01-27-2013, 12:25 PM
Hello fellow Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow,
First, let me begin with the words of Ra, because they are most appropriate to the information I want to share..."We iterate the unimportance of this type of data."
The only thing that matters is how we choose to live every day in service to others-selves and thus to the Creator as we raise the vibration of Love in whatever manner we are able, regardless of our external circumstances.
Now, I am truly, barely scratching the surface of this subject, and I warn you that if you find a great attachment to the specific details of this present illusion, it is very easy to fall into the trap of The 5 Stages of Grief as defined by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and you will know this if your initial reaction is denial. Do not overly concern yourself with the implications of this information, just remember, everything is perfect and will progress as it must.
Now, it has occurred to me that we do have an obvious, outer, practical measure of the timing of the raising of our planetary consciousness within which the season of Harvest is contained and by which we can see its progression, but first, some quick background.
Before finding and "remembering" The Law of One, my spiritual journey had a few fits and starts as I never found a home within traditional religion. For a number of years, this led me to seek the answers within the secular world. Of course, I instinctively knew that as a whole we were living on the wrong path, and this led me to the subject of Peak Oil and the implications of the world population explosion. This is a dense subject, but I will attempt to give you the basics in as short a space as possible.
Let me begin with a quote from a series of scientific abstracts written by an electrical engineer with a PHD by the name of Richard Duncan, wherein he elaborates on "The Olduvai Theory", which you will find here:
and most recently here:
From the original abstract:
The Olduvai Theory states that the life expectancy of industrial civilization is approximately 100 years circa 1930-2030. Energy production per capita (e) defines it. The exponential growth of world energy production ended in 1970 (Postulate 1 is verified). Average e will show no growth from 1979 through circa 2008 (Postulate 2 is confirmed from 1979 through 2003). The rate of change of e will go steeply negative circa 2008 (Postulate 3). World population will decline to about two billion circa 2050 (Postulate 4). A growing number of independent studies concur (see text). "
Personally, I prefer the big picture(s) to the details, so let me point to a few charts beginning with human population. For thousands of years, our population remained in a natural balance with Earth, which is between 500,000,000 and 1 billion other-selves. In the past 150 years or so, as our consciousness has raised, so has our "scientific" knowledge, and through the use/exploitation of fossil fuels, primarily oil, population has grown off the charts. Unfortunately, the service to self bent of the world as maintained by the international banking cartel and the various industrial complexes have led us down an unsustainable path of life. On a chart, juxtaposed with world oil production, population growth looks like this:
![[Image: oil-01.png]](http://furthr.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/oil-01.png)
We live in an infinite universe, but upon a finite planet in this density. Everything depends upon oil, especially our modern systems of agriculture that make it possible to feed the current population of 7,000,000,000. Sadly, though, our systems of money creation, commerce, and greed already do not even allow us to accomplish that much, as many of our other-selves around the world are already starving to death each day.
Technically, we may only have used half of the world's oil supply, however it should be quite obvious that it no longer bubbles out of the ground in Pennsylvania. We increasingly go to great lengths and considerable expense to produce it, and we will never be able to afford to get all of it out of the ground. Is it not a sign of desperation that we scrape it out of sand, burn it out of rocks and drill for it miles beneath the ocean floor, all at incalculable costs to our Mother Earth? Peak Oil is about the economic cost and diminishing net energy returns of the sustenance of our modern world.
You can study the topic for hours on end if you wish, but do not waste the time that I already have. Nothing will replace oil within industrial society. No alternative energy is on the table that has the abundance of oil, let alone the multitude of industrial applications and energy denseness. World population will follow the curve of oil production down the other side of the slope which looks like this:
![[Image: forecast-of-world-energy-consumption.png]](http://gailtheactuary.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/forecast-of-world-energy-consumption.png)
What's my point? Stop worrying about the Harvest and live each day in the love and light of our One Infinite Creator. Industrial civilization is nothing but an outgrowth of the season in which we find ourselves. It provides a third density frame of reference to the beginning and ending of this metaphysical process. Take this information as nothing more than a rough road map that might better prepare you to contemplate the opportunities for service to other-selves that will exist in the years to come. For while the inconveniences may at times seem as if they are Legion, the opportunities for positive polarization will be equal in number as we complete the work that we came here to do.
As far as Harvest goes, it is as Jesus said, blessed is the servant who is found at work in the fields when the master returns. My wish is that this is nothing more than a glimpse at the clock, so that you may no longer feel the need to keep looking.
I am most grateful to be with you all, in this place, at this time, and always. Love and light, and fear not. Everything is perfect, and everything will be reconciled. The details are most unimportant when the Love of our infinite Creator is freely shared with all. Adonai.
First, let me begin with the words of Ra, because they are most appropriate to the information I want to share..."We iterate the unimportance of this type of data."
The only thing that matters is how we choose to live every day in service to others-selves and thus to the Creator as we raise the vibration of Love in whatever manner we are able, regardless of our external circumstances.
Now, I am truly, barely scratching the surface of this subject, and I warn you that if you find a great attachment to the specific details of this present illusion, it is very easy to fall into the trap of The 5 Stages of Grief as defined by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and you will know this if your initial reaction is denial. Do not overly concern yourself with the implications of this information, just remember, everything is perfect and will progress as it must.
Now, it has occurred to me that we do have an obvious, outer, practical measure of the timing of the raising of our planetary consciousness within which the season of Harvest is contained and by which we can see its progression, but first, some quick background.
Before finding and "remembering" The Law of One, my spiritual journey had a few fits and starts as I never found a home within traditional religion. For a number of years, this led me to seek the answers within the secular world. Of course, I instinctively knew that as a whole we were living on the wrong path, and this led me to the subject of Peak Oil and the implications of the world population explosion. This is a dense subject, but I will attempt to give you the basics in as short a space as possible.
Let me begin with a quote from a series of scientific abstracts written by an electrical engineer with a PHD by the name of Richard Duncan, wherein he elaborates on "The Olduvai Theory", which you will find here:
and most recently here:
From the original abstract:
The Olduvai Theory states that the life expectancy of industrial civilization is approximately 100 years circa 1930-2030. Energy production per capita (e) defines it. The exponential growth of world energy production ended in 1970 (Postulate 1 is verified). Average e will show no growth from 1979 through circa 2008 (Postulate 2 is confirmed from 1979 through 2003). The rate of change of e will go steeply negative circa 2008 (Postulate 3). World population will decline to about two billion circa 2050 (Postulate 4). A growing number of independent studies concur (see text). "
Personally, I prefer the big picture(s) to the details, so let me point to a few charts beginning with human population. For thousands of years, our population remained in a natural balance with Earth, which is between 500,000,000 and 1 billion other-selves. In the past 150 years or so, as our consciousness has raised, so has our "scientific" knowledge, and through the use/exploitation of fossil fuels, primarily oil, population has grown off the charts. Unfortunately, the service to self bent of the world as maintained by the international banking cartel and the various industrial complexes have led us down an unsustainable path of life. On a chart, juxtaposed with world oil production, population growth looks like this:
![[Image: oil-01.png]](http://furthr.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/oil-01.png)
We live in an infinite universe, but upon a finite planet in this density. Everything depends upon oil, especially our modern systems of agriculture that make it possible to feed the current population of 7,000,000,000. Sadly, though, our systems of money creation, commerce, and greed already do not even allow us to accomplish that much, as many of our other-selves around the world are already starving to death each day.
Technically, we may only have used half of the world's oil supply, however it should be quite obvious that it no longer bubbles out of the ground in Pennsylvania. We increasingly go to great lengths and considerable expense to produce it, and we will never be able to afford to get all of it out of the ground. Is it not a sign of desperation that we scrape it out of sand, burn it out of rocks and drill for it miles beneath the ocean floor, all at incalculable costs to our Mother Earth? Peak Oil is about the economic cost and diminishing net energy returns of the sustenance of our modern world.
You can study the topic for hours on end if you wish, but do not waste the time that I already have. Nothing will replace oil within industrial society. No alternative energy is on the table that has the abundance of oil, let alone the multitude of industrial applications and energy denseness. World population will follow the curve of oil production down the other side of the slope which looks like this:
![[Image: forecast-of-world-energy-consumption.png]](http://gailtheactuary.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/forecast-of-world-energy-consumption.png)
What's my point? Stop worrying about the Harvest and live each day in the love and light of our One Infinite Creator. Industrial civilization is nothing but an outgrowth of the season in which we find ourselves. It provides a third density frame of reference to the beginning and ending of this metaphysical process. Take this information as nothing more than a rough road map that might better prepare you to contemplate the opportunities for service to other-selves that will exist in the years to come. For while the inconveniences may at times seem as if they are Legion, the opportunities for positive polarization will be equal in number as we complete the work that we came here to do.
As far as Harvest goes, it is as Jesus said, blessed is the servant who is found at work in the fields when the master returns. My wish is that this is nothing more than a glimpse at the clock, so that you may no longer feel the need to keep looking.
I am most grateful to be with you all, in this place, at this time, and always. Love and light, and fear not. Everything is perfect, and everything will be reconciled. The details are most unimportant when the Love of our infinite Creator is freely shared with all. Adonai.