Not sure if i mentioned it before, but here goes a fuller version of it.
Simplifying the energies into four gears
The Grounding energies (RubyRed-RedOrange) as #1,
Maskuline (YellowOrange-Yellow) #2
Femenine (Green-Lightblue) #3
Ungrounding (Indigo-Pink) #4
![[Image: light%20and%20sound.bmp]](
Visual approximation.. just "ish" values, Grossly simplified.
Energy you see with closed eyes Looks exactly like how it feels (physicaly), and how it sounds (within your head)
#1 Represent the raw/basic grains/pixels of information..
As #2 is added, each pixel will attain gravity and thus devouring/merging-with their neighbours, making every dot appear further away from the rest, ("elites" improving their own condition/inteligence at the cost of the lower class'.. which they are very disconected from).
Thanks to these peaks and valleys, a pulse is created, and there is (physical) life!.
If the energy is within your body, it will feel more and more like pins and needles, the higher this energy is, relative to the others..
#2 Is the reason for the grain to attain visible size and color When with closed eyes, also an audiable sound level within your head (loud television static).
Depending on its strength, It makes the energy physicaly touchable even for non-sensetives.
#3 Is a fluid, it causes the gaps between information to be something, rather than nothing..
Softening/Rounding the Needles, blurring them out, dispersing the concentrated color unto the unfilled area.
Making the sound within your head to go from binary towards an actual sin wave.
#4 Is well known for its silencing effect of the mind...
Equalizing the peaks and valleys = lowering the amplitude of the sound.
It takes from the highest and gives to the lowest, and without really losing it, but only if it was reached through an atleast equaly strong #2...
Meaning that even in a balanced mind, there will still be a slight volume (color behind the eyelids), but silk-like.. (overlapping/blurred/soft)
Instead of the silk-like, almost/entierly non-audiable/physical/color of the "mostly #3 #4")... is it even alive? not sure if i can see a pulse...
Gotta be sensetive in order to detect it.. which one will proportionaly be, ofc, if its your energy.. But others might not be.
Simplifying the energies into four gears
The Grounding energies (RubyRed-RedOrange) as #1,
Maskuline (YellowOrange-Yellow) #2
Femenine (Green-Lightblue) #3
Ungrounding (Indigo-Pink) #4
![[Image: light%20and%20sound.bmp]](
Visual approximation.. just "ish" values, Grossly simplified.
Energy you see with closed eyes Looks exactly like how it feels (physicaly), and how it sounds (within your head)
#1 Represent the raw/basic grains/pixels of information..
As #2 is added, each pixel will attain gravity and thus devouring/merging-with their neighbours, making every dot appear further away from the rest, ("elites" improving their own condition/inteligence at the cost of the lower class'.. which they are very disconected from).
Thanks to these peaks and valleys, a pulse is created, and there is (physical) life!.
If the energy is within your body, it will feel more and more like pins and needles, the higher this energy is, relative to the others..
#2 Is the reason for the grain to attain visible size and color When with closed eyes, also an audiable sound level within your head (loud television static).
Depending on its strength, It makes the energy physicaly touchable even for non-sensetives.
#3 Is a fluid, it causes the gaps between information to be something, rather than nothing..
Softening/Rounding the Needles, blurring them out, dispersing the concentrated color unto the unfilled area.
Making the sound within your head to go from binary towards an actual sin wave.
#4 Is well known for its silencing effect of the mind...
Equalizing the peaks and valleys = lowering the amplitude of the sound.
It takes from the highest and gives to the lowest, and without really losing it, but only if it was reached through an atleast equaly strong #2...
Meaning that even in a balanced mind, there will still be a slight volume (color behind the eyelids), but silk-like.. (overlapping/blurred/soft)
Instead of the silk-like, almost/entierly non-audiable/physical/color of the "mostly #3 #4")... is it even alive? not sure if i can see a pulse...
Gotta be sensetive in order to detect it.. which one will proportionaly be, ofc, if its your energy.. But others might not be.