(01-11-2013, 01:56 AM)BuddhistJedi Wrote: The Sun is classified as a G2V Yellow Dwarf star(because its visible radiation is strongest in yellow) with a color of white. Superman would probably still be ok.
The atmosphere scatters the blue spectrum of light from the white star, scattering it across the world, possibly making the appearance of the sun to be yellow. The different gasses and width/wavelength of the atmosphere will change the color and intensity of the Sun, and Moon, and stars, and Planets in the sky.
If the sun were yellow, or yellow back in the day, then it would be like sitting next to a yellow lightbulb. Everything that looks white would look yellow. The snow, paper, white shirts, the Surface of the Moon(I know this is actually gray, but it would sure look more yellow if the Sun was) Our parents would all know this profound difference in the color of everything. If the Sun had ever been yellow then we would hear tales and legends of the day that snow turned from a deep yellow color, to glistening white. People would have been wearing shirts all along that were actually white, but they thought were yellow! That darn Sun!
I'm 25.
What you're describing here is the color emanating from the Sun. Or, to be more accurate, the colors already here that are being illuminated by the Sun. You're right; that hasn't changed. But that doesn't mean that the Sun doesn't look different now than it did. It might appear different because of atmospheric changes, even though colors illuminated by the Sun appear the same.
We're saying the Sun itself looked yellow, and it did. We have plenty of witnesses. Anyone too young to have seen it yellow...well...all I can say is, yes it really was.

I'm thinking that the Sun itself hasn't changed at all, but we now see it differently, because the quarantine is being lifted.