05-12-2012, 09:15 AM
So, I've been doing a lot of reading about Jesus, Christianity, how the Roman Catholic church came to power, the council of Nicea, exploring both the New Testament and the gospels found at Nag Hamaddi, Aramaic translations of Jesus words, researching just how old the oldest copies of each gospel we have are, any channellings in the LLResearch library that mention Jesus and trying to marry all this stuff into my understand of the Law of One.
I have been focusing so hard on the idea that the Roman Catholic church and Constantine were responsible for choosing only texts that supported a system that allowed them to govern and control the people, whilst destroying all others (which still might be true), I nearly missed what may be a very simple truth.
Was Jesus the VERY FIRST entity to bring 4th density vibrations into our 3rd density? Two readings in particular got me thinking along these lines..
And this.. (I don't know how reliable these channellings are, but the idea was important none the less)
Now in Q'uo and Ra sessions, on more than one occasion I've read that the meaning of the return of Christ is that Jesus himself isn't coming back down to earth, but the Christ CONSCIOUSNESS. Considering how long it takes us to, as a race, evolve spiritually, if you were to "plant the seed" of 4th density vibrations, you'd probably needs a good 2000 odd years for it to spring into fruition.
The idea that Jesus the man was channeling these Christ vibrations into our.. energy grid I guess, for the very first time in our earths history, makes a great deal of sense when you consider the Christian teaching that he "opened to us the kingdom of heaven" - The Kingdom obviously being 4th density earth. Bringing "Christ into our lives" then takes on a new meaning of simply preparing ourselves for 4D, by offering our love and service to others and tuning in as many 4D vibrations as possible. Such a simple idea could be accepted by people of all races and religions.
Also, that he "stopped experiencing the creator and for long periods of time became the Creator experiencing third density", throws a new light on the whole Arianism Vs Nicene debate on the nature of the Holy Trinity. Those poor sod's must have been right confused! Carla actually brings up this mystery later on in the channeling I quoted.
I could go on. There is a great deal I've read and ponded that seems to fall into place when I consider things from this angle. Perhaps in a few days I'll start finding holes in my current theory, or maybe you guys will start finding holes right away. Maybe this has all been considered before and I've just missed the boat!
I have been focusing so hard on the idea that the Roman Catholic church and Constantine were responsible for choosing only texts that supported a system that allowed them to govern and control the people, whilst destroying all others (which still might be true), I nearly missed what may be a very simple truth.
Was Jesus the VERY FIRST entity to bring 4th density vibrations into our 3rd density? Two readings in particular got me thinking along these lines..
Quote:December 14, 1986 Q'uo
The entity Jesus was loved and loved in return, but his mind drove him to be alone, for though too young to have established to his own satisfaction the nature of his being, he had tremendous hunger for wisdom. You would call this entity a child prodigy. The entity taught many, many more things than are written, and could continue teaching for an eternity, yet what has been recorded is typical enough of the teaching’s content in general that we do not choose to take this opportunity to adjust the teachings that are recorded. It is not only that there is some infringement upon free will, although that is part of our caution; we also do not wish to sway those who have not become interested in the Christ to alter their viewpoints.
For above and apart from any writing about the Christ, there is the Christ, and that which this teacher, channel and representative of the Creator called the Holy Spirit, call it what you will. There are many, many avenues in which the Christ speaks to each whenever the inner ear is opened and the ear harks, not listening passively, but leaning forward and truly harking.
The concept of the Christ was this—that intelligent infinity as experienced by the Logos and with the bias of the Logos would enter a third-density experience, not erasing the one known as Jesus’ personality or being, but coming into the closest possible harmony with that being. There needed to be one who wished to sacrifice an incarnation to the ever-increasing pleasure and agony of the Creator, experiencing what this instrument would call the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, for it is the nature of the Christ and the nature of third density that the two, perceiving each other, should react—the third density with a lack of understanding, and the Christ with wonder, joy and sacrifice. Such is the sorrow of your illusion and the joy of sensation and communion.
In the end, Jesus the man became so able to bear both joy and agony that this entity stopped experiencing the Creator and for long periods of time became the Creator experiencing third density. Such is the perfect channeling of love. The achievement of the perfect channeling was the mystery of union between Creator and illusion.
After this bonding, the burden of channeling rather rapidly began to tire the master teacher, Jesus. At the time of the crucifixion, as this instrument calls it, there were almost no tears left, there were no bones unbroken, there was no companionship that had not been betrayed in one form or another. Nevertheless, Jesus the Christ lived well and did not stop the channeling until the breath left the physical vehicle. We witness to this Christ with thanksgiving and joy, not suggesting that any worship or not worship, but celebrating the Creator poured into a channel who could share in full the nature of the Logos, the nature of love, the Creator’s powerful, terrible love.
You ask what Jesus the Christ would think of the way your people celebrate Christmas. My friends, Jesus is very pleased. He is pleased [to see] all that is given and received of love, generosity and cheerfulness. This entity never confused the personal life that he lived with the Christ he channeled and in the end gave way to completely, but always knew the source and called it the Father. Call it what you will. We have no dogma or doctrine, but celebrate love.
And this.. (I don't know how reliable these channellings are, but the idea was important none the less)
channeled by Daphne
August 10, 2002
Wynn: Could you explain the transition that occurred on the planet during the life of Jesus.?
When you speak of transition, do you refer to the physical dimension of the earth of the mineral kingdom or the consciousness of the third dimensional beings on the planet at that time?
Wynn: I think the consciousness
A seed was planted. The seed is now coming to potential fruition. Does this answer your question?
Now in Q'uo and Ra sessions, on more than one occasion I've read that the meaning of the return of Christ is that Jesus himself isn't coming back down to earth, but the Christ CONSCIOUSNESS. Considering how long it takes us to, as a race, evolve spiritually, if you were to "plant the seed" of 4th density vibrations, you'd probably needs a good 2000 odd years for it to spring into fruition.
The idea that Jesus the man was channeling these Christ vibrations into our.. energy grid I guess, for the very first time in our earths history, makes a great deal of sense when you consider the Christian teaching that he "opened to us the kingdom of heaven" - The Kingdom obviously being 4th density earth. Bringing "Christ into our lives" then takes on a new meaning of simply preparing ourselves for 4D, by offering our love and service to others and tuning in as many 4D vibrations as possible. Such a simple idea could be accepted by people of all races and religions.
Also, that he "stopped experiencing the creator and for long periods of time became the Creator experiencing third density", throws a new light on the whole Arianism Vs Nicene debate on the nature of the Holy Trinity. Those poor sod's must have been right confused! Carla actually brings up this mystery later on in the channeling I quoted.
I could go on. There is a great deal I've read and ponded that seems to fall into place when I consider things from this angle. Perhaps in a few days I'll start finding holes in my current theory, or maybe you guys will start finding holes right away. Maybe this has all been considered before and I've just missed the boat!