As many Adepts soon find out, geometry is the real set of tools the universe uses to demonstrate the infinite universe of the octaves. Structured colors and wavelengths, but in other densities it all becomes altered because of the scenarios of times and spaces. Densities are best measured with eights but that doesn't reflect on the potency of consciousness. We cannot entirely determine how many octaves we are really in at the moment. We are glaciers of time melting. The are times where we are entirely conscious and entirely unconscious. How can we measure our consciousness? We are everything, repeating it's self in a pattern that is able to create a time line from the beginning of where we were all one and from the end where we where the most separated, fragmented society of consciousness. How often was our conscious loving or hating? How many stars exist how many black holes? What part did we play? How different was each copy of us? Did most love, or did most hate? This is what makes the dichotomous scales of gravity, through polarity. What did we all agree on? We ultimately make every reality we want as a whole because free will, will do what it wants. But why does it involve pain? What is love? Where is god? We become the people we want to be. Is that god? We never end and we never pretend. The past is only the future with lights on and the future is the shadow of now.
tl;dr How can we have a favourite colour when we are every colour.
tl;dr How can we have a favourite colour when we are every colour.