Also google image the "staff of Osiris"
I would like to share this with all of you, I have never heard anyone mention it. The Egyptian kundalini goddess is mentioned in different pyramid/coffin texts as being a banisher of evildoers. Other artwork depicts Mehen as a majestically winged cobra. At the bottom of this post is the staff of Osiris.
I've read about many different kundalini deities across the world, they are found in every culture. Generally just digging in to the back round of wherever a dragon is depicted will show you something interesting and they all seem to have similarities. Such as how the Romanian Balaur is said to be rode by wizards and Solomonari which control rainfall. So many of these dragons are connected to a storm spirit. They are humans, the potential of an individual to spread their souls wings.
Such as Quetzalcoatl and his aquatic allies ..goddess of earthly waters Chalchiuhtlicue / celestial water Tlaloc
She of the greenstone skirt [emeralds/jade/malachite/serpentine/bloodstone/green obsidian/cantera stone etc.]
and he that makes things sprout, snake-goggle-eyed Tlaloc. Represented by jade, turquoise, copal, mexican tarragon, white lotus, pallasite meteors, and aquatic creatures such as frogs/snails/herons [Aztec etymology--people of Aztlan--Aztlan etymology--place of herons] and also lightning a very meaningful force and sign of divinity in dragon legends. Tlaloc is represented by Venus as is Tlaloc and Ra in the Lawofone.
Native American Ouroboro/Piasi bird
Also google image the "staff of Osiris"
I would like to share this with all of you, I have never heard anyone mention it. The Egyptian kundalini goddess is mentioned in different pyramid/coffin texts as being a banisher of evildoers. Other artwork depicts Mehen as a majestically winged cobra. At the bottom of this post is the staff of Osiris.
I've read about many different kundalini deities across the world, they are found in every culture. Generally just digging in to the back round of wherever a dragon is depicted will show you something interesting and they all seem to have similarities. Such as how the Romanian Balaur is said to be rode by wizards and Solomonari which control rainfall. So many of these dragons are connected to a storm spirit. They are humans, the potential of an individual to spread their souls wings.
Such as Quetzalcoatl and his aquatic allies ..goddess of earthly waters Chalchiuhtlicue / celestial water Tlaloc
She of the greenstone skirt [emeralds/jade/malachite/serpentine/bloodstone/green obsidian/cantera stone etc.]
and he that makes things sprout, snake-goggle-eyed Tlaloc. Represented by jade, turquoise, copal, mexican tarragon, white lotus, pallasite meteors, and aquatic creatures such as frogs/snails/herons [Aztec etymology--people of Aztlan--Aztlan etymology--place of herons] and also lightning a very meaningful force and sign of divinity in dragon legends. Tlaloc is represented by Venus as is Tlaloc and Ra in the Lawofone.
Native American Ouroboro/Piasi bird