I have decided to write about the Star of the tarots major arcana. This was a card that was rarely discussed by Ra, in fact the only mention of it was in this below quote,
Quote:80.13 Questioner: Then is this, from the point of view or with respect to the fifteenth archetype, somewhat of an excursion into the Matrix of the Spirit in this process? Does that make any sense?
Ra: I am Ra. The excursion of which you speak and the process of disassociation is most usually linked with that archetype you call Hope which we would prefer to call Faith. This archetype is the Catalyst of the Spirit and, because of the illuminations of the Potentiator of the Spirit, will begin to cause these changes in the adept’s viewpoint.
This is the only direct mention of the above archetype as far as i am aware of it. You may have noticed that i have used the card from the Raider waite tarot deck rather than the zain deck as used in the Law of One series or the variation of it designed for the series. I used this card because i feel it has a more universal application and feel to it. These cards are more imprinted into the collective unconsciousness or group mind of those incarnated at this time.
Let us look at the image in detail. We are drawn towards the central character who is a beautiful fertile female in nature who is naked and has two jugs with her, she is pouring water out of them onto the ground and into the lake. In the back ground we see a tree and a bird on top of the tree looking to the sky. The next major theme we see in this card is of course is the star, we see 8 of them in the sky each with 8 points, the largest being golden.
The symbolism in this card is as follows, the character being female, represents the unconsciousness or negative/female aspect of the psyche, who is tapping into her own self which represents the lake or the water. The water being a symbol of the subconsciousness. She is taking that subconscious energy and using it to nurture the earth around her, mother gaia. We also see the balance in the polarities of the conscious/unconsciousness with equal measurements of the watering being poured. The tree could represent the tree of life or the otz chiim, the bird being a symbol of the spirit ascending to the stars. The Stars represent the octave cycle, within each star and within each of them individuality adding up to 8. This has numerous correspondences, such as the energy centers moving into infinity and the densities of creation. The theme in this card is of course faith or hope. Faith being the sign of the star, bring light to the darkness of night, allowing one to seek , to continue onto another day. We have a progression of light in the spiritual archetypes, from darkness of the devil into the sudden illumination of the tower and then into the more lasting light of the star. In ages gone by many would direct themselves by the stars for navigation and look to the stars for a sign of hope or wonder. Perhaps the most famous star was that in the biblical mythos as the star of Bethlehem. Ra calls this archetype the catalyst of spirit this is a good wording to use, because it is only through faith that we can progress in spiritual work.
If we take a close look at the lake, you can see that we have a whirl pool of energy as she pours the water into the lake. One foot is also balanced on the waters and the other on the earth. Water corresponds to the emotional self, as well as the female symbol of the cup which is storing and receptive. In numerology we have the number 17 related to this card, if we break it down we have interesting views. 1 + 7 = 8 , we see the repeating of the octave cycle. We can also look at 1 = 7, or the octave cycle of the duality of the all going back into the one as a means of faith in duality.
In the Qabalah the star is on the 15 path between Tiphareth and Chockmah. Its hebrew letter is Heh which means window, this brings to my mind the window of the soul, That faith is the window of the soul to see through into the world with spirit. In gematria it is the number 5 and spelt in full as a double heh adds to 10, this brings to mind the hand(s) and the 10 sephiroth. The number 10 being very interesting as it shows, one thing and nothing, a symbol of the male and female, together in union that brings about new life both physically and on a cosmic level. On the tree it is connected to Tiphareth corresponding to the self and chockmah to the original separation in consciousness for the desire for further experience. From tiphareth we can see this as a work of faith on the indvidual level moving towards higher consciousness and from the marcosmic level of the creator, the separating into individuality as a work of faith.
Astrological on the 15th path we have the correspondence of Aries and the colour red for the path in the queens scale of Briah. Aries being an interesting one as it brings to mind an earthly animal which normally is related to the element of fire, as shown by the path colour, yet it shows the dual nature of faith, being that which is earthly and heavenly, as our character has shown by taking the energy of the lake into the earth and balancing herself between the two. It is only through the balance of the earthly and inner aspects of reality can we approach the creator. This path does have some changes, Crowley decided that Tzaddi was not the star and the emperor would take it place, this would make the correspondence be Aquarius which is more likely a correspondence for this path as it symbolizes the new energy and the waters of both the card and the astrological sign. Faith being the gateway into the new age. For those not used to the terminology of the Qabalah is well to remember that most Tarot decks are based on the Qabalah first most and the deck used for the design in the Law of One series the Zain deck is also based upon the glyph.
This archetype comes to me normally in experiences when i begin to seek the creator. That feeling of faith and of wonder, who am i? I am the creator, the seeker and the all. It is in the seeking that allows for the experience and the faith in catalyst that all is happening for a good reason, be it for better or worse. It brings me back to the times when i used to look out at the night sky in wonder and mystery, this is the magic of faith, it is not the end result in its self but it is the momentum of work in consciousness. We can also see how it relates to the indigo as a work of faith,
Quote:54.31 The green-ray type of radiation in this case is the healing, the blue-ray the communication and inspiration, the indigo that energy of the adept which has its place in faith.
Thus the catalyst of spirit is using the indigo as work in faith. We have different types of faith, the faith on the microcosmic level and the faith on the macrocosmic level. We need to balance those polarities, to believe in oneself and the creator is a dual way of saying the something. You are using this energy any time you walk with faith, at whatever part of the Cosmos. Go forth then and have faith in yourself and that part of yourself you have not yet fully become aware of, for all is good in the work of faith.