08-21-2014, 05:36 PM
Lately, I have been traveling through this Earthy world stage in life review. Motifs of judgment/reaping have been filling up my reality in consequence. I am not implying that the motifs are anything but coming from myself. But I perceive right now that it makes sense to remain open to the idea that the potential exists for it to be something from beyond the immediate, individual self.
This all seemed to become very deep once a catalyst appeared. There is of course a lot of details and other catalysts I must leave out for the purpose of posting and having potential readers.
I remember a very deep mushroom trip that I experienced that is intimately connected. I experience mushrooms as catalysts of the imagination and beyond. I experience them to bring up that which has been suppressed, and so on and so forth.
This trip seemed to bring up a lot from deep within me.
It acted upon my awareness to guide me through experiences of existing beyond humanlike expression.
Eventually during that trip, I experienced distortions of a judging god looking in me which caused feelings of the awareness being angry at/with me.
I experienced the awareness of what I'd describe as judgment.
Ever since then, it seems as if the awareness of "judgment" has been filling up my reality.
In some times, the judgment really impacts me negatively. Sometimes this happens to the point that I feel like my body is going to die unless I correct to what the force from judgment considers to be a right path.
This has been a very strange experience for me because of how spirituality interacts with me. I haven't always been on a spiritual path. I was suddenly awakened by awareness beyond the immediate, individual self I was used to. Ever since then there seems to have been a tremendous amount of awareness, effort, guidance, and assertiveness in keeping me aligned to my path.
When this intertwines with the aspects of my life that judgment appears to be applicable at, it seems to be a mechanism to scare me straight as if I need that catalyst.
Needless to say, I think I have a lot of distortions/illusions around all of this.
I feel very ignorant to the truth of what this all means, and there seems to be a lesson within that I need.
A lot of it seems to be unconscious, and maybe it is from other lives.
I will really appreciate anyone's perspective of the distortions/illusions that I have been experiencing.
Would a positive polarity being ever use "negativity" as catalysts?