11-25-2012, 02:03 AM
if you happen to be using chrome, there is a cool extension called Stylebot
it might be avaliable for firefox, or there will be something similiar anyway.
this extension allows you to change the css of a webpage. In english, that means the font sizes and colors, being able to hide panels or sections, etc
it's really neat if you want to change the experience of bring4th.
some people don't like the like system, so they can hide that entirely. You can change the font size of a particular header etc, without changing the font sizes overall (control + and -)
you can change Monica's user name to something other than purple, or turn her back into an ordinary user lol
my favourite one is hiding all usernames, and reading a thread that way. Makes for some interesting guesswork as to who posted what.
all the changes are stored but can be undone with a single click.
some pretty cool modding
it might be avaliable for firefox, or there will be something similiar anyway.
this extension allows you to change the css of a webpage. In english, that means the font sizes and colors, being able to hide panels or sections, etc
it's really neat if you want to change the experience of bring4th.
some people don't like the like system, so they can hide that entirely. You can change the font size of a particular header etc, without changing the font sizes overall (control + and -)
you can change Monica's user name to something other than purple, or turn her back into an ordinary user lol
my favourite one is hiding all usernames, and reading a thread that way. Makes for some interesting guesswork as to who posted what.
all the changes are stored but can be undone with a single click.
some pretty cool modding