05-22-2013, 03:45 AM
the principle of reciprocity seems to state this:
* if I give you something or be nice to you, I expect you to return the favor sometime in the future. If you don't, then I will be most disappointed!
* if you attack me or harm me, it is my *right* to attack you back. ie you punch me or criticize me, then I have the _right_ of reply.
this 'reciprocity' seems on the surface to be 'fair'. It's like, quid pro quo, or like in return for like.
however, this kind of mindset or thinking is based on 3d separation of individual beings.
here, Ra speaks about moving beyond reciprocity into the realms of universal love; not the 'personal' love that is the nature of orange and yellow ray (the kind of love that is 'limited' in who deserves your love and compassion).
this giving without expectation of return obliterates the principle of reciprocity. ie I will give to you, but its cool however you treat it, you can accept my love, reject it, or not even recognise its existence. And I'm happy with that. I am just glad for the opportunity to have expressed or offered that love.
and here, universal love is again spoken of, and the difficulties in reaching that nexus point in which the kundalini is seated at green ray level. (harvestability from 3rd density)
so to move beyond reciprocity (and orange and yellow ray principle/distortion), we can examine our lives and see situations when we 'invoke' this principle.
when someone 'attacks us', either physically or verbally, is the reflex response to strike back, or to see them with a compassionate eye and think of the best way to help that individual (all attacks are a cry for help, at heart).
when we offer someone a nice gesture or genuine expression, and they somehow don't respond, are we upset that they didn't recognise or acknowledge what you did? ie the original offering then was based on 'getting something back' from the other individual, ie not green ray offered freely, totally *freely*.
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green ray is not easy to operate from a 3d society in which cultural norms and physical beings all scream the notion of 'individuality' and 'survival of the fittest' and 'getting ahead at the expense of others' or 'school league tables and rankings' and constantly comparing one to another, without seeing the life and breath of the Creator in each individual, which is the most important thing.
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so yeah, universal love is most different from orange and yellow ray love based on 'special people deserving of _my_ love'.
thanks for reading
* if I give you something or be nice to you, I expect you to return the favor sometime in the future. If you don't, then I will be most disappointed!
* if you attack me or harm me, it is my *right* to attack you back. ie you punch me or criticize me, then I have the _right_ of reply.
this 'reciprocity' seems on the surface to be 'fair'. It's like, quid pro quo, or like in return for like.
however, this kind of mindset or thinking is based on 3d separation of individual beings.
here, Ra speaks about moving beyond reciprocity into the realms of universal love; not the 'personal' love that is the nature of orange and yellow ray (the kind of love that is 'limited' in who deserves your love and compassion).
Quote:31.5 The green-ray energy transfer occurs due to the vibratory rate of each entity being undistorted in any vital sense by the yellow- or orange-ray energies; thus the gift, shall we say, being given freely, no payment being requested either of the body, of the mind, or of the spirit. The green ray is one of complete universality of love. This is a giving without expectation of return.
this giving without expectation of return obliterates the principle of reciprocity. ie I will give to you, but its cool however you treat it, you can accept my love, reject it, or not even recognise its existence. And I'm happy with that. I am just glad for the opportunity to have expressed or offered that love.
and here, universal love is again spoken of, and the difficulties in reaching that nexus point in which the kundalini is seated at green ray level. (harvestability from 3rd density)
Quote:85.16 To the student of the balancing process we may suggest that the most stringent honesty be applied. As compassion is perceived it is suggested that, in balancing, this perception be analyzed. It may take many, many essays into compassion before true universal love is the product of the attempted opening and crystallization of this all-important springboard energy center. Thus the student may discover many other components to what may seem to be all-embracing love. Each of these components may be balanced and accepted as part of the self and as transitional material as the entity’s seat of learn/teaching moves ever more fairly into the green ray.
so to move beyond reciprocity (and orange and yellow ray principle/distortion), we can examine our lives and see situations when we 'invoke' this principle.
when someone 'attacks us', either physically or verbally, is the reflex response to strike back, or to see them with a compassionate eye and think of the best way to help that individual (all attacks are a cry for help, at heart).
when we offer someone a nice gesture or genuine expression, and they somehow don't respond, are we upset that they didn't recognise or acknowledge what you did? ie the original offering then was based on 'getting something back' from the other individual, ie not green ray offered freely, totally *freely*.
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green ray is not easy to operate from a 3d society in which cultural norms and physical beings all scream the notion of 'individuality' and 'survival of the fittest' and 'getting ahead at the expense of others' or 'school league tables and rankings' and constantly comparing one to another, without seeing the life and breath of the Creator in each individual, which is the most important thing.
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so yeah, universal love is most different from orange and yellow ray love based on 'special people deserving of _my_ love'.
thanks for reading