10-16-2017, 11:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-27-2017, 09:06 PM by SkyGodWarrior.)

Hello I have written this post before on other forums that apparently have been shut down for one reason or another so I like to re post it in hopes of finding some information on it or at least a hint haha.
Growing up when I would lucid dream or astral project I would be able to change my astral body into another being and Id basically use this being to do various things. Missions, fun, practice or etc... and I noticed that things would happen to my avatar unconsciously as I grew up and progressed both in skill and spirituality. All though I didnt know of the Law of One consciously I practiced it and also noticed a difference or changes in my avatar. First the wings of the dragon were my original avatars wings then they turned into black feathery wings. After awhile I realized that the black had turn into the white.... one day I was asleep and I became aware of something my higher self was doing.. I was in some kind of gathering of other kids or people who were around my age dressed in normal clothes. This gathering seemed to be of other astral travelers. I was eating a sandwich just chit chatting with another kid.
I heard a commotion and looked up and saw that some kid was being picked on by another. The bigger kid was throwing energy balls at another and the other kid was just taking it and not defending himself. I could not stand by and watch like the other kids so I decided to go over there and do something about it. I went over there and picked the kid up and the other guy started throwing energy towards me. I smacked a couple out of the air before I got really angry. Anger use to be the force that propelled me to be able to change avatars.. this time even though I had changed into this winged wolf avatar possibly hundreds of times I changed into something different. I was completely on fire... from what I could tell. I couldn't actually see my whole body but I could feel the flames radiating of my entire body. I was looking at my hands and forearms as it glistened with this golden red flames. I was conscious of each flame flickering off my body...The feeling felt like some burning passion that you get when your lifting weights and it feels good or like your having S*x and instead of muscle fatigue you feel a burn that kind of itches in a good way. Apparently this wasn't normal and the other kids were kinda looking in awe as well. This had never happened before and I was confused.... I assumed that this must of been a dream and that the dream was telling me that my real body was on fire.
It took me a lot of energy and effort to get back to my actually body like it was almost impossible and that I had shifted into some different world and was now living there. It took a while for me to be able to come back to my body and when I did I had a massive headache in the area of my third eye. I was happy that I wasn't on fire but sad that I had missed out on experiencing this new form. The weird thing was that I still felt this burn for over a month and had a high heat tolerance.. lol I didnt really experiment with anything else other than hot water that would normally hurt me..... it felt sensational vs painful and I had no injury from it... I now know after years of practice that I was feeling my emotional body or astral body.
I tried to find answers to this but no luck. I even was at a medium and that being was not able to pin it. This being said that normally when a person has a dream of being on fire it may be of cleansing of some sort. I didnt think this was entirely the answer I was looking for but it was just after an event haha that I will have to post later.... I had a incident with the secret space program...

Tsk tsk.. i am looking for answers