05-18-2016, 02:11 PM
This will be a lengthy post.
There is no limitation to Infinity. Infinity is the very definition of limitlessness: that which is without any distinguishable/measurable features or characteristics (e.g. boundaries, form, size, dimension, volume, mass, duration, etc). Whenever an entity attempts to *imagine* or *visualize" Infinity in any shape or form, they are drawing lines and framing Infinity into a box. Were Infinity measurable, it would not be infinite.
Therefore, it is not a question of being "able" or "unable." It is simply a matter of being undefinable or illimitable (what Greeks called apeiron). This is why it cannot be "known" in any quantifiable/measurable terms (it has no edges, no length or breath or depth, no duration—as illusion-bound entities tend to imagine/portray it). All that can be known/experienced (with the "harvest" of each Creation) is the realization of infinitude/limitlessness, which is an un-graspable concept in and of itself. Hence, the eventual dissolution into Infinity. It is essentially the transcendental realization that there is nothing to be known, and that this "no-thing-ness" is all there ever was/is/shall be, unborn and undying, totally changeless, with no additions, subtractions, divisions or multiplications, but perfectly whole, absolute.
However, this realization (and here's the important point) can only be had through contrast. And the only possible contrast to Infinity is non-infinity or limits. In effect, to give Infinity that which it does not have: shape, size, borders, edges, volume, measure, differentiation into multiplicity or "manyness." In other words, the Illusion of Limits (thus you see finely differentiated galaxies, suns, planets, atoms, molecules, and so on, that are no longer "the same" undifferentiated One/Infinity). Granted, being the product of Infinity, Creation may be regarded as no less that equally infinite in its own right. However, bear in mind that whilst Creation(s) begins and ends, the Creator does not, never did, never will. Therein lies the difference: limits, boundaries, form, space, duration VS non.
Were it not for this contrast, Infinity would remain totally unknown/unknowable to itself (poor example: how can something very, very large know its size if it didn't compare itself to something very, very small?). Infinity's own infinitude/limitlessness is therefore experienced/realized through Creation (the Illusion of Limits) as that-which-is-NOT defines That-Which-Is (which is also why experiments such as the 3D "veil" seek to push the limits, as it were, by attempting to create/allow further contrasting between That-Which-Is and that-which-is-NOT). Indeed, this is what lends to the "Glory" of the One Infinite Creator (e.g. the illusion-bound entity observes/explores the Universe, which is evidently "infinitely larger" than its puny little self—this differential then creates an indescribable sense of awe/wonderment and the illusion-bound entity *begins* to get a "taste" of what Infinity means/implies—the Creator thus knowing/realizing Itself in the process).
Another (admittedly poor) example is this: if "sweet" is the only taste, how can it ever be known unless "salty" (or "bitter" or whatever) is created? It is this very exercise of putting a "cap" on Infinity and then removing it (density through density, culminating with 7D "harvest) that allows the experience of the ultimate "high" or "rapture": undescribable bliss, overwhelming joy and pure, uninterrupted ecstasy at the realization of such "beginningless endlessness"—the dissolution into totally timeless, spaceless, changeless existence or Infinity at rest.
None of which would be possible without the Illusion of Limits. Hence, the "why" to Creation and the beauty the Gand Illusion. And why this whole process is infinitely free to continue indefinitely forever: because Infinity is illimitable and irreducible.
It may not make a lot of sense, but words can only go so far (and this is only "veiled" 3rd density) and I cannot describe it further in any more meaningful ways.
The verb "becoming" indicates a temporal measurement, which is limiting Infinity to the passage of time, when Infinity is, in fact, totally without time (or space, for that matter). Absolute is therefore a more apt term. Absolute in the sense of unrestricted, complete, perfect, not relative to "something else" and ultimately free (from limits). Latin etymology.
As with the great majority of channeled sources, they speak in metaphorical, figurative, poetical terms relative to the perceptual/cognitive limitations of the entity in question. Accuracy or technicality doesn't really matter to most ETs (especially 4D ones—let alone discarnate 3D talkers) when communicating to a 3D audience. What they wish to impress is awe/wonderment, and giving out "cosmic sermonettes" (as Hatonn, Laitos, Oxal and company tend to do so gratuitously) seems to be the most effective way to achieve this. In other words, they tend to appeal to "emotion" rather than "intellect" (not unlike how politicians/salesmen override or bypass intellectual considerations by stirring up the emotional complex—psychology 101). The reasoning being: "Hey, if brings entities closer to harvest... let's go for it!" (They have plenty of time for intellectual learnings later.)
To be fair, however, from the perspective of the illusion-bound entity (including 4D, 5D and I presume 6D to some more limited extent), Infinity may indeed seem to be "growing" or "expanding" in some sense. However, Infinity cannot in truth increase for the very same reason that it cannot in any way whatsoever diminish. Otherwise Infinity would not be, well, infinite. If Infinity could "grow" or "expand" then it would likewise mean that it had a "birth" and would likewise "perish" at some point.
However, Infinity is deathless precisely because it never had a beginning (therefore, it cannot have a continuation of duration). It is totally without the passage of time (or space). This is difficult enough to grasp for an illusion-bound entity who can only measure things across illusory concepts of space and time. Infinity is an abstract concept. Thus, it cannot "grow" or "expand" anymore than it can shrink.
What is free to grow and expand, however, is the concept of Creation from Infinity to Infinity. In this sense, Creation (the concept) may be seen to be equally infinity in its breadth and scope (especially considering the fact that it arises from an Infinite Creator to begin with).
As stated above in answer to third-density-being: There is no limitation to Infinity. As Bring4th_GLB adequately said, Infinity is "vast, boundless, choiceless awareness." Infinite potential not "yet" activated or potentiated into action/motion (Love) by the catalyst of (free)will, intention or desire. When (most) people think of "freedom" they think in strictly 3rd-density Earth terms (i.e. free to vote in presidential elections, free to smoke marijuana, free to move to another country, free to shop on weekends, free to abort fetuses, free to play video games all day, etc). The freedom or Infinity, however, is that, given its infinite nature, it is infinitely free to limit or define Itself through infinite Creation(s). It can do nothing else but limit Itself to realize its own limitlessness or illimitability.
So yes, limitation allows the Creator to explore forever (and there can logically be no exploration, no discovery, no experience unless there is some structured system of illusions to facilitate that exploration, discovery, experience—otherwise Infinity remains totally unknown/unknowable to Itself).
Once Creation is weaved and the process of evolution begins, illusion-bound entities are then free to choose within certain pre-established guidelines or parameters, so to speak (the governing natural laws of the particular Creation in question) the manner of their own evolution, granting the Creator with infinitely various nuances of experience, all of which eventually lead to the dissolution/merging back into One (no more differentiation).
And the 3rd-density "veil of forgetting" was an exclusive experiment to allow entities a much greater freedom/contrast of experience.
(04-27-2016, 02:43 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Dear Illamasqua, (...)
Have I understood it correctly? : Creator, being Infinity, realize that He/She/It/They are unable to know Self in His/Her/Its/Their entirety? And that being a cause for Creator to Create and invest Self/Infinity into “never-ending/infinite many-ness”?
I’m asking about that, because I’m also exploring the Idea of the “limitation” of the Creator.
There is no limitation to Infinity. Infinity is the very definition of limitlessness: that which is without any distinguishable/measurable features or characteristics (e.g. boundaries, form, size, dimension, volume, mass, duration, etc). Whenever an entity attempts to *imagine* or *visualize" Infinity in any shape or form, they are drawing lines and framing Infinity into a box. Were Infinity measurable, it would not be infinite.
Therefore, it is not a question of being "able" or "unable." It is simply a matter of being undefinable or illimitable (what Greeks called apeiron). This is why it cannot be "known" in any quantifiable/measurable terms (it has no edges, no length or breath or depth, no duration—as illusion-bound entities tend to imagine/portray it). All that can be known/experienced (with the "harvest" of each Creation) is the realization of infinitude/limitlessness, which is an un-graspable concept in and of itself. Hence, the eventual dissolution into Infinity. It is essentially the transcendental realization that there is nothing to be known, and that this "no-thing-ness" is all there ever was/is/shall be, unborn and undying, totally changeless, with no additions, subtractions, divisions or multiplications, but perfectly whole, absolute.
However, this realization (and here's the important point) can only be had through contrast. And the only possible contrast to Infinity is non-infinity or limits. In effect, to give Infinity that which it does not have: shape, size, borders, edges, volume, measure, differentiation into multiplicity or "manyness." In other words, the Illusion of Limits (thus you see finely differentiated galaxies, suns, planets, atoms, molecules, and so on, that are no longer "the same" undifferentiated One/Infinity). Granted, being the product of Infinity, Creation may be regarded as no less that equally infinite in its own right. However, bear in mind that whilst Creation(s) begins and ends, the Creator does not, never did, never will. Therein lies the difference: limits, boundaries, form, space, duration VS non.
Were it not for this contrast, Infinity would remain totally unknown/unknowable to itself (poor example: how can something very, very large know its size if it didn't compare itself to something very, very small?). Infinity's own infinitude/limitlessness is therefore experienced/realized through Creation (the Illusion of Limits) as that-which-is-NOT defines That-Which-Is (which is also why experiments such as the 3D "veil" seek to push the limits, as it were, by attempting to create/allow further contrasting between That-Which-Is and that-which-is-NOT). Indeed, this is what lends to the "Glory" of the One Infinite Creator (e.g. the illusion-bound entity observes/explores the Universe, which is evidently "infinitely larger" than its puny little self—this differential then creates an indescribable sense of awe/wonderment and the illusion-bound entity *begins* to get a "taste" of what Infinity means/implies—the Creator thus knowing/realizing Itself in the process).
Another (admittedly poor) example is this: if "sweet" is the only taste, how can it ever be known unless "salty" (or "bitter" or whatever) is created? It is this very exercise of putting a "cap" on Infinity and then removing it (density through density, culminating with 7D "harvest) that allows the experience of the ultimate "high" or "rapture": undescribable bliss, overwhelming joy and pure, uninterrupted ecstasy at the realization of such "beginningless endlessness"—the dissolution into totally timeless, spaceless, changeless existence or Infinity at rest.
None of which would be possible without the Illusion of Limits. Hence, the "why" to Creation and the beauty the Gand Illusion. And why this whole process is infinitely free to continue indefinitely forever: because Infinity is illimitable and irreducible.
It may not make a lot of sense, but words can only go so far (and this is only "veiled" 3rd density) and I cannot describe it further in any more meaningful ways.
Quote:In the light of such statements I think it is not proper to conceptualize Creator/Infinite as an “absolute”, but rather as “Eternal/Infinite Becoming”.
The verb "becoming" indicates a temporal measurement, which is limiting Infinity to the passage of time, when Infinity is, in fact, totally without time (or space, for that matter). Absolute is therefore a more apt term. Absolute in the sense of unrestricted, complete, perfect, not relative to "something else" and ultimately free (from limits). Latin etymology.
(05-04-2016, 11:25 PM)Night Owl Wrote: If I would describe how infinity feels it'd be something like a wide empty void with serene beingness in solitude that grows.
(04-27-2016, 02:43 PM)third-density-being Wrote: I’ve read phrases like “growing Infinity” or that something is “enriching Infinity” (those were Words of Seth) and such Ideas are blowing my mind.
As with the great majority of channeled sources, they speak in metaphorical, figurative, poetical terms relative to the perceptual/cognitive limitations of the entity in question. Accuracy or technicality doesn't really matter to most ETs (especially 4D ones—let alone discarnate 3D talkers) when communicating to a 3D audience. What they wish to impress is awe/wonderment, and giving out "cosmic sermonettes" (as Hatonn, Laitos, Oxal and company tend to do so gratuitously) seems to be the most effective way to achieve this. In other words, they tend to appeal to "emotion" rather than "intellect" (not unlike how politicians/salesmen override or bypass intellectual considerations by stirring up the emotional complex—psychology 101). The reasoning being: "Hey, if brings entities closer to harvest... let's go for it!" (They have plenty of time for intellectual learnings later.)
To be fair, however, from the perspective of the illusion-bound entity (including 4D, 5D and I presume 6D to some more limited extent), Infinity may indeed seem to be "growing" or "expanding" in some sense. However, Infinity cannot in truth increase for the very same reason that it cannot in any way whatsoever diminish. Otherwise Infinity would not be, well, infinite. If Infinity could "grow" or "expand" then it would likewise mean that it had a "birth" and would likewise "perish" at some point.
However, Infinity is deathless precisely because it never had a beginning (therefore, it cannot have a continuation of duration). It is totally without the passage of time (or space). This is difficult enough to grasp for an illusion-bound entity who can only measure things across illusory concepts of space and time. Infinity is an abstract concept. Thus, it cannot "grow" or "expand" anymore than it can shrink.
What is free to grow and expand, however, is the concept of Creation from Infinity to Infinity. In this sense, Creation (the concept) may be seen to be equally infinity in its breadth and scope (especially considering the fact that it arises from an Infinite Creator to begin with).
(05-04-2016, 10:57 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Vast, boundless, choiceless awareness.
(05-04-2016, 11:25 PM)Night Owl Wrote: This quote from Illamasqua found me particularly perplexed (...)
1-Are there really limitations to the creator? Freewill and limitations seems to be a paradoxal duality. Is limitation really what allows the creator to explore forever? Then how is that free? (...) it leaves me to wonder which one is free? The infinite or the individualized? Are we free because infinity is not? Or are we not free because infinity is?
As stated above in answer to third-density-being: There is no limitation to Infinity. As Bring4th_GLB adequately said, Infinity is "vast, boundless, choiceless awareness." Infinite potential not "yet" activated or potentiated into action/motion (Love) by the catalyst of (free)will, intention or desire. When (most) people think of "freedom" they think in strictly 3rd-density Earth terms (i.e. free to vote in presidential elections, free to smoke marijuana, free to move to another country, free to shop on weekends, free to abort fetuses, free to play video games all day, etc). The freedom or Infinity, however, is that, given its infinite nature, it is infinitely free to limit or define Itself through infinite Creation(s). It can do nothing else but limit Itself to realize its own limitlessness or illimitability.
So yes, limitation allows the Creator to explore forever (and there can logically be no exploration, no discovery, no experience unless there is some structured system of illusions to facilitate that exploration, discovery, experience—otherwise Infinity remains totally unknown/unknowable to Itself).
Once Creation is weaved and the process of evolution begins, illusion-bound entities are then free to choose within certain pre-established guidelines or parameters, so to speak (the governing natural laws of the particular Creation in question) the manner of their own evolution, granting the Creator with infinitely various nuances of experience, all of which eventually lead to the dissolution/merging back into One (no more differentiation).
And the 3rd-density "veil of forgetting" was an exclusive experiment to allow entities a much greater freedom/contrast of experience.
(05-04-2016, 02:22 PM)I am Shayne Wrote: Does anyone else feel a sense of relaxed bliss when thinking of/reading/mentally immersing yourself in these minimally-distorted concepts? When you see that all things are of the same entity/process.
It is one of my favorite activities.