03-17-2019, 11:37 PM
i am schubert. i always had issues with feeling genuine gratitude. i felt like i was lying to myself if i were to say something like "thank you creator". now i think about it differently. gratitude does not have to be "im grateful that this was given to me by so and so", it can be more of simply "i appreciate this".
if youre thinking in the sense of "what you put out, you get back" then you see yourself as having brought the good things into your life. so thanking "someone else" seems disingenuous. if someone else was involved in giving you what youre grateful for, you should still personally thank them because they still chose to help you but at the same time, it was your actions that opened up that possibility. so i think its best to appreciate the experience, thank the people involved, and thank yourself too!
if youre thinking in the sense of "what you put out, you get back" then you see yourself as having brought the good things into your life. so thanking "someone else" seems disingenuous. if someone else was involved in giving you what youre grateful for, you should still personally thank them because they still chose to help you but at the same time, it was your actions that opened up that possibility. so i think its best to appreciate the experience, thank the people involved, and thank yourself too!