10-17-2017, 12:13 AM

Hello, id like to share an experience that I had a couple years ago that I will never forget.
I was in a rough place...... I was working for a startup company and they weren't paying me. I had just moved into a new place and I, a college student had the whole place to myself. It was dirty... rats, roaches, trash, bed bugs in the couches and fleas... but it had potential so I proceeded to fix it up. My rent was only 450 so it wasn't a bad deal... I had the house cleaned and had got the utilities in my name... The house had some broken window and the ac was very old. It didnt really cool the house at all lol unless you had it running all day. It was summer and it was hot so thats what I did. I was feeling high and mighty and proud lol until i got that first utility bill. $1,800....... need I say more lol just for a month and a half. I was officially screwed... I couldn't afford that so I neglected my responsibilities.... long story short...
3 or 4 months later I am in this house... no power no car because it got repossessed and I am feeling sad... i am hungry and I am being eaten alive by these fleas. (No one knows this story actually) but I still meditate everyday. One day I was feeling really emotional. I was actually able to not participate in military movements anymore because I had got "electrocuted". My unit kinda laughed at me after it happened and the people in charge didnt help me get the paperwork I needed. Needless to say i felt thrown under the buss lol a buss with taser wheels lol... anyways. I was sitting down there grieving and I made the decision that I didnt want my meditation to be like that so I focused on something positive. I had a large black poster with a lot of developed photos of my friends and my adventures. The photos had a lot of happy memories... then I got the idea to take out more photos and look through them. Each photo I had of a friend I let out a loving prayer and really felt it because I really meant it. Around that time I was also meditating for 3 to 4hrs at a time... after I prayed for everyone for a hr I went to meditate myself. When I was done I felt a lot better and was happy. I was tired so I layed down as I was sitting meditating in my bed.
As soon as my head hit the pillow it was like I fell into a ocean.... I was flowing downwards and the color was kinda sepia colored and it was filled with all sorts of geometric shapes and images... not just small but huge pieces that were maybe the size of a car or more.... as I was sinking in this feeling I felt the unity of everything I could hear and feel everything..... To look at it from another point of view it seemed kinda like that scene in XMen where Xavier put the helmet on and he was able to hear the whispers and thoughts of everyone. To make it understandable in 3rd it would be like being in a ocean that went into infinity.... but the only thing was that the ocean was made out of jello!!!! Each ripple or movement or feeling someone had it would cause a ripple that would shake or wiggle your being.... right there i understood a lot of things instantly... I realized the mass consciousness and how it effects us if we are not conscious..... as i was taking all this in when I realized that a being was talking to me.... As I drew my awareness to this voice my sinking or floating landed me onto some kind of room. It was basically the size of a movie theater and this being was trying to explain to me some blue print... lol I looked at the material and I looked at the being and I was like...... I have noooo idea what your talking about haha. He laughed a little and looked at me and pointed to a part of the print and said.. its like what you call a L.E.D I was probably there for a hour as this stuff went over my head haha.... I was eventually dropped back into my room..... This was probably the first time ever i did not try to evade a vision/dream and I assume that they thought I took it so well that they picked me up again.... lol but this time as I floated into this space again I wasn't feeling it and I decided to evade... lol End of experience.
I dont know what that being was trying to explain to me other than it was obvious some kind of technology. Also I wasnt really focused on what the being looked like so I just remember the general shape and height of this being... he was obviously 8 or 9ft tall and had some kind of black leather suit looking thing on.. according to my memory now. Maybe the full description is in my dream journal...
More stores to come if your interested... I have dabbled and been dabbled in many topics so just ask and I can see if I have an experience in that regards.. lol id be quick.. maybe or maybe not I am suppose to be saying so much lol