12-15-2015, 07:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2015, 07:52 AM by deep blue ocean.)
Part one: the exoteric years
Its taken me a long time to get going in the world of spirituality. I was born in 1964, as one of the later entrants of the first wave of indigo's. Having ADD (which runs in families) I was spared a lot of drama by being put up for adoption, an adoption which took place when I was nine months old.
From that point onwards I grew up in a loving family It became clear quite early that I was a strong introvert, a very nerdy one at that. I much preferred books over company.
Around my 16th I came across two influential factors in my life. The first was a classmate of mine who was a Jehovah's witness. He introduced me to the Bible. After a short while I began to see the flaws in his interpretations, but I have continued my interest in the Bible, albeit ever more on the esoteric level.
The second major influence was a book my uncle had. It was the book "extraterrestrial civilisation" by Stefan Denaerde. In this book, allegedly based on real events, the writer describes how a group of ET's called Iargans, described their civilisation to him. It was fascinating to me how a race with relatively minor technological advances over us could still have created a magnificent utopia, totally free of war, poverty or suffering. I saw at once, that this was a recipe that could be applied to humanity.
Later on, of course, these two main lines of inquiry would come together as the truth about our reality began to be visible.
In this same period of time I also took interest in alternative and spiritual matters. I would devour books about things like the Bermuda Triangle and the Philadelphia experiment, but on the other hand I also read the Seth material and similar books.
During my early twenties the slave life began in earnest, and at the same time my interest in spiritual matters began to wane, but it would continue to burn at a low level. Mainly, however, I was struggling through the swamp of despair which was brought about by my (at that time totally unknown) ADD. Even though I eventually managed to graduate law school, after having taken twice the allotted time to do that, I ended up with no career, not much money, no relationships and not the faintest idea why things weren't working.
Part two: the mesoteric years
The worst year ever was early 2008, at which point I finally stumbled upon the answer to the question whatever it was that had been dogging my footsteps. Finding a community of fellow ADDers dramatically changed my life in many different ways.
The forum led me directly to my first significant relationship. It was a long distance relationship. She was a soulmate of many lives with whom I had a very strong karmic connection. She came from an abusive childhood and she had developed schizophrenia. This eventually, after much torment for both of us, led to the end of our relationship in early 2014.
Part three: the esoteric years
In 2013 I found another forum member who introduced me to the work of George Gurdjieff on his Fourth Way. I took to that like a fish to water. It was as if it was all written especially for me. Little did I realise at that point that it mainly appealed to my intellectual predisposition. After making quite significant initial progress, about a year into my studies I got bogged down and lost sight of which direction to take.
In the course of working with the fourth way, I came across the work of the Cassiopaean channelers. They work with sources like the messages from the C's themselves but also with Gurdjieff, Mouravieff, Castaneda and last but definitely not least the Law of One.
Can you imagine my instant recognition when I first stumbled over the term Wanderer?
In the middle part of 2014 I got to know a very special lady, again long distance. She had been studying a great many of the exotic things that I had been, but which neither of us had ever been able to talk about with others. Very quickly, strange things started to happen. She went through a complete Kundalini. Also, as if by magic, every question we asked was pretty much instantly answered. Of course, we now realise this is synchronicity.
As I was communicating intensively with this lady I began undergoing a tremendously fast process of personal transformation. One by one, all my egoic features were brought to light (often dramatically so) and it was like they were instantly vaporised the moment they were discovered.
At one point, when a particularly important feature (neediness and codependency) had been dealt with, I experienced a very strange feeling of freedom. Its like all the time my mind had been subjected to all these fears and needs and wants and drivers. And now it was as if they were all gone.
The sense of freedom was unbelievable. It was also frightening for a moment. For it was like stepping into the void, without the faintest idea where to go and what to do. It was like jumping off a cliff and hoping that you can fly.
Of course, I learned how to fly
All the strange things that were happening prompted us to do more research and we quickly discovered that what we were dealing with was a specific phenomenon called a twin flame relationship. Twin flames are souls, separated from each other before incarnating, who come back together in the flesh only for very specific reasons. The current changes that this world is undergoing are the reason why, at this point in time, many twin flame pairs have chose to co-incarnate. Our energy is part of what is driving the changes.
After a short while my TF started channelling the Arcturians, who have been our close advisors and guides ever since. They have helped us through some tough times already, and they are always at hand to support us.
It is now the time for the next stage in Earth's process of transformation. More and more people will begin to wake up, and they will be blinking their eyes in surprise at the light shining in their eyes. It is for those people that the ones who have travelled that path are there to offer support and advice, wherever that is in agreement with the Law of One.
And now, the journey has brought me here. Straight into the beating heart of the Law of One. I have much yet to learn, but over time I hope to become a decent contributor.
Its taken me a long time to get going in the world of spirituality. I was born in 1964, as one of the later entrants of the first wave of indigo's. Having ADD (which runs in families) I was spared a lot of drama by being put up for adoption, an adoption which took place when I was nine months old.
From that point onwards I grew up in a loving family It became clear quite early that I was a strong introvert, a very nerdy one at that. I much preferred books over company.
Around my 16th I came across two influential factors in my life. The first was a classmate of mine who was a Jehovah's witness. He introduced me to the Bible. After a short while I began to see the flaws in his interpretations, but I have continued my interest in the Bible, albeit ever more on the esoteric level.
The second major influence was a book my uncle had. It was the book "extraterrestrial civilisation" by Stefan Denaerde. In this book, allegedly based on real events, the writer describes how a group of ET's called Iargans, described their civilisation to him. It was fascinating to me how a race with relatively minor technological advances over us could still have created a magnificent utopia, totally free of war, poverty or suffering. I saw at once, that this was a recipe that could be applied to humanity.
Later on, of course, these two main lines of inquiry would come together as the truth about our reality began to be visible.
In this same period of time I also took interest in alternative and spiritual matters. I would devour books about things like the Bermuda Triangle and the Philadelphia experiment, but on the other hand I also read the Seth material and similar books.
During my early twenties the slave life began in earnest, and at the same time my interest in spiritual matters began to wane, but it would continue to burn at a low level. Mainly, however, I was struggling through the swamp of despair which was brought about by my (at that time totally unknown) ADD. Even though I eventually managed to graduate law school, after having taken twice the allotted time to do that, I ended up with no career, not much money, no relationships and not the faintest idea why things weren't working.
Part two: the mesoteric years
The worst year ever was early 2008, at which point I finally stumbled upon the answer to the question whatever it was that had been dogging my footsteps. Finding a community of fellow ADDers dramatically changed my life in many different ways.
The forum led me directly to my first significant relationship. It was a long distance relationship. She was a soulmate of many lives with whom I had a very strong karmic connection. She came from an abusive childhood and she had developed schizophrenia. This eventually, after much torment for both of us, led to the end of our relationship in early 2014.
Part three: the esoteric years
In 2013 I found another forum member who introduced me to the work of George Gurdjieff on his Fourth Way. I took to that like a fish to water. It was as if it was all written especially for me. Little did I realise at that point that it mainly appealed to my intellectual predisposition. After making quite significant initial progress, about a year into my studies I got bogged down and lost sight of which direction to take.
In the course of working with the fourth way, I came across the work of the Cassiopaean channelers. They work with sources like the messages from the C's themselves but also with Gurdjieff, Mouravieff, Castaneda and last but definitely not least the Law of One.
Can you imagine my instant recognition when I first stumbled over the term Wanderer?
In the middle part of 2014 I got to know a very special lady, again long distance. She had been studying a great many of the exotic things that I had been, but which neither of us had ever been able to talk about with others. Very quickly, strange things started to happen. She went through a complete Kundalini. Also, as if by magic, every question we asked was pretty much instantly answered. Of course, we now realise this is synchronicity.
As I was communicating intensively with this lady I began undergoing a tremendously fast process of personal transformation. One by one, all my egoic features were brought to light (often dramatically so) and it was like they were instantly vaporised the moment they were discovered.
At one point, when a particularly important feature (neediness and codependency) had been dealt with, I experienced a very strange feeling of freedom. Its like all the time my mind had been subjected to all these fears and needs and wants and drivers. And now it was as if they were all gone.
The sense of freedom was unbelievable. It was also frightening for a moment. For it was like stepping into the void, without the faintest idea where to go and what to do. It was like jumping off a cliff and hoping that you can fly.
Of course, I learned how to fly

All the strange things that were happening prompted us to do more research and we quickly discovered that what we were dealing with was a specific phenomenon called a twin flame relationship. Twin flames are souls, separated from each other before incarnating, who come back together in the flesh only for very specific reasons. The current changes that this world is undergoing are the reason why, at this point in time, many twin flame pairs have chose to co-incarnate. Our energy is part of what is driving the changes.
After a short while my TF started channelling the Arcturians, who have been our close advisors and guides ever since. They have helped us through some tough times already, and they are always at hand to support us.
It is now the time for the next stage in Earth's process of transformation. More and more people will begin to wake up, and they will be blinking their eyes in surprise at the light shining in their eyes. It is for those people that the ones who have travelled that path are there to offer support and advice, wherever that is in agreement with the Law of One.
And now, the journey has brought me here. Straight into the beating heart of the Law of One. I have much yet to learn, but over time I hope to become a decent contributor.