01-11-2019, 09:15 PM
"There is not a single thing that is either good or evil, but that you feel that way about it."
Z: You're saying that nothing is intrinsically evil. Nothing at all. But some things might still feel evil to me?
8: That is exactly what I'm saying. Or I can rephrase it like this: evil does not exist objectively but it might certainly be experienced subjectively.
Z: Uhh... That is another way of saying I can feel like I am experiencing evil, but that does not mean it really, truly exists?
8: Correct.
Z: Okay, wow. I don't really know what to do with this information. Because I can totally get this intellectually. I've seen the argument and even felt the truth of it in my heart but... I don't know if I am yet willing to accept that all the wickedness and vileness, all the atrocities that have ever been committed and that continue to be committed are... what? An agreed-upon co-created illusion?
8: I understand.And that is why we must have this conversation. Because you must come to see it this way before you can ascend to Unity Consciousness. So I present you with a choice: on the one hand you can choose to continue to label certain beings and their behaviours as evil and, in so doing, you can keep yourself distanced and divorced from them, so that you can remain in a state of judgement of them and so you can keep feeling superior to them. On the other hand you can choose to be willing to come to an understanding that no-one is truly "other" than you, that nothing is eternally unlovable or unforgivable.
Z: And that's the choice? If I am not willing to come to see it this way then I can't ascend to unity consciousness?
8: That is the truth of it. As with all things, you always have a choice. This time your choice is between unity consciousness and duality (or separation) consciousness. Understand that there is no right or wrong Zingdad ?
about what you choose and no judgement of you for the choices you make. But what you choose defines who you are and creates the reality that you will experience. And, quite simply, you cannot become a being of Unity Consciousness and you cannot reside in a unity reality without being willing to see all as one, without being willing to see the "other" as "self" and without being willing to let go of the mechanisms of separation, such as judgement and hatred.
You see, my dear friend, this is the choice offered to you by duality. You can accept the offer of duality and continue to see yourself as separate from all else and travel ever outwards on the path of separation with fear as your motivator. Or, on the other hand, you can choose love. If you adhere to a choice for love, then you step onto the path of unity. You begin to travel back Home to oneness. It is true that you can, for some while, travel the path of love whilst still clinging to the illusion of separation. This is what happens with those who choose either the "Service to Other" or the "Service to Self" modes of being. And that is fine if that is what you choose. But sooner or later these paths too will converge and these beings will realise that the concepts of Other and Self are not what they first thought. That indeed there is only oneness.
If you follow what I am saying, then you will understand that it might seem as if there are many possible options and choices on your path. But really, it is not so. There is really only one choice.
Either you accept all as being one, or you create more separation.
The choice is yours. And you cannot move towards being one with All That Is, whilst still at the same time holding onto the view that some beings are so despicable and unlovable that you can simply refuse to accept them as being part of the oneness. That you can label them "evil" and thereby damn them to eternal darkness.
All is one. Or it is not. Your choice.
page 263
The Ascension Papers, Book 1
Z: You're saying that nothing is intrinsically evil. Nothing at all. But some things might still feel evil to me?
8: That is exactly what I'm saying. Or I can rephrase it like this: evil does not exist objectively but it might certainly be experienced subjectively.
Z: Uhh... That is another way of saying I can feel like I am experiencing evil, but that does not mean it really, truly exists?
8: Correct.
Z: Okay, wow. I don't really know what to do with this information. Because I can totally get this intellectually. I've seen the argument and even felt the truth of it in my heart but... I don't know if I am yet willing to accept that all the wickedness and vileness, all the atrocities that have ever been committed and that continue to be committed are... what? An agreed-upon co-created illusion?
8: I understand.And that is why we must have this conversation. Because you must come to see it this way before you can ascend to Unity Consciousness. So I present you with a choice: on the one hand you can choose to continue to label certain beings and their behaviours as evil and, in so doing, you can keep yourself distanced and divorced from them, so that you can remain in a state of judgement of them and so you can keep feeling superior to them. On the other hand you can choose to be willing to come to an understanding that no-one is truly "other" than you, that nothing is eternally unlovable or unforgivable.
Z: And that's the choice? If I am not willing to come to see it this way then I can't ascend to unity consciousness?
8: That is the truth of it. As with all things, you always have a choice. This time your choice is between unity consciousness and duality (or separation) consciousness. Understand that there is no right or wrong Zingdad ?
about what you choose and no judgement of you for the choices you make. But what you choose defines who you are and creates the reality that you will experience. And, quite simply, you cannot become a being of Unity Consciousness and you cannot reside in a unity reality without being willing to see all as one, without being willing to see the "other" as "self" and without being willing to let go of the mechanisms of separation, such as judgement and hatred.
You see, my dear friend, this is the choice offered to you by duality. You can accept the offer of duality and continue to see yourself as separate from all else and travel ever outwards on the path of separation with fear as your motivator. Or, on the other hand, you can choose love. If you adhere to a choice for love, then you step onto the path of unity. You begin to travel back Home to oneness. It is true that you can, for some while, travel the path of love whilst still clinging to the illusion of separation. This is what happens with those who choose either the "Service to Other" or the "Service to Self" modes of being. And that is fine if that is what you choose. But sooner or later these paths too will converge and these beings will realise that the concepts of Other and Self are not what they first thought. That indeed there is only oneness.
If you follow what I am saying, then you will understand that it might seem as if there are many possible options and choices on your path. But really, it is not so. There is really only one choice.
Either you accept all as being one, or you create more separation.
The choice is yours. And you cannot move towards being one with All That Is, whilst still at the same time holding onto the view that some beings are so despicable and unlovable that you can simply refuse to accept them as being part of the oneness. That you can label them "evil" and thereby damn them to eternal darkness.
All is one. Or it is not. Your choice.
page 263
The Ascension Papers, Book 1