Hello to all,
For some of you that are from Divine Cosmos...some of this may only be what you ahve already read in my posts there. Due to a busy life that keeps me spinning...I will copy and paste some posts from there to here (makes it a little easier on me). Ill start this thread...and then add to it also.
From earlier life, I experienced things other people didnt. My family lost a child (my older brother) when he was 7 years old. I was only 2. As I grew up...my mother told me one day that she saw my brother walk away holding Jesus's hand. I though she was trying to just make me feel better....but she really believes she saw this. As life went on....I began to question everything about my mothers religion of Christianity. I rebelled in life i many ways...feelings of stress and emotions too much to bare. Drugs were a help with escaping the world. At age 19 I married into a relation that I offered much more of myself then I really could, which wore greatly on me. After 7 years of marriage, and 2 beautiful children, I left my home town of 28 years and joined my parents in Alabama (they moved here when I graduated highschool).
While still living up north...my son had a awesome experience which totally catapulted me into considering....all things are possible and I really understand nothing. I will copy and paste the following about this story.
So every morning, her and I would talk while I dressed her and changed her (this took a while, in the beginning, I showed ugliness when caring for her sometimes...I had to work on being humble and patient and to treat her as I would want someone to treat me if someone had to care for me in that way. The guilt I felt was heavy....and there was only two paths. I could resent it all and feel sorry for myself and my life being interrupted...or I could accept and cope and be the light for her she needed.
In June 2008, I started seeking the stars deeply...I found out that the tropical zodiac I had always known said I was Virgo...but the solar zodiac that I had just discovered said the sun was in Leo on my birth. ANOTHER catalysts for me. I rejected it...said no way. Virgo fits me! But...something in me said...seek your stars. So I looked up Leo in the sky....I saw that Mars and Saturn would both conjunct Regulus (the heart of the Lion in Leo) later that month. A thought came to my mind (this was a new thing...thoughts coming into my mind...but I went with it). I felt someone was going to die, due to these stars. I even posted this feeling about a 'king' dying before the later experience I will tell you even happened. This was the first time ever I felt something from the 'stars'.
Ill continue in the next posts....I know this is all so long.
Being that my mother has been very ill for the last 3-4 years, she has been to the hospital about once a month for the last 3 years fighting off infections she will always battle with. She will always have the staph infection in her leg, which will flare up in other areas, it has shown on her skin and lungs. She battles Cellulitis (sp?)about once a month and she fights off Sudimonis (sp?) often as well. Its amazing she has made it this far!!!!!
So anyways, hospital visits were not uncommon at all...in fact, today, she went back into the hospital, I detected the cellulitis appearing on her leg again this morning. She will have to have IV antibiotics...which trouble her kidneys.
OK...back to June, 2008. Mother was having trouble around the 18th of that month with breathing and kidneys....she had been on strong antibiotics for over 3 weeks and the antibiotics began toxicating her kidneys. On June 20th summer solstice of that year (usually solstice is on the 21st, sense I was following the stars, I was well aware that the solstice would be on the 20th, just a few minutes before the 21st.
The events that unfolded that day took her and me in a way...to another world. I will now copy and paste the thread I first made sharing this experience as it unfolded. I dont bring this as 'truth' of anything...and I think it might show that we do create our 'next' world somewhat, as well as I do think she really did learn some truths. The thread I am posting was just a start of the story....I will later posts videos I made of mother sharing it in her own words....which in my opinion....are much better then my recaps.
I want to add before I go on....before this all happened, my mother and I together dedicated ourselves to the Holy Spirit of Life. We asked to be used in a way that others could find the light of love. I was not expecting for her to be used in this way as well as me as a witness......
Again, I dont claim truths here...but to her...it is truth. I just claim it as something to share. All the different quotes are from different days as time went on.
And here are the videos we made...remember, we are not professionals. I just wanted people to see her talk about it...sense I enjoyed talking with her so much about it myself.
Mother was came home 2 months exactly after having this experience. She also had a deep horrible psychic attack when she woke after being unconscious for 3 days. It was like a possession. A voice telling her to kill herself, she swallowed hypodermic needles, the doctors that she had gone crazy. I clearly remember telling that 'other' her one day....it had no power over her. I sat there that entire day ignoring this 'other' person she was....and eventually, my mother, her true self came back to us.
Without what has happened to my mother, and my families choices, I dont think we would of had all the experiences we have had together. Today, before she left for the hospital again....I told her....mabey there is someone at the hospital needing 'you'. She smiled....and said....'I thought the same thing'.
During that time (those 2months that she was in the hospital after this experience)....I had a time slip of my age. I was getting ready to turn 33....but was telling people I was 33, going to be 34. The day she came home was the day I realized I had thought my age to be different that whole time. Did we change something in time? I dont know. Did her choice change something? I dont know.
So on to 2009!!!
It seems that I have two dimensions converging...or another me visiting me (or was). After all of this in 2008...people in my family were claiming to see 'another me'. It was always a 'flash' moment...but they would come to me bugged eyed after telling me things like...."I just saw you standing at the door watching the kids" or "I just saw you going down the hall into your room" (or other rooms as well). They would sometimes see it after I entered the house...being right behind me also entering the house. It really spooked my boyfriend, for he is just a ol country boy that likes simple life. I think this 'other me' has left and is not really visiting anymore as of very recently. I cant really explain why I know that it was a temporary visit...but that is just what I feel.
Presently, I am very curious about 'beings of light' as well as 'walk ins'. I wonder if my son had a walk in and I wonder if what others were seeing as me...was another me blending with my time...if I did have a time slip of any sort.
Through all of this....no one can convince me that anything is impossible or that all things are explained. I feel that sense Saturn has left Leo....I have kinda returned to my 'normalcy'...for what eer that is...
All of this has left my mind open and left me humbled.
It seems alot of this happened after learning about the Law of One...and it seems that past things that have happened were somewhat explained to me by the Law of One.
So I continue on my path...where ever it may lead...I am not worried much anymore
I hope others enjoy these stories, I only bring them to share, I think that is what we are to do in life.
My best to all
For some of you that are from Divine Cosmos...some of this may only be what you ahve already read in my posts there. Due to a busy life that keeps me spinning...I will copy and paste some posts from there to here (makes it a little easier on me). Ill start this thread...and then add to it also.
From earlier life, I experienced things other people didnt. My family lost a child (my older brother) when he was 7 years old. I was only 2. As I grew up...my mother told me one day that she saw my brother walk away holding Jesus's hand. I though she was trying to just make me feel better....but she really believes she saw this. As life went on....I began to question everything about my mothers religion of Christianity. I rebelled in life i many ways...feelings of stress and emotions too much to bare. Drugs were a help with escaping the world. At age 19 I married into a relation that I offered much more of myself then I really could, which wore greatly on me. After 7 years of marriage, and 2 beautiful children, I left my home town of 28 years and joined my parents in Alabama (they moved here when I graduated highschool).
While still living up north...my son had a awesome experience which totally catapulted me into considering....all things are possible and I really understand nothing. I will copy and paste the following about this story.
Quote:Hello to all,. The disease that made her sick as of about 10 years ago is Sarcoidosis. She was on steroids for so long, she gained alot of weight, which led to the brittle bones and breaking of her hips.
There has been a story I have wanted to share with you all but I have put it off for I wanted to get to know you all a little better as well as I wanted you to get to know me a little better before I post such a deep meaningful story. This one will be long Im sure, and I ramble so much, so please forgive in advance.
On a beautiful sunny day, my oldest son (who was 5 yrs old at the time) was outside playing in the back yard. I was busy cleaning and doing things(we lived in the country so there wasnt the worry of busy streets and such, and I was close by anyways, always). But somehow, something or someone seemed to of visited him that day. He came running into the house to me that day with the biggest smile I had ever seen, he was huffing and puffing, trying to catch a breath, and says "MOM! MOM! I have been playing with Jesus!" My eyes wanted to roll in my head, but I didnt want him to think I didnt believe him. So I did smile and asked him why he thought he was playing with Jesus. He went into a ramble of how this yellow light came down in front of him while he was swinging and how he at first just was looking at it. He said it changed shape like from a ball of light to a person, a yellow person of light more or less. I remeber asking him specifically why he thought the light was a person, and he said because it seemed to have arms that could reach out to him. He said they played hide and seek and tag and ran all over the yard together. He then said, "Mom, I think it gave me a new life" Of corse I said, "why do you think it gave you a new life?" He said, well, when the light was a person, another little ball of light came out of it and went into me, and its like I just saw the words LIFE in my head." It seems that when this happened, (the other light coming out of the light and going into him,) he was standing face to face like with this being of light 'checking it out' after they played. He said "I was trying to touch it, and the light came out of it and went into me and then it just went away and I came running in hear to tell you" was his words. I then asked again, why he thought it was Jesus, and he simply said, "well who else could it have been?"
I had him draw 2 pictures that day of what he saw. I have them packed away i a box, I will try to get them dug up soon, I might scan them and post them just for kicks. One picture is like a yellow person with a yellow circle around its head and he drew a mustache on it. I couldnt help but wonder if he drew the mustache out of his own idea of thinking that this was 'Jesus", and what his idea of Jesus would be, or if he really say a mustsche. The other picture was more like a person with big yellow wings. A yellow circle around its head also.
I have ignored this experience of my sons for a long time. His experience did lead me to Jesus though. Sure enough, I found myself on my knees feeling the weight that Jesus once chose to carry. I wept right there on my bath room floor. But, again, I strayed, I put the mystery of my faith on the back burner, for life was too busy. Now as my son has grown(he is 11 now), I have asked him about once a year, if he remebers seeing the light in the the back yard. Always I get a immediate 'Yes'. When he was about 7, he had wrote a sentence about the day he saw Jesus. I had bought him a little journal note book and that is the only thing he ever wrote in there. It simply says, "when I was 5, I saw Jesus in my back yard and we played games" I think he wrote something about how happy it made him fell. And yes, I still have that journal, its put away as well.
*BIG SIGHS*-Im sharing this with you all because I feel that is what I should do. Its so very personal, to me, yes, but more so to my son. For he is so inocent, and I would never want to infringe on his free will of being able to discover himself and his purpose. But I was drawn to tell the story to you all, I guess to say that I really feel like he did experience something out of this world that day. This is a family story that is familar to not just my son and I, but his sister, my mom and dad, my brother, they all have heard him 'remeber' the day he saw this light. We all dont talk about it. in fact its rarely discussed, like I said, about once a year, I ask him what he remembers. Every year the memory fades more and more. This last year, he still remebers it, he remebers a light, and he still relates it as Jesus, but you can see the strain as his head tilts while he tries to remember this fading memory.
My son not only believes in this Jesus he saw, but also strongly believes in aliens, yet he has never 'seen' one of those. This makes me curious. He will debate with anyone of how there HAS to be aliens.
Over the weekend I was contemplating advice I received that if the Ra material isnt resonating with me that I should pull away from it all for a while. I said, 'well ok, I can do that'...but another voice said, 'yes, you can, but you dont need to, you need to tell your stories'. So here I am, still sharing my stories...forgive my grammar, its a weakness of mine
So much love to all,
-Since I have posted this, my son found a picture one day of a yellow being of light...and the title on the magazine said 'fallen angels'.....even though the title said what it did....he brought me the picture and asked me....'what is a being of light'? He said...this picture reminds me of what I saw that day.
Around 2007 I found David Wilcocks work. What struck a cord with me is he was visited by a being around age 5 also. I started reading the Law of One and learning many new thoughts. My mother and I would debate back and forth about how I was going the wrong way, I was not following the Bible...ect ect...the new path I was seeking was not excepted by my confidon and this was hard for me. I knew though, I had to follow my inner self and not someone elses. Around May of 2008 my mother started asking ME questions. I was like 'WOW'. I shared with her some gospels that I had studied that I thought would of been more her speed...being a Christian. I shared the gospels of peace with her. Much of it resonated with her...even though alot of it was not something she would of found in her Bible. She was curious how what ever I was studying was clearly making me a more patient loving soul.
I should add...my mother became bed ridden about 3 years ago...she had been very sick for well over 10 years. She broke both hips a few years back and my family decided to care for her, bed ridden, having to change diapers, the whole nine yards. This was a catylysts for her and my family big time. A lot of my humbleness was taught to me from this event. On her second hip surgery, staph appeared in the leg right after they replaced her bone they had to remove with hardwear. They had to go back in, remove the hardwear, and leave 6 inches of bone missing and they also had to leave the gaping would open since infection was inside. To this day, the wound is still open. She will never walk again
So every morning, her and I would talk while I dressed her and changed her (this took a while, in the beginning, I showed ugliness when caring for her sometimes...I had to work on being humble and patient and to treat her as I would want someone to treat me if someone had to care for me in that way. The guilt I felt was heavy....and there was only two paths. I could resent it all and feel sorry for myself and my life being interrupted...or I could accept and cope and be the light for her she needed.
In June 2008, I started seeking the stars deeply...I found out that the tropical zodiac I had always known said I was Virgo...but the solar zodiac that I had just discovered said the sun was in Leo on my birth. ANOTHER catalysts for me. I rejected it...said no way. Virgo fits me! But...something in me said...seek your stars. So I looked up Leo in the sky....I saw that Mars and Saturn would both conjunct Regulus (the heart of the Lion in Leo) later that month. A thought came to my mind (this was a new thing...thoughts coming into my mind...but I went with it). I felt someone was going to die, due to these stars. I even posted this feeling about a 'king' dying before the later experience I will tell you even happened. This was the first time ever I felt something from the 'stars'.
Ill continue in the next posts....I know this is all so long.
Being that my mother has been very ill for the last 3-4 years, she has been to the hospital about once a month for the last 3 years fighting off infections she will always battle with. She will always have the staph infection in her leg, which will flare up in other areas, it has shown on her skin and lungs. She battles Cellulitis (sp?)about once a month and she fights off Sudimonis (sp?) often as well. Its amazing she has made it this far!!!!!
So anyways, hospital visits were not uncommon at all...in fact, today, she went back into the hospital, I detected the cellulitis appearing on her leg again this morning. She will have to have IV antibiotics...which trouble her kidneys.
OK...back to June, 2008. Mother was having trouble around the 18th of that month with breathing and kidneys....she had been on strong antibiotics for over 3 weeks and the antibiotics began toxicating her kidneys. On June 20th summer solstice of that year (usually solstice is on the 21st, sense I was following the stars, I was well aware that the solstice would be on the 20th, just a few minutes before the 21st.
The events that unfolded that day took her and me in a way...to another world. I will now copy and paste the thread I first made sharing this experience as it unfolded. I dont bring this as 'truth' of anything...and I think it might show that we do create our 'next' world somewhat, as well as I do think she really did learn some truths. The thread I am posting was just a start of the story....I will later posts videos I made of mother sharing it in her own words....which in my opinion....are much better then my recaps.
Quote:I have alot of things to share with you all and let me say first, I am very honored to do so. I could of posted this with the 'nurse wrote a book on near death experiences', but I feel this deserves its own thread. What I am going to share with you all is very precious to me, its nothing less then a gem.
Some of you may know from past posts that my mother has been sick a long time and her and I have been exploring great things with our spirituality together. A couple weeks ago she had a very bad slip back in her health. Ive been sitting with her in the hospital every day. She is doing a little better now but she has a long way to go-First, let me ask you all to keep her in your thoughts and my family also-her name is Pam.
On Friday, June 20th, my mother was slipping from us on and off all day. She was barely conscious, she would come to for a few mins and slip back away from us on and off all day. It seemed that she was seeing things when she would slip away, her face expressions and even sometimes she would make hand movements, like she was seeing things. Finally, I asked her, "Mom, are you seeing things?" she came to for a moment, looked at me, smiled at me, and said "yes".
Throughout the rest of the day, my mother shared with me what she was seeing. At first I was asking her questions because it seemed to be the only topic of interests to her to wake up enough to show she was still with us. I wish you all could of seen her eyes and expressions when she would tell me things because the truth was in her eyes. OK, so lets get on with the story!
After a while, I realized that my mom was telling me so many things, that I should write some of it down. The only thing I had to write on handy was my Bible, I opened it to the back where I had space to jot things down and ended up filling up two full pages of things my mother saw that day. I'm going to relay these things in little quotes and jotted notes, but honestly, it wont do the story justice because like I said, the truth was in her eyes.
"Mom, what do you see?"-"I see angels Lynette, and cherubs, Oh Lynette, you just wouldn't believe how beautiful everything is!" (she would only stay alert a couple mins. after each time she told me something)
"Mom, are you still seeing things?"-"Oh yes"-
"What do you see mom?"-"I'm in my hut"
"Your hut?"-"Oh yeah, my mom is there with me and Craig too(her mother is passed and Craig is my brother who is passed)
"Is there just one hut mom?"-"Oh no, everyone has a hut, Oh Lynette, I see everyone (she went through a list of names)-then she drifted off again. I could tell when she was having a vision.
"Mom, what are you doing now?"-"Oh, Im eating fruit from that tree, Oh Lynette, its the best fruit Ive ever had."-Joking I asked her "Is it a fig mom?"-she laughed, then thought for a min. "Well I dont know, it could be, it has a different fruit in the center of it, its just so wonderful."
"Mom, are you still seeing things."-she looked at me and nodded 'yes'-"what do you see Mom?"-I'm walking around, you can go anywhere, everyone is preparing for a feast...its like a perfect community, everyone is helping, everyone has a job, everyone keeps asking me 'when did you get here?', its so strange, some have computers, like pocket books, not everyone needs you, but for some its necessary"-I said"Computers? that is strange, I wonder what computers are doing in there?" she said-"well they are for the people that must keep up with all the information"
"Mom, do you see things in the room with you?"_Oh yes, there are 2 angels over here by me (at her left side) and there are cherubs here." she pointed over by me "there are 3 cherubs right above you, and Lynette they are just the cutest things Ive ever seen, they are chubby and have little paws with sharp little claws" I asked her "do they talk to you mom?"-"Oh no, they talk to each other, but they don't want to talk to me, they aren't supposed to talk to us."- I then asked her "what do is the cherubs job?"-She said" they are supposed to find truth and protect it."
"Mom, are you still seeing things."-"Oh yes"-"Mom, what do you see?"-(she looked a little discouraged or confused)"I'm in a room, he(she was not clear on who 'he' was) is telling me, 'ya know you still have things to work on' and I told him, yes, I know I do, the cherubs are trying to help me understand."
"Mom, are you ok, are the angels still with you?"-"Oh yes, Lynette, I am never alone, I can go anywhere, and I am never alone." "Oh man Lynette, we have so much to research, we have to go to Egypt, did I tell you I went there?"-"no, you didn't tell me that, do you mean you just went there?"-"Oh yeah, it was so awesome, and you know what, you know the sphinx, people are right, there is something there, its under the head, so much history is there."
"Mom, are you still seeing things?"-she nodded 'yes' and smiled "Its just the most wonderful place Lynette, I see the Throne and the Kingdom, we all are going to have a feast at the Kingdom"-"What else do you see mom?"-"I see Jesus, he is sitting under that Olive Tree, all the children are with him, he just loves on them and tells them how much they are loved. He blesses their heads with the Olive Oil. He told me he knows Ive had a really hard life, and he just hugged on me and told me how much I was loved."
"Are you still at the Kingdom mom?"-"I dont know, I am at a field with Jesus, there are many different people, there is blood all over the field and we must clean it up." "I dont like it here" " I see something that scares me Lynette"-"What is it mom?"-"Its a beautiful woman, she is so beautiful, she is on a white horse, she has white hair, she is naked, she is frightening."
"Mom, are you still with us?"-she nodded yes-"are you still seeing things mom?" -she smiled, "Yes, I am back at my hut with Craig, Lynette he looks just as he did, he died, he still is a kid, we are playing games."
(she told me alot of misc. things about my family that was passed and things they said, even jokes they were making. Once she looked as though she was talking to the cherubs in the room and told them "No, now dont you go making trouble you little sneaks"-she told me so many things I cant hardly put them all on here)
her hands went up in the air, like she was going towards something-"Mom, what do you see?" -Its a huge tree, its moving, I want to climb it"-"Can you climb it mom?" -"Oh yes, its so strange Lynette, its full of these little guys, like the little hobbits ya know, but they aren't hobbits."-What else do you see mom?"-"There are deep holes in the tree, its so strange Lynette, they are so deep and smooth and soft."
"Mom, you keep slipping away from me, can you stay here with me mom?"-"Yes, I told the angels I cant stay, I'm trying to stay with you Lynette."-"Mom, I need to know if you want the doctors to do what ever they can, because you are having a really hard time breathing mom."-"Oh yes, I'm getting scared Lynette, because I do want to stay."
"What are you seeing mom?"-"I see Elijah, he came here to see me"-"How do you know its Elijah mom?"-"well you just know I guess, he can fly in the air, I asked him how he does that (she laughed)and he said its his secret (like he was joking back with her)..."Elijah has the Ark, he is the one who carries it"
"Mom, are you still seeing things"-"Yes, I see Abraham, we are in a room, its open in the East"-"Is it open for a reason mom?"-"Yes, (she nodded very firmly), its open because the baby has been born a Levi"
"Mom, your slipping away from me, can you stay with me?"-" I know Lynette, I am trying. Its so hard, its just so beautiful, I cant help but to look at it all."
About this time, the nurse came in to give her a shot to spunk her up a little, to try to get her to stay alert. She perked up a good 30 mins. I asked her if she remembered telling me things. She smiled and said "Lynette, you are blessed to witness what I am seeing, I want you to know something, everyone you every come across in life and everyone that comes across you in life, we all have to stand up for or stand up against everyone, its all up to us, we decide the weight of peoples doing, ever things you do to another, that person will have to stand for you or against you in the Kingdom. And Lynette, I dont understand what happened with the Garden of Eden, its really really sad, it wasn't fair, it wasn't fair (she was very sad about this)"
I was asking some questions about souls and destiny and the end of things on the earth...she has a look like she was listening to someone, and told me this with a smile...."I have to be careful Lynette, for some things you are not supposed to know."-we smiled at eachother-she asked me to come to her, so I did, she pulled me down close to her, kissed my forehead, then layed her hand on my head, and blessed me in the name of Jesus and the Kingdom of heaven...she then reminded me again, I was a witness and I must choose wisely who I talk with about things, because I would be making them a witness also.-she paused and laughed and said, "but someone might have to build another ark"
The medicine started wearing off, she began seeing things again. "Mom, what are you seeing now?"-"Im in my hut, did you know there are palm trees that circle ever hut and you can make them grow fast if you want to or let them grow slow, they are yours to do with what you want."
She was really slipping now-My father asked her if she was still seeing things-
"I'm with Michael"-"who's Michael?" asked my Dad...."He is my angel, he doesn't want me to go to the other side of the river." she slipped off again-
She came to one more time-"Mom, where are you now?"-I am at the gate."
After this, my mother was unconscious for 2 days. Yesterday she began coming to, looking at us, nodding her head saying she could see us and hear us. She is in Critical Care unit, they are keeping really good care of her. Things are sill very critical, but I think she is defiantly buying some time. I haven't asked her anymore questions. The reason we kept asking her these kind of questions is because it was the only thing that interested her enough to come to and look at us and show any interests in this world. I am over whelmed with this experience, but I hold it dear to my heart. I have debated with myself about sharing this, but I feel that God knew that I would share it. To anyone who reads this, I feel this information is protected by the holy spirit, for those who can understand it will, for those who don't understand it they should not worry themselves with any of these visions. I don't need responses, for I am only humbled. If you want to respond though, that is ok too. There was alot of personal things I left out of this post because it is just too much info. that I feel was more about our family and things like that. I am sharing the things that I feel would interests the majority of the readers here. I truly feel like I was a witness to my mother standing at the gate of Heaven. I am nothing more or less then honored and blessed to share this with you all.
Peace to all and God bless every single reader who reads this,
We still need prayers and positive thoughts! Please keep her in your hearts.
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I want to add before I go on....before this all happened, my mother and I together dedicated ourselves to the Holy Spirit of Life. We asked to be used in a way that others could find the light of love. I was not expecting for her to be used in this way as well as me as a witness......
Quote:Last night I sat down I tried to write EVERYTHING down as well as I could. Already the details of specific words she said are slipping from me.
I spent most of the night looking things up that might help me understand some of the things she saw. Something I almost forgot about was during one of the last times she was somewhat alert-she popped her eyes open and asked me what day it was, I told her it was Friday. She then asked what time it was, I told her it was a little after 5pm (for the life of me I cant remember the exact time that I told her it was-either 5:23 or 5:33, I cant remember. I then told her it was also the night of the summer solstice...at least according to the EarthSky website (some websites say the summer solstice was Saturday). Anyways, for whatever reason, she nodded her head like 'I thought so'....ironic it is to me that she went unconscious on a Friday, slept for 3 nights, then came back to us. Course many things could be a happenstance as well. Im trying not to analyze things, Im trying to just be patient and let the light lead the way.
I also want to note, there were 2 witnesses. My Father witnessed almost everything. There was one time he left the room for like 20 mins....but other then that, there were 2 witnesses. I felt there was a reason for this. Also, my Dad has never been a big 'faith' person. But ya know what its all we talk about here lately. I also want to say, by brother claims to of had a out of body experience that took him to see my mom on Sunday night. He said these lights came to him...he asked them if they could take him to where his mom was...he said that their vibration dimmed and he took that as a definite 'no'...so he asked them if they could take him to a place in between, and they lit up like a 'yes'. He said he was shown a tunnel, and my brother that has passed, Craig, was there, telling him to come on. He says once he reached my brother, they kinda became 'one', then he was standing by moms bedside. He says he told her that he knows there is great sunshine where she is, but told her to remember, 'there is still sunshine here too'. He says she came to for a min. and looked at him and said 'My sunshine'. WOW, ya know, there just arent words.
I understand to some this is just hallucination's. That is ok! But for me, I cant just shrug this off as nothing. Its all too amazing.
I also remember asking my mom if she thoughts we had many lives....she nodded her head yes. Does that mean that this is a fact. No, it doesn't, but it is a fact that she has been a Christian all of her life, and now thinks we have many lives.
Its not for me to analyze the dream my brother had, but I did ask him if I could share it with my 'group' (he knows all about this forum and knows I share things here that are very personal). But, how strange it is to me, that him and my elder brother became 'one'.
Could my moms vision be 'her' heaven, will we each have different visions? Ya know, i have thought so much about this. We have believers in Christ, we have soul groups that came to this planet, I just dont know how the puzzle pieces fit together. Me, I guess I am of this planet, I feel like a wanderer, but I dont think Im a wander from afar. I thought I wasn't 'meek' but I guess I am. I thought that it wasn't true that 'some' inherit the earth, now I think different. It took me a while to understand that 'meek' doesn't mean 'weak'. My dictionary says 'meek' means spiritless, so Ive decided that my dictionary is wrong I think meek means to let ever experience humble you.
Quote:Things are better today! She is breathing on her own really good, they might let her eat a little something. There are still alot of things to keep an eye on but she is doing much better. She is still seeing things, nothing really spiritual, but its not making much sense. They said there could be swelling of the brain and that this could cause her to see things. She is not on any narcotics because they effect her breathing, so she is also confussed why we dont see what she sees. She keeps asking if we see the electricity in the room and she keeps seeing yellow dust. I guess there are several things that could cause this...
We have had some great talks already. I try not to bring things up because I dont want to scare her or anything. But she does remember things. She said, "Lynette Im not so sure I was at the gate of heaven". I told her that mabey this is what the 'man' meant when he told her she still had things to work on, mabey she was given a second chance for a reason.
I feel that the place that my mother was when she was having these visions was not heaven, but a place 'inbetween'. Mabey this is why she saw some really positive things and also saw some scary things.
Quote:Yesterday me and my mom finally talked deeply about things. We have been putting it off, both knowing without saying that the time wasn't right to discuss things. On my way there yesterday, I was told today was the day, and before I got there she was told the same.
She remembers everything and more!! I really dont know where to begin. First off, I asked her what made her think all of the sudden that we have many lives. She said during that day of visions she visited a past self when she lived in the days of Jesus and Pilate. She was young and she somehow lived with Pilate through a Aunt that was his lover or wife. She said she felt herself telling Pilate that she thought that Jesus was the messiah and that she was dismissed without thought because she was a child so they didn't take offense or care either way of what she said. She said she was standing on the side of the road when Jesus walked through and she saw a lady reach out and touch his clothing. She said she wanted so bad to touch his garment but she somehow knew she couldn't or wasn't supposed to. She said Pilate suffered deeply for he did not want to crucify Jesus. She said a certain time (Pentecost) of the year Pilate allowed the people to choose to save one of the people from being killed, the people chose to save Barabbas.
She said she was shown Petra and said there is defiantly something behind Petra that would blow the worlds mind.
She corrected herself about the sphinx, saying it wasnt under the head, it was under the left paw. She said there is a chamber with steps that takes one down to a library type place that has all the history of the world. She said she was shown how the pyramids were built and that we did not do it alone. She said there were beings from the skies that were both angels and other worldly beings that came to help us and show us how to build them. (Remember, before this experience my mother believed in us being the only people in the universe and believed we only had one life even through she would dream of herself living in the time of Jesus.)
She said that UFOs are most defiantly real, that there are many other worlds, and she even saw beings from other worlds in the Kingdom of Heaven. She said they are fair skinned with eyes more beautiful then anyones eyes here in this world and she sensed that these beings were very very ancient and even fragile. She did not talk with them but she asked Michael about them and he replied to her "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you"
She said the final decision about going through the gate was totally left up to her. She said that she thinks her mother has been given a second chance and has been reborn.
She said that if humans dont learn what they need to, they will be re taught everything before re born in hopes of choosing a new path to help keep their memory. She said if one dies without knowing Jesus, its ok, they will be taught about it in Heaven, again....she said before we come here, we all learn all of these things.
She said within the next 3 years, there will be a huge display, a showing of UFOs to the world that will be undeniable to all. She said these are not the other worldly ones that want to help. She said Jesus was very tall and was necessary because God as a whole can not come here or even be seen. She said the plan in the beginning was of evil, a creation that was against the will of God (the logos). She said in order for God to intervene, the hosts of heavens had to become that hand of God to do his will, and the same with Jesus, God came here through a son. She said God has about given up on this world. She said that out of all the worlds, we are very selfish and we are unlike any other. She said most worlds with life are just babies, but some are very ancient and believe in a universal law of love.
She said in order for a place for souls that must be purified for the higher realm, Christ was defiantly a necessity. If you dont understand this, you will be taught it again when you die. She said many here now have already been to this Kingdom and now are coming to prepare for the new world. She said there are many warriors coming here now and that there will be a huge battle here and that this world will be done away with and a new earth will be transformed (possibly not in this solar system).
I asked her how she knew Jesus was Jesus....she said when he held out his hand to her she saw his piercings from the nails, as well as on his feet and a scare on his side. She said that the room being open in the east has everything to do with a new beginning.
She said that she was supposed to die that day. She said that what she was seeing was beyond what one is supposed to know about the after life. She said that my name was mentioned many times because I was hearing of things that aren't supposed to be known. She said if it wasn't for me keep asking her questions, she would not of came back.
I told her of my guilt I felt that day for peering into a world that I felt I had no right to peer into. But she reminded me "Lynette, you were seeking, the Kingdom knew you were seeking and they all knew how this was going to play out before it ever happened. You asked to be shown something, and you have been. This was for you as much as it was for me. I asked her "is anyone mad at me for wanting you to stay here and not stay with them" she smiled and said no, they all understand the power of love even if its love here in the flesh . But she reminded me, the love there is nothing like love as we know it, its over powering and beyond measure.
She said Michael has black curly locks of hair that is created perfect and his skin is of a bronze look that is created perfect. She said Michael has wings and so does Gabriel and cried when describing details because the beauty is overwhelming made out of love for them. She said there were other angels who took on a similar look, many looked the same and these did not have wings. She said that these angels can choose to be born into flesh or help out through other ways such as dreams ect...She also said Michael wore rings on his figures and they were the most beautiful rings she ever seen. She said the symbols in the rings had meaning but she was clueless to what they meant. Anytime she described the beauty of something she cried.
She also said....ALL of her pets were there, every dog she ever had. She said the only time she was alone was when she was standing at the golden gate. She was told before she approached it that all she had to do was push it open, it was up to her. Michael reminded her that she would still be sick and still suffer if she came back. The cherubs were constantly telling her she should stay, they seemed to be the only ones who couldn't understand why she would want to come back. She said all of my children are going to do great things and be a part of something much bigger. She said many babies born in this time are angels or the other worldly beings that will help bring in the replenished world. She said we need to study natural remedies, learn how to live in natural means and stock up on medicines and worm clothing. She told me to not worry about my third child who I worry so much about. She said he is meant to be and has much ahead of him in the works of God.
She said there is defiantly evil in the Logos but there is no eternity in the life of evil. She said Lucifer is oh so real and we all contain both the good and the evil for its a part of our creation. She said there are many scriptures, scrolls and text that will also surface in the next 3 years that will show that will complete the Bible and fix its errors. She said that God has came many times through different beings or ways and is constantly saddened by our people every time. She said earth is not the only place preparing for a new beginning, she said the Kingdom is very busy preparing for times ahead.
This is a personal experience, so take it for what its worth to you. If its not worth anything to you, then dont worry yourself with it. God is patient and God is love, just be true to your nature and who you really are.
She also said that the room that is open in the east is not only a open door for the new beginning but also a door for the deceivers to grab souls one last time. She said there are many in other worlds that think they can create a Kingdom in the highest realm without God. She said they couldn't be more wrong.
My mother also told me to keep watching my stars but said that she had a message for me about this. She said I was not to ask anyones ideas of what things means, that I could only find the truth through myself. She reminded me that I was warned in the stars that something was going to happen that would shake my thoughts, she said I was aware that I should ground myself with Jesus, and I did. She said something would happen in the next few years that would have to do with an alignment of 3 planets?!?!
We talked about the Kingdom of Jesus and what was behind the golden gate at the end of her vision. She wasn't sure what happens after you enter the gate but she did know that my brother that came to her had to come through the gate to see her in the Kingdom she was in. She said that not everyone she saw came from the gate, that some seemed to not be able to enter it yet.
She recalls certain angels who all they did was sing and she asked Michael something about singing and he looked at her and said "I dont sing" and she was like, 'Oh OK' and she just laughed at this.
Again, I dont claim truths here...but to her...it is truth. I just claim it as something to share. All the different quotes are from different days as time went on.
And here are the videos we made...remember, we are not professionals. I just wanted people to see her talk about it...sense I enjoyed talking with her so much about it myself.
Mother was came home 2 months exactly after having this experience. She also had a deep horrible psychic attack when she woke after being unconscious for 3 days. It was like a possession. A voice telling her to kill herself, she swallowed hypodermic needles, the doctors that she had gone crazy. I clearly remember telling that 'other' her one day....it had no power over her. I sat there that entire day ignoring this 'other' person she was....and eventually, my mother, her true self came back to us.
Without what has happened to my mother, and my families choices, I dont think we would of had all the experiences we have had together. Today, before she left for the hospital again....I told her....mabey there is someone at the hospital needing 'you'. She smiled....and said....'I thought the same thing'.
During that time (those 2months that she was in the hospital after this experience)....I had a time slip of my age. I was getting ready to turn 33....but was telling people I was 33, going to be 34. The day she came home was the day I realized I had thought my age to be different that whole time. Did we change something in time? I dont know. Did her choice change something? I dont know.
So on to 2009!!!
It seems that I have two dimensions converging...or another me visiting me (or was). After all of this in 2008...people in my family were claiming to see 'another me'. It was always a 'flash' moment...but they would come to me bugged eyed after telling me things like...."I just saw you standing at the door watching the kids" or "I just saw you going down the hall into your room" (or other rooms as well). They would sometimes see it after I entered the house...being right behind me also entering the house. It really spooked my boyfriend, for he is just a ol country boy that likes simple life. I think this 'other me' has left and is not really visiting anymore as of very recently. I cant really explain why I know that it was a temporary visit...but that is just what I feel.
Presently, I am very curious about 'beings of light' as well as 'walk ins'. I wonder if my son had a walk in and I wonder if what others were seeing as me...was another me blending with my time...if I did have a time slip of any sort.
Through all of this....no one can convince me that anything is impossible or that all things are explained. I feel that sense Saturn has left Leo....I have kinda returned to my 'normalcy'...for what eer that is...

All of this has left my mind open and left me humbled.
It seems alot of this happened after learning about the Law of One...and it seems that past things that have happened were somewhat explained to me by the Law of One.
So I continue on my path...where ever it may lead...I am not worried much anymore

I hope others enjoy these stories, I only bring them to share, I think that is what we are to do in life.
My best to all