I hope this is the right place to put this, this is basically a compilation of the highlights I made of Living the Law of One 101 - The Choice which I condensed into a short document which I have been reading over regularly when I feel out of balance and like I need a reminder of whats important to me. I really loved this book and the peace it brought me so I'm hoping that maybe someone else will find it useful!
Note, some minor edits were made to improve readability, there are no citations, this isn't meant to be source material but rather something I just wanted to share. If there is anything that maybe needs further editing or info that should 100% be included that I excluded, let me know! Thanks!
Balancing the Energy Body - The Short Version
Light courses through you, not from you. There is no effort to being who you are. There is only the removal of blockage from the passage of light. It is fed infinitely, in an unending supply, by the love and the light of the one Creator. That light is literally sent down into the heart of the Earth, your soles of your feet, into your body system
Consciousness does not wield power Its inspirations come quietly into the asking heart. Emphasis is always on balancing the entire chakra body system.
You will stand for love. You will be an agent of the love of the infinite Creator. When you fall down and make errors, you will pick yourself up and start over. Please do not be discouraged when you fail
What affects the energy body most is the thoughts that one has. A happy heart & a peaceful mind is more helpful to the chakra system than a good diet or exercise.
Give thanks. Taking things for granted kisses them good-bye in terms of the Gameboard.
Consciousness is, in truth, the consciousness of love, for love, and the distortions of love, are all that there is.
Red Ray : Survival, Sexuality , Nature
We are able to clear the red-ray chakra quickly and simply as we acknowledge our sexuality and affirm the appropriateness of our instinct for survival.
Am I OK with being a sexual being? Am I OK with living on planet Earth? If yes and yes, then we can move on.
Orange Ray : Personal Power, Oneness, Relationships, Forgiveness [Fear]
Practicing forgiveness of ourselves and of others with whom we have a relationship helps us to keep our energy bodies clear and lets the energy flow through us up into the heart.
We need to learn to accept ourselves and to treat ourselves with respect. We really need to enjoy being who we are.
A key indeed is to see each entity within a relationship as a flower of an unique beauty which is better beheld than trimmed or plucked. Invoking that remembrance of oneness unblocks the orange-ray center
Fear is what closes the relationship chakra. Forgiveness is the key to clearing orange ray.
Yellow Ray : Self, Family, Formal Relationships (jobs)
The yellow ray is the chakra of our humanity. It is more than our bodies. It is that “I” that is reading these words. It is important that we see ourselves as fully human and that we define our humanity in terms of our hunger for a way to live faithfully and to use our wills to make good ethical choices.
Herein lies a key to family relationships: be creative and proactive in changing the energy by focusing on enlarging the feelings of love that are there. It is a “we” world and we flow with those around us, including them in our little world.
Helpful in keeping us clear in yellow-ray sexuality is patience. Sometimes we need to let things be and let things go. “I am a human being. Help me to become,”
Green Ray : Compassion, Acceptance, Faith, Forgiveness, Love
We need to do three things In order to come into our open hearts. We need to get to know ourselves, even our worst faults. We need to forgive ourselves completely. We need to accept ourselves unconditionally, just as we are. Before we can become more than we are now, we Players need to fall in love with the parts that we see so far.
The heart chakra has two distinct levels. We would call them the outer courtyard of the heart and the inner sanctum of the heart. In order to enter the inner sanctum of your own heart, you must do the work of greeting, understanding, accepting, feeling compassion for, and eventually redeeming every bit of undeveloped light that is a part of yourself.
And in this practice, as we cross that outer courtyard, we need to note each difficult emotion and blocked energy as it arises within us and then bring it into our own heart centers.
If one attempts to work with blocked and negative emotions from the energy center in which they originate, without moving into the heart chakra, there is little chance or opportunity for self-forgiveness. Therefore, while it is very important to assess and evaluate each negative emotion as probably stemming from certain energy centers, it is well to work with these emotions with the model of keeping the energy in flow, moving again and again into the heart chakra and resting in that primary emotion which is called faith.
The doorway to the inner heart can always be blocked by our self-dislike and lack of self-acceptance.
We hold our imperfect selves in our arms and forgive ourselves. It is a back-and-forth flowing of energy, from the lower chakras to the heart and lower centers ever more fully.
It is time to let go of self-judgment concerning our past behavior. We deal with our shadow side in the present tense, day by day.
In order to keep an open heart, we must accept the challenge of seeing people as one with us, no matter what their behavior may be. As Players our goal is to love them unconditionally and without any expectation of return. If our earthly impulse tells us not to forgive, we can call upon our faith to ignore that voice.
One must accept the utter vulnerability of unknowing, of acting as if one were faithful.
The key that opens the door into your own sacred heart is silence,
The Confederation encourages us to see all of our lives as sacred;
The Confederation encourages us to have faith that all is well.
Blue Ray : Communication, Listening, Acceptance & Freedom, Wisdom
The first giving beyond green ray (blue ray) is the giving of acceptance or freedom,
creating this “safe place” for our partners. Take the time to be thoughtful and affectionate and spend the time needed to say things well. For how we say things matters a lot. Remembering to move our focus into our hearts before we open our mouths to speak. Ask: what “my highest, best self” would do
We would encourage careful thought when using words. Any time that a slip from communication to persuasion or wounding is perceived, let there be an honest and immediate effort to clean up the communication and to reestablish communication as a clear and sweet channel of energy between two people.
Our blue-ray chakras are impervious to blockage
Our communication habits tend to reflect our preference for talking over listening. Nothing takes us out of blue-ray communication faster than the desire to impress someone.
We may discover that we are slanting our words in order to persuade or control the other person’s reactions or responses. Caught in these fears and concerns, we stop speaking from blue ray and find ourselves speaking from orange ray or yellow ray instead, or resting in an uncomfortable silence.
If your deepest desire is to learn how to love with wisdom and to know what it is to have compassion while invoking justice, then you move into those energies of acceptance and of justice
As Players, we need to make a point of listening to the other person all the way through his speaking. Practice the skill of listening and of attempting to tailor that which is communicated to the needs of that particular entity. We are listening because we know that we are one at the soul level. We love and respect them as we love and respect ourselves.
Indigo Ray - Safety, Worthiness, Gratitude
Three most common sources of indigo-ray blockage are: judgment, fear and unworthiness.
A lot of our fears are bound up in our wanting to feel safe.
This is the view of the mind of the heart: compassion and affection for the self, just as it is. ... We need, as Players, to accept ourselves as worthwhile just as we are, even though at the same time we are always striving to improve our moves on the Gameboard.
They suggest looking at our thoughts and reactions during our everyday activities. They do not suggest tinkering with these thoughts and reactions. Whatever we are doing and thinking has its own rightness. They do suggest reviewing these thoughts and reactions each evening before going to bed. We ask if that was a balanced thought or feeling, in terms of allowing us to remain within an open heart.
If any catalyst has caused a distortion which closes our heart, even momentarily,
The Player remembers each experience in its original, distorted form. He even emphasizes or revs up the reaction or emotion which he has experienced, so he can experience the feeling again very clearly and consciously.
Then he asks himself what the opposite of this feeling is. He allows himself to become as overwhelmed with the experience of this opposite feeling as he was with the original feeling.
When the evening of the day comes, we have recommended that it is well to examine, as one may, the points which hooked one during the previous day’s experience, either for happiness or for woe. Gaze into the way the mind works when it is triggered. Find those triggers. Name them. Get to know them. Begin accepting yourself for having them. Begin attempting to create for the self a safe place where these things can be looked at for however long they need to stay. In reality, much of getting to know the self is not pushing the self around as much as it is gently sitting around the campfire with all of these different parts of self and allowing each to tell its story.
Be sure, when releasing old pain, to thank it for the learning it has contained. When our minds are focused on gratitude and thanksgiving, our energy body relaxes and the energy flows clearly.
It is your challenge to find ways to open the heart to the present moment and the love therein. You shall fail according to your cruel judgment, again and again. We ask you to know deeply and surely that each mistake, each error, each missed opportunity, is a gift to the infinite One just as much as each moment when you judge yourselves to be, as this instrument would say, on the beam or in the groove. Clumsy or graceful, awkward or flowing, your spirit is utterly beloved.
You may see yourself as a spiritual entity, as a funny, but very, very sweet work of art.
Violet Ray : Protection, Connection to Intelligent Infinity
The violet ray is basically a read-out of our entire energy body. More than anything we do or say, it is an accurate and unbiased report on our present vibrational situation.
Note, some minor edits were made to improve readability, there are no citations, this isn't meant to be source material but rather something I just wanted to share. If there is anything that maybe needs further editing or info that should 100% be included that I excluded, let me know! Thanks!
Balancing the Energy Body - The Short Version
Light courses through you, not from you. There is no effort to being who you are. There is only the removal of blockage from the passage of light. It is fed infinitely, in an unending supply, by the love and the light of the one Creator. That light is literally sent down into the heart of the Earth, your soles of your feet, into your body system
Consciousness does not wield power Its inspirations come quietly into the asking heart. Emphasis is always on balancing the entire chakra body system.
You will stand for love. You will be an agent of the love of the infinite Creator. When you fall down and make errors, you will pick yourself up and start over. Please do not be discouraged when you fail
What affects the energy body most is the thoughts that one has. A happy heart & a peaceful mind is more helpful to the chakra system than a good diet or exercise.
Give thanks. Taking things for granted kisses them good-bye in terms of the Gameboard.
Consciousness is, in truth, the consciousness of love, for love, and the distortions of love, are all that there is.
Red Ray : Survival, Sexuality , Nature
We are able to clear the red-ray chakra quickly and simply as we acknowledge our sexuality and affirm the appropriateness of our instinct for survival.
Am I OK with being a sexual being? Am I OK with living on planet Earth? If yes and yes, then we can move on.
Orange Ray : Personal Power, Oneness, Relationships, Forgiveness [Fear]
Practicing forgiveness of ourselves and of others with whom we have a relationship helps us to keep our energy bodies clear and lets the energy flow through us up into the heart.
We need to learn to accept ourselves and to treat ourselves with respect. We really need to enjoy being who we are.
A key indeed is to see each entity within a relationship as a flower of an unique beauty which is better beheld than trimmed or plucked. Invoking that remembrance of oneness unblocks the orange-ray center
Fear is what closes the relationship chakra. Forgiveness is the key to clearing orange ray.
Yellow Ray : Self, Family, Formal Relationships (jobs)
The yellow ray is the chakra of our humanity. It is more than our bodies. It is that “I” that is reading these words. It is important that we see ourselves as fully human and that we define our humanity in terms of our hunger for a way to live faithfully and to use our wills to make good ethical choices.
Herein lies a key to family relationships: be creative and proactive in changing the energy by focusing on enlarging the feelings of love that are there. It is a “we” world and we flow with those around us, including them in our little world.
Helpful in keeping us clear in yellow-ray sexuality is patience. Sometimes we need to let things be and let things go. “I am a human being. Help me to become,”
Green Ray : Compassion, Acceptance, Faith, Forgiveness, Love
We need to do three things In order to come into our open hearts. We need to get to know ourselves, even our worst faults. We need to forgive ourselves completely. We need to accept ourselves unconditionally, just as we are. Before we can become more than we are now, we Players need to fall in love with the parts that we see so far.
The heart chakra has two distinct levels. We would call them the outer courtyard of the heart and the inner sanctum of the heart. In order to enter the inner sanctum of your own heart, you must do the work of greeting, understanding, accepting, feeling compassion for, and eventually redeeming every bit of undeveloped light that is a part of yourself.
And in this practice, as we cross that outer courtyard, we need to note each difficult emotion and blocked energy as it arises within us and then bring it into our own heart centers.
If one attempts to work with blocked and negative emotions from the energy center in which they originate, without moving into the heart chakra, there is little chance or opportunity for self-forgiveness. Therefore, while it is very important to assess and evaluate each negative emotion as probably stemming from certain energy centers, it is well to work with these emotions with the model of keeping the energy in flow, moving again and again into the heart chakra and resting in that primary emotion which is called faith.
The doorway to the inner heart can always be blocked by our self-dislike and lack of self-acceptance.
We hold our imperfect selves in our arms and forgive ourselves. It is a back-and-forth flowing of energy, from the lower chakras to the heart and lower centers ever more fully.
It is time to let go of self-judgment concerning our past behavior. We deal with our shadow side in the present tense, day by day.
In order to keep an open heart, we must accept the challenge of seeing people as one with us, no matter what their behavior may be. As Players our goal is to love them unconditionally and without any expectation of return. If our earthly impulse tells us not to forgive, we can call upon our faith to ignore that voice.
One must accept the utter vulnerability of unknowing, of acting as if one were faithful.
The key that opens the door into your own sacred heart is silence,
The Confederation encourages us to see all of our lives as sacred;
The Confederation encourages us to have faith that all is well.
Blue Ray : Communication, Listening, Acceptance & Freedom, Wisdom
The first giving beyond green ray (blue ray) is the giving of acceptance or freedom,
creating this “safe place” for our partners. Take the time to be thoughtful and affectionate and spend the time needed to say things well. For how we say things matters a lot. Remembering to move our focus into our hearts before we open our mouths to speak. Ask: what “my highest, best self” would do
We would encourage careful thought when using words. Any time that a slip from communication to persuasion or wounding is perceived, let there be an honest and immediate effort to clean up the communication and to reestablish communication as a clear and sweet channel of energy between two people.
Our blue-ray chakras are impervious to blockage
Our communication habits tend to reflect our preference for talking over listening. Nothing takes us out of blue-ray communication faster than the desire to impress someone.
We may discover that we are slanting our words in order to persuade or control the other person’s reactions or responses. Caught in these fears and concerns, we stop speaking from blue ray and find ourselves speaking from orange ray or yellow ray instead, or resting in an uncomfortable silence.
If your deepest desire is to learn how to love with wisdom and to know what it is to have compassion while invoking justice, then you move into those energies of acceptance and of justice
As Players, we need to make a point of listening to the other person all the way through his speaking. Practice the skill of listening and of attempting to tailor that which is communicated to the needs of that particular entity. We are listening because we know that we are one at the soul level. We love and respect them as we love and respect ourselves.
Indigo Ray - Safety, Worthiness, Gratitude
Three most common sources of indigo-ray blockage are: judgment, fear and unworthiness.
A lot of our fears are bound up in our wanting to feel safe.
This is the view of the mind of the heart: compassion and affection for the self, just as it is. ... We need, as Players, to accept ourselves as worthwhile just as we are, even though at the same time we are always striving to improve our moves on the Gameboard.
They suggest looking at our thoughts and reactions during our everyday activities. They do not suggest tinkering with these thoughts and reactions. Whatever we are doing and thinking has its own rightness. They do suggest reviewing these thoughts and reactions each evening before going to bed. We ask if that was a balanced thought or feeling, in terms of allowing us to remain within an open heart.
If any catalyst has caused a distortion which closes our heart, even momentarily,
The Player remembers each experience in its original, distorted form. He even emphasizes or revs up the reaction or emotion which he has experienced, so he can experience the feeling again very clearly and consciously.
Then he asks himself what the opposite of this feeling is. He allows himself to become as overwhelmed with the experience of this opposite feeling as he was with the original feeling.
When the evening of the day comes, we have recommended that it is well to examine, as one may, the points which hooked one during the previous day’s experience, either for happiness or for woe. Gaze into the way the mind works when it is triggered. Find those triggers. Name them. Get to know them. Begin accepting yourself for having them. Begin attempting to create for the self a safe place where these things can be looked at for however long they need to stay. In reality, much of getting to know the self is not pushing the self around as much as it is gently sitting around the campfire with all of these different parts of self and allowing each to tell its story.
Be sure, when releasing old pain, to thank it for the learning it has contained. When our minds are focused on gratitude and thanksgiving, our energy body relaxes and the energy flows clearly.
It is your challenge to find ways to open the heart to the present moment and the love therein. You shall fail according to your cruel judgment, again and again. We ask you to know deeply and surely that each mistake, each error, each missed opportunity, is a gift to the infinite One just as much as each moment when you judge yourselves to be, as this instrument would say, on the beam or in the groove. Clumsy or graceful, awkward or flowing, your spirit is utterly beloved.
You may see yourself as a spiritual entity, as a funny, but very, very sweet work of art.
Violet Ray : Protection, Connection to Intelligent Infinity
The violet ray is basically a read-out of our entire energy body. More than anything we do or say, it is an accurate and unbiased report on our present vibrational situation.