03-06-2022, 01:56 PM
The Atheist and The Agnostic
The atheist may have never had anything like the preceding experience (going to church, synagogue, etc.). Or happenings in their life has led them to reject anything on the spiritual path because God/Deity has betrayed them somewhere along the way. All that will be said at this juncture is that God/Deity promised nothing other than Free Will and a world full of other people running around using their Free Will. Sounds like a recipe for disaster in many cases.
The other path for an atheist is absolute rejection of anything and everything, regardless of what their senses may indicate about the universe, its origin, or any observations about the complexity and seeming intelligence of everything when considered as a whole. The entire life process is a competition of minds and bodies right to the death (since this is where it all ends in the atheist view).
For the agnostic there are two meanings at the working level. The first meaning is “without knowledge”. This belief is similar to the atheist immediate preceding, except there is no abject rejection of the existence of a God/Deity. The second meaning is akin to the first atheist belief. Stated simply, “there is something” perhaps even a God/Deity, but it is not personal for me – It has no interest in my day-to-day life and is not involved.
Just a personal comment, I was an atheist and an agnostic at two different points in my life. In either scenario I did take comfort in the fact that I was a “good human being”. I found this same “morality” in many of my cohorts on the path of life. It seemed to make me feel good, that I did more than conform to the minimum standards of the law of man. The feeling of humanity, while many times inconvenient to my interest and self-fulfillment, just made me better than others in my mind. Many times it was my excuse for not being as successful as others.
No conclusion here, just a personal observation of myself and many others. Why did I do this? What is the purpose if everything is truly all about me and my satisfaction? Today I basically look at it and say, "I simply did not want to make a Choice." Perhaps I didn't know that there was a Choice to make.
to be continued - NEXT: Cause and Effect – The One Creator and Science
The atheist may have never had anything like the preceding experience (going to church, synagogue, etc.). Or happenings in their life has led them to reject anything on the spiritual path because God/Deity has betrayed them somewhere along the way. All that will be said at this juncture is that God/Deity promised nothing other than Free Will and a world full of other people running around using their Free Will. Sounds like a recipe for disaster in many cases.
The other path for an atheist is absolute rejection of anything and everything, regardless of what their senses may indicate about the universe, its origin, or any observations about the complexity and seeming intelligence of everything when considered as a whole. The entire life process is a competition of minds and bodies right to the death (since this is where it all ends in the atheist view).
For the agnostic there are two meanings at the working level. The first meaning is “without knowledge”. This belief is similar to the atheist immediate preceding, except there is no abject rejection of the existence of a God/Deity. The second meaning is akin to the first atheist belief. Stated simply, “there is something” perhaps even a God/Deity, but it is not personal for me – It has no interest in my day-to-day life and is not involved.
Just a personal comment, I was an atheist and an agnostic at two different points in my life. In either scenario I did take comfort in the fact that I was a “good human being”. I found this same “morality” in many of my cohorts on the path of life. It seemed to make me feel good, that I did more than conform to the minimum standards of the law of man. The feeling of humanity, while many times inconvenient to my interest and self-fulfillment, just made me better than others in my mind. Many times it was my excuse for not being as successful as others.
No conclusion here, just a personal observation of myself and many others. Why did I do this? What is the purpose if everything is truly all about me and my satisfaction? Today I basically look at it and say, "I simply did not want to make a Choice." Perhaps I didn't know that there was a Choice to make.
to be continued - NEXT: Cause and Effect – The One Creator and Science