we are powerful creators. our thoughts , our feelings, our actions , our words are all creative. right now it seems to me that the energy u put out returns very rapidly. we are in the photon belt and it is raising our vibrations. everything is coming to the surface and what lies buried is being brought up to be dealt with.
i choose to focus on the positive, to make a conscious choice to do that. of course in life we always run into resistance and opposition. that is the way the game is played. but the truth is WE are our own creators . if we persist we will be victorious over any negative thing that would like to drag us down.
just some thoughts here . it has become very very clear to me who we are and that i have the choice in my life. i dont control others nor would i want to. i do control what i give my attention to. and i choose to give my attention to that which brings joy.
i choose to focus on the positive, to make a conscious choice to do that. of course in life we always run into resistance and opposition. that is the way the game is played. but the truth is WE are our own creators . if we persist we will be victorious over any negative thing that would like to drag us down.
just some thoughts here . it has become very very clear to me who we are and that i have the choice in my life. i dont control others nor would i want to. i do control what i give my attention to. and i choose to give my attention to that which brings joy.