, 05:13 PM
I Believe this is a very important point. That is potential itself. Yesterday, I had a deep realization on potential and the present moment. I realized that and put together. That all energy originates from, Love with free will moving across it(learned that from Ra Ty!), and that the present moment was full of both those things. Your free will, The love in you, and surrounding you (aka the illusion or Love/Light). I think this is a very important point. May anyone like to comment or expand? Ty for all the deep and wonderful things I have read from all my other-selves
Light Light Light LIght Light
Light/Love Love Love/Light
Light /Love Love Love/ Light
Light/Love CREATOR Love/Light
Light/Love Love Love/Light
Light Light Light Light Light
So what Im basically saying, is that you with your free will and love, you can generate energy, and through this infinite potentials.
I think this is near, or accurate to why one of the main reasons the present moment, is stressed in a lot of channelings. Ra to stresses the importance of the present moment. I also think it has something to do with the heart mind. When your remembering, and analyzing the intellectual mind is very strong, if you will. If you set yourself in the present moment. Your surrounded by love, and helps get into that love and heart mind. Ra also states that words are more closely related to the conscience portion of your mind, and that concepts were more closely related to the sub-conscience. I believe this is congruent with, what im speaking on here. Also as always, this is hugely in general, and in the infinite creation, there are infinite potentials. So im hoping to get to the essence of this.
Nor do I believe this complete, and only accurate to my own perception.I am but a portion of the creator, and small at that. I just want to start a discussion, and see other-selves points of view.
Light Light Light LIght Light
Light/Love Love Love/Light
Light /Love Love Love/ Light
Light/Love CREATOR Love/Light
Light/Love Love Love/Light
Light Light Light Light Light
So what Im basically saying, is that you with your free will and love, you can generate energy, and through this infinite potentials.
I think this is near, or accurate to why one of the main reasons the present moment, is stressed in a lot of channelings. Ra to stresses the importance of the present moment. I also think it has something to do with the heart mind. When your remembering, and analyzing the intellectual mind is very strong, if you will. If you set yourself in the present moment. Your surrounded by love, and helps get into that love and heart mind. Ra also states that words are more closely related to the conscience portion of your mind, and that concepts were more closely related to the sub-conscience. I believe this is congruent with, what im speaking on here. Also as always, this is hugely in general, and in the infinite creation, there are infinite potentials. So im hoping to get to the essence of this.
Nor do I believe this complete, and only accurate to my own perception.I am but a portion of the creator, and small at that. I just want to start a discussion, and see other-selves points of view.