02-05-2022, 12:55 AM
I will try to keep these teachings in the most direct and undistorted way possible and save all personal thoughts for the end. forgive me in advance for any confusion. And as always take only what resonates with you. Love / light and thank you for your time.
I stumbled across L/L Research when I was 18 and from there It has been a long and lovingly turbulent ride, this is my first post on this forum ever. Though I have lurked in the Daily Quo'te thread constantly, bless Quan's heart. I haven't felt more compelled to join this community than I do now.
As my post title states. I've had a Kundalini awakening. This awakening is also referred to as an 'initiation'. They are the same thing. And I'm sure there are various other vibratory sound complexes to convey this particular event. But I have come to know it simply as when the totality of your entity and energy bodies become attuned to a broader array of universal energies and vibrations. This happens for a number of reasons. In my case, there were many many past severe catalytic events, and several extreme recent ones in my life that finally taught me to fully understand the vibration of unconditional love. It was through this understanding that I was then able to choose the possibility/probability vortex of having an awakening experience. Mine personally was done in a group of 11 people, through various yogic, trance, breathing, and visualization techniques.
My awakening experience itself is best articulated in this statement I pulled from Wikipedia about the active Kundalini awakening approach.
Also Ra describes the phenomenon in its technical function quite well:
Basically Ra is describing the action of 'moving the meeting place of inner nature' as what we know to be doing work with our shadow, or shadow-work. As we do this work we eventually clear enough blockages for the energy which instreams from the southern pole of the MBS complex ( Root Chakra ) to be undistorted enough along its path to seat itself in the heart and be meeted with the instreaming universal or outer energies from the northern pole ( Crown Chakra ). It is my belief that at this point the entity has done the amount of work that is proportionate to their unique experience to then choose to understand and accept unconditional love, begin to penetrate the outer teachings of infinity and its many paradoxes, and have one or several catalysts offered to it which causes them to be initiated, or awoken, if they so choose.
This process is paramount for any entity that seeks but especially the Adept, initiated, White Mage, or one who wishes to do magical work. I understand this because there are those who forcefully move this meeting place along their Chakras before they have cleared their distortions. The understandings of the new energies and vibrations available to the entity will naturally also be distorted and invite the possibility of a range of things, they will be confused. Thing like mental illness and insanity can manifest more easily. I believe that's why its common to read about negative things which may come from one who isn't 'prepared' or 'purified' for a Kundalini awakening, or to have this meeting place of energies somewhere it is distorted.
Now I will attempt to describe my own experience.
To begin with, My life has been transformed. My experience was extremely positive. On one side of the veil, everything appears to be the same, but I assure you it's not, I have become a magical wizard and its just due to the way that understanding unconditional love utterly changed my inner reality. As above so below; To have unconditional love is to also have unconditional faith in love, I have been completely opened up to a whole new world. One that was there, but that I was also blind to because I needed to be. That world is one of love light and infinity in its totality. I know how that entails a lot of things that I will try to indulge in. Its within this broader spectrum of vibrations that I have greater access and grasp about abilities such as Reiki, healing, pranayama, breatharianism, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral projection, remote viewing, synchronicity, direct manifestation A.K.A co-creation, and empathy far more strongly than before. Concepts such as forgiveness are easily seen with and without paradox, infinitely paradoxical. There are plenty not mentioned and really it is an endless ocean to discover for ones self. I'm able to see the direct path to unity and service to others in every moment. from illusion to true creator. Not to mention the infinite array of magical workings which lay out for my choosing. I also find that every working is magical, no matter how small. Every action taken. I understand the truth behind everything through the creator, how it has its reasons and hierarchical structuring stretching from the microcosm to the macrocosm. From physical to metaphysical. Every part of it is infinitely precious and priceless in the way it uniquely serves the creator. ALL things that exist are composed of vibrations which I can read, decipher, copy, send out, and store with a sixth sense. from objects, to emotions, to actions, to concepts, to distortions. At any given moment I can feel infinite love filling all space within my vessel. I feel the intense desire to share this light and love with every other-self I encounter. Its profoundly overwhelming. I never feel alone anymore, at all times I can feel the love and bliss of the creator. I can feel the presence of my guides, I can feel the presence of Ra, the presence of the Arch-Angels. Many of my psychological and emotional distortion complexes such as depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar, ADHD, narcissism and others have been let go of as they are no longer needed.
I'm on the path to becoming a White magician. It's something I chose before I incarnated here. Love and Light to every entity which the vibrations I have embedded in this message touch. I have Ra and L/L Research largely to thank in my seeking. There is infinite gratitude for them as there is for all my other-selves. That is my partial experience and take on Kundalini. Thank you for being apart of my first steps in the new journey i've embarked on. If you have any questions or would like me to correct or clear anything up please feel free to ask me.
I stumbled across L/L Research when I was 18 and from there It has been a long and lovingly turbulent ride, this is my first post on this forum ever. Though I have lurked in the Daily Quo'te thread constantly, bless Quan's heart. I haven't felt more compelled to join this community than I do now.
As my post title states. I've had a Kundalini awakening. This awakening is also referred to as an 'initiation'. They are the same thing. And I'm sure there are various other vibratory sound complexes to convey this particular event. But I have come to know it simply as when the totality of your entity and energy bodies become attuned to a broader array of universal energies and vibrations. This happens for a number of reasons. In my case, there were many many past severe catalytic events, and several extreme recent ones in my life that finally taught me to fully understand the vibration of unconditional love. It was through this understanding that I was then able to choose the possibility/probability vortex of having an awakening experience. Mine personally was done in a group of 11 people, through various yogic, trance, breathing, and visualization techniques.
My awakening experience itself is best articulated in this statement I pulled from Wikipedia about the active Kundalini awakening approach.
Quote:The active approach involves systematic physical exercises and techniques of concentration, visualization, pranayama (breath practice) and meditation under the guidance of a competent teacher.
Also Ra describes the phenomenon in its technical function quite well:
Quote:We have two types of energy. We are attempting then, as entities in any true color of this octave, to move the meeting place of inner and outer natures further and further along or upward along the energy centers. The two methods of approaching this with sensible method are first, the seating within one’s self of those experiences which are attracted to the entity through the south pole. Each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted, and seated within the individual. As the entity grows in self-acceptance and awareness of catalyst the location of the comfortable seating of these experiences will rise to the new true-color entity. The experience, whatever it may be, will be seated in red ray and considered as to its survival content and so forth.
Basically Ra is describing the action of 'moving the meeting place of inner nature' as what we know to be doing work with our shadow, or shadow-work. As we do this work we eventually clear enough blockages for the energy which instreams from the southern pole of the MBS complex ( Root Chakra ) to be undistorted enough along its path to seat itself in the heart and be meeted with the instreaming universal or outer energies from the northern pole ( Crown Chakra ). It is my belief that at this point the entity has done the amount of work that is proportionate to their unique experience to then choose to understand and accept unconditional love, begin to penetrate the outer teachings of infinity and its many paradoxes, and have one or several catalysts offered to it which causes them to be initiated, or awoken, if they so choose.
This process is paramount for any entity that seeks but especially the Adept, initiated, White Mage, or one who wishes to do magical work. I understand this because there are those who forcefully move this meeting place along their Chakras before they have cleared their distortions. The understandings of the new energies and vibrations available to the entity will naturally also be distorted and invite the possibility of a range of things, they will be confused. Thing like mental illness and insanity can manifest more easily. I believe that's why its common to read about negative things which may come from one who isn't 'prepared' or 'purified' for a Kundalini awakening, or to have this meeting place of energies somewhere it is distorted.
Now I will attempt to describe my own experience.
To begin with, My life has been transformed. My experience was extremely positive. On one side of the veil, everything appears to be the same, but I assure you it's not, I have become a magical wizard and its just due to the way that understanding unconditional love utterly changed my inner reality. As above so below; To have unconditional love is to also have unconditional faith in love, I have been completely opened up to a whole new world. One that was there, but that I was also blind to because I needed to be. That world is one of love light and infinity in its totality. I know how that entails a lot of things that I will try to indulge in. Its within this broader spectrum of vibrations that I have greater access and grasp about abilities such as Reiki, healing, pranayama, breatharianism, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral projection, remote viewing, synchronicity, direct manifestation A.K.A co-creation, and empathy far more strongly than before. Concepts such as forgiveness are easily seen with and without paradox, infinitely paradoxical. There are plenty not mentioned and really it is an endless ocean to discover for ones self. I'm able to see the direct path to unity and service to others in every moment. from illusion to true creator. Not to mention the infinite array of magical workings which lay out for my choosing. I also find that every working is magical, no matter how small. Every action taken. I understand the truth behind everything through the creator, how it has its reasons and hierarchical structuring stretching from the microcosm to the macrocosm. From physical to metaphysical. Every part of it is infinitely precious and priceless in the way it uniquely serves the creator. ALL things that exist are composed of vibrations which I can read, decipher, copy, send out, and store with a sixth sense. from objects, to emotions, to actions, to concepts, to distortions. At any given moment I can feel infinite love filling all space within my vessel. I feel the intense desire to share this light and love with every other-self I encounter. Its profoundly overwhelming. I never feel alone anymore, at all times I can feel the love and bliss of the creator. I can feel the presence of my guides, I can feel the presence of Ra, the presence of the Arch-Angels. Many of my psychological and emotional distortion complexes such as depression, anxiety, social anxiety, bipolar, ADHD, narcissism and others have been let go of as they are no longer needed.
I'm on the path to becoming a White magician. It's something I chose before I incarnated here. Love and Light to every entity which the vibrations I have embedded in this message touch. I have Ra and L/L Research largely to thank in my seeking. There is infinite gratitude for them as there is for all my other-selves. That is my partial experience and take on Kundalini. Thank you for being apart of my first steps in the new journey i've embarked on. If you have any questions or would like me to correct or clear anything up please feel free to ask me.