06-16-2016, 05:47 AM
I'd like to post what I sent to LL. I hope someone finds it interesting.
Do I think I'm a wanderer? Most definitely. Only heard of it a few weeks ago browsing the Ra site. But you know when soul wants you to know something is right and you need to pay special attention to it. It makes your (atoms?) Start vibrating. You know you better pay attention and you know it's right. It's a lonely road but you all ready know this. This is our life and dispite all the tribulations I love it and would not change a thing. By the way I'm not from somewhere else. I've paid my due's right here on this beautiful planet.
Allways been different and hated school, am quite intelligent, good at things I liked, just didn't like it.But there was allways people that could see things in me that I could not. Allways helping everyone I could. Getting ripped off, tacken advantage of. But it didn't matter to me. Someone could rip me off one day and need help the next and I would be there to do what I could. I used to think why can't I hold a grudge like everyone else, whats wrong with me. Near death experience early twenty's. long tunnel, white light, told not your time, have to go back, things to do.
My spiritualality matured around thirty and I started working on myself and turned every thing into a meditation, walking, eating, talking. It was so humbling to soul talk to someone because you know it left an impression and it seemed like I could talk this way to anyone. I've ran into people years later and told what a impact I left on them. Most of the time I didn't know I was doing it. .
If I walk down the road and look at the trees and think what a beautiful gift from the creator and pour love out to them they take on a different hew and I can see the glow surround them, then I get on a train or bus and nearly everyone just smiles at me. They must sense the love even if they don't understand it. My meditations became deep and profound. I would see a electric blue pentacle above my head that eventually changed to a disc with spears of light protruding from it . (Still electric blue )a obolisk of to the side and the top of a mountain a bit further away. still doing this alone I wish I had a spiritual teacher at the time. But thats ok I worked most of it out eventually.
I came across souls that covered my every atom with love and made my body vibrate with the same love. what a beautiful experience. The most interesting was on the Buddha's holiday when I was meditating I wondered what he would think of us. Same thing, love that just makes you vibrate but this was a different love. It was the love you give to a child. I've seen hindu like spirits sitting on the other side of a sea of fire. Not a red fire but a type of milky fire? I came across another hindu type that was so good looking I couldn't tell if it was male or female. When I was trying to work out which it was I got the word Asexual. It looked up and what I got from it was, that it was quite perturbed about being disturbed.It got up turned around changed to an elephant and walked away. Still can't work that one out. I became quite Adept at this and other things. I believe the mind is a dimensional portal that can be accessed by any one that has the right frame of mind. During these times me sacral-red chakra was huge. I could feel it outside my body a few inches from bum about 4inches in diameter. I thought I was becoming a bit detached from things and eventually decided to drop this and focus on the here and now.
Am I psychic. No, but I am very intuitive I pick up on a lot of things quite easily. I once bought this lovely citrine crystal about 5" tall, 4" wide. Half orange, half quartz (white) except the tip, all orange. I read somewhere about an old prophet joining crystals to make a sword. I wondered if I could change the white quartz in it. within two weeks the orange had encircled the whole crystal and another two weeks the remaining quartz became clear with a light orange to it. I know I didn't do this but just helped it to come to it's full glory. I still love this beautiful stone.
I seem to be very lucky. I live presently in and with what one might call the lower rungs of society. saying this I have never wanted much or gone without. I'm quite happy living humbly and sometimes frugally. The things I need and sometimes want when given some thought allways come to me.
I believe the old alcoholic deserves as much respect as the next person. He might just be an old soul learning his last lesson before moving on. such as when I was living in a shed with my girlfriend behind her parents house when I was 20. The gentle man next door was drunk when he had money, hungry when he had none, no water(didn't pay his rates ) or power. We used to give water for his needs, and a meal when hungry. He told me wanted to sell his house once but didn't tell the bank and they jumped on him for not telling them first. I asked if we could buy it. He said he owed to the bank $4000 so give me $5000 and it's a deal. I replied what if I give the bank $4000 and you $4000 would that be ok. His brother heard and offered double, the other neighbor offered triple. But he told them to f#ck off and told them the only ones that wanted anything to do with him was the kids and they are getting it. Things come from unexpected places.
My wanting to help others that my partners don't think that I should give the time of day to has caused some problems. They don't understand that I can't not reach out to someone that I could help. just the little things from a stranger seems to make a difference and can change their attitude. I think they will do the sàme to spread the love. it seems I know just the right thing to say to make someone feel better, loved, or that someone cares what is happening to them.
Am I religious, no. I think all organized religion is corrupt in some way. If asked I tell people I'm a universal spiritualist. I take what I like from them all and dismiss the rest. I love the charity of the Christian, the mysticism of the hindu, the humility of the Buddhist and the beautiful faith of the Muslim, and I love the path I have chosen. Saying that I think religion is so important. It keeps them focused on the the road to take. I think of it like crutches, that helps you walk till your ready to walk the path alone.
It's not all been peachy. when I have strayed from the path, and I have on occasions. There has been repercussions. But thats ok with me as it's all a learning curve and part of the game.
I've never met anyone like me, or talked about these things to anyone, so it feels nice to get it out there . I feel nobody would quite get it or want to uderstand it all and a lot of it is is personal and precious to me. This is what makes it lonely for me. I hope someone finds this a little interesting. Thats about all for now. I could write more but that will do for my first post.
Do I think I'm a wanderer? Most definitely. Only heard of it a few weeks ago browsing the Ra site. But you know when soul wants you to know something is right and you need to pay special attention to it. It makes your (atoms?) Start vibrating. You know you better pay attention and you know it's right. It's a lonely road but you all ready know this. This is our life and dispite all the tribulations I love it and would not change a thing. By the way I'm not from somewhere else. I've paid my due's right here on this beautiful planet.
Allways been different and hated school, am quite intelligent, good at things I liked, just didn't like it.But there was allways people that could see things in me that I could not. Allways helping everyone I could. Getting ripped off, tacken advantage of. But it didn't matter to me. Someone could rip me off one day and need help the next and I would be there to do what I could. I used to think why can't I hold a grudge like everyone else, whats wrong with me. Near death experience early twenty's. long tunnel, white light, told not your time, have to go back, things to do.
My spiritualality matured around thirty and I started working on myself and turned every thing into a meditation, walking, eating, talking. It was so humbling to soul talk to someone because you know it left an impression and it seemed like I could talk this way to anyone. I've ran into people years later and told what a impact I left on them. Most of the time I didn't know I was doing it. .
If I walk down the road and look at the trees and think what a beautiful gift from the creator and pour love out to them they take on a different hew and I can see the glow surround them, then I get on a train or bus and nearly everyone just smiles at me. They must sense the love even if they don't understand it. My meditations became deep and profound. I would see a electric blue pentacle above my head that eventually changed to a disc with spears of light protruding from it . (Still electric blue )a obolisk of to the side and the top of a mountain a bit further away. still doing this alone I wish I had a spiritual teacher at the time. But thats ok I worked most of it out eventually.
I came across souls that covered my every atom with love and made my body vibrate with the same love. what a beautiful experience. The most interesting was on the Buddha's holiday when I was meditating I wondered what he would think of us. Same thing, love that just makes you vibrate but this was a different love. It was the love you give to a child. I've seen hindu like spirits sitting on the other side of a sea of fire. Not a red fire but a type of milky fire? I came across another hindu type that was so good looking I couldn't tell if it was male or female. When I was trying to work out which it was I got the word Asexual. It looked up and what I got from it was, that it was quite perturbed about being disturbed.It got up turned around changed to an elephant and walked away. Still can't work that one out. I became quite Adept at this and other things. I believe the mind is a dimensional portal that can be accessed by any one that has the right frame of mind. During these times me sacral-red chakra was huge. I could feel it outside my body a few inches from bum about 4inches in diameter. I thought I was becoming a bit detached from things and eventually decided to drop this and focus on the here and now.
Am I psychic. No, but I am very intuitive I pick up on a lot of things quite easily. I once bought this lovely citrine crystal about 5" tall, 4" wide. Half orange, half quartz (white) except the tip, all orange. I read somewhere about an old prophet joining crystals to make a sword. I wondered if I could change the white quartz in it. within two weeks the orange had encircled the whole crystal and another two weeks the remaining quartz became clear with a light orange to it. I know I didn't do this but just helped it to come to it's full glory. I still love this beautiful stone.
I seem to be very lucky. I live presently in and with what one might call the lower rungs of society. saying this I have never wanted much or gone without. I'm quite happy living humbly and sometimes frugally. The things I need and sometimes want when given some thought allways come to me.
I believe the old alcoholic deserves as much respect as the next person. He might just be an old soul learning his last lesson before moving on. such as when I was living in a shed with my girlfriend behind her parents house when I was 20. The gentle man next door was drunk when he had money, hungry when he had none, no water(didn't pay his rates ) or power. We used to give water for his needs, and a meal when hungry. He told me wanted to sell his house once but didn't tell the bank and they jumped on him for not telling them first. I asked if we could buy it. He said he owed to the bank $4000 so give me $5000 and it's a deal. I replied what if I give the bank $4000 and you $4000 would that be ok. His brother heard and offered double, the other neighbor offered triple. But he told them to f#ck off and told them the only ones that wanted anything to do with him was the kids and they are getting it. Things come from unexpected places.
My wanting to help others that my partners don't think that I should give the time of day to has caused some problems. They don't understand that I can't not reach out to someone that I could help. just the little things from a stranger seems to make a difference and can change their attitude. I think they will do the sàme to spread the love. it seems I know just the right thing to say to make someone feel better, loved, or that someone cares what is happening to them.
Am I religious, no. I think all organized religion is corrupt in some way. If asked I tell people I'm a universal spiritualist. I take what I like from them all and dismiss the rest. I love the charity of the Christian, the mysticism of the hindu, the humility of the Buddhist and the beautiful faith of the Muslim, and I love the path I have chosen. Saying that I think religion is so important. It keeps them focused on the the road to take. I think of it like crutches, that helps you walk till your ready to walk the path alone.
It's not all been peachy. when I have strayed from the path, and I have on occasions. There has been repercussions. But thats ok with me as it's all a learning curve and part of the game.
I've never met anyone like me, or talked about these things to anyone, so it feels nice to get it out there . I feel nobody would quite get it or want to uderstand it all and a lot of it is is personal and precious to me. This is what makes it lonely for me. I hope someone finds this a little interesting. Thats about all for now. I could write more but that will do for my first post.