09-28-2020, 08:05 AM
Very interesting. You can click on the numbers to get to the actual session or hear it to read the context.
It's often confusing reading just single QAs.
I have used crystal technology before such as referenced in the material, but this was before I read these sections.
I wanted to open the discussion for those that have questions about this technology, or who have experiences to share, or just anyone that wants to talk about the current/potential uses of this technology.
Very interesting. You can click on the numbers to get to the actual session or hear it to read the context.
It's often confusing reading just single QAs.
I have used crystal technology before such as referenced in the material, but this was before I read these sections.
I wanted to open the discussion for those that have questions about this technology, or who have experiences to share, or just anyone that wants to talk about the current/potential uses of this technology.