I planned on writing something for all of you, but now I am here and I have nothing which feels important or meaningful enough to volunteer. So here's how I'll do this; please ask me any questions about me, my life, or anything you wish to know from me; I will answer as I can and add the material to this first post when appropriate. This feels more comfortable to me. Please ask freely! 
[Updated from post #4]
To get things started, I suppose it is necessary that I start with something...
As I have grown up, I have been considered smart, creative, and gifted by my teachers, and to some extent, my peers. I was picked on by some kids, but ultimately all those experiences have given me benefits in understanding others. You could say I have been gradually "awakening" all of my life so far, and I am still very much in the process. About four to five years ago, I emerged from a biblical Christian belief system, into the "larger world" of truths within truths. I retain the faith that I developed while following Christianity, that all is ultimately as it should be, and that God and/or the Universe will not absolutely destroy or imprison me for honestly seeking Truth, even if that truth not be of any one belief system. It is this faith that gave me the courage to seek in the first place. So perhaps around that time, or leading up to it, was my "awakening", if you define awakening as "when one becomes aware of one's awareness". Some seem to have believed me to be somewhat wise, but I tread carefully upon that premise, feeling that I must be careful about how much value I place on my own words as compared to another's words. I have had no metaphysical experiences so powerful or obvious that they "prooved" to me the existence of such things, but I have chosen to believe because it feels true, and I have always felt an inner resonance with the concept of "Magic". I have recently turned eighteen, and thus am at a somewhat pivotal point in my life. Free from the imposed structure of school, I now can choose my path, and I am considering this very closely. I desire to be prepared for whatever "honor/duties" I may have agreed to upon entering this life, and so I desire to awaken as much as possible. For this purpose, I am working to wake up and shake off the grogginess.
[Updated from post #14]
A few years ago (perhaps when I was 15), while riding the schoolbus home for the day, a strange thought surfaced lightly in my mind, which I did not understand. It was seemingly addressed directly to me, as if it were not my thought, but a cryptic message. The sentance was, "Every story you have ever read is true." I did not understand... how could that be? The thought kept surfacing in my mind as if my own but not. It only faded once I made the intention/response that I would "keep that in mind". I did not immediately accept it as truth, but I agreed to consider and be aware of that possibility, and the "message" faded in response. This experience had some effect on my growth, in that I was fascinated by the aspect of infinity it suggested. If every story I've ever read is true, then why not everything I have ever imagined, and even could imagine, and beyond? This message, combined with other events and, of couse, my very nature, lead me to contemplate some things.
The contemplation lead me to form and bring these reasonings together (among others):
Everything Exists. - the statement of Unity and Infinity. I invite all to contemplate this statement as a potentially useful excercise.
Nothing does not Exist. - as I would later read from Ra, "There is no nothingness." I also invite the contemplation of this concept. If you wish, try to imagine nothingness.[/b] Is it possible?
Existence is infinite.
(Therefore) Everything is Infinite.
God is infinite.
(Therefore) God is Existence.
(Therefore) God is Everything.
(Therefore) Nothing is not God.
Of course, these statements border on the limits of our language's ability to describe.

[Updated from post #4]
To get things started, I suppose it is necessary that I start with something...
As I have grown up, I have been considered smart, creative, and gifted by my teachers, and to some extent, my peers. I was picked on by some kids, but ultimately all those experiences have given me benefits in understanding others. You could say I have been gradually "awakening" all of my life so far, and I am still very much in the process. About four to five years ago, I emerged from a biblical Christian belief system, into the "larger world" of truths within truths. I retain the faith that I developed while following Christianity, that all is ultimately as it should be, and that God and/or the Universe will not absolutely destroy or imprison me for honestly seeking Truth, even if that truth not be of any one belief system. It is this faith that gave me the courage to seek in the first place. So perhaps around that time, or leading up to it, was my "awakening", if you define awakening as "when one becomes aware of one's awareness". Some seem to have believed me to be somewhat wise, but I tread carefully upon that premise, feeling that I must be careful about how much value I place on my own words as compared to another's words. I have had no metaphysical experiences so powerful or obvious that they "prooved" to me the existence of such things, but I have chosen to believe because it feels true, and I have always felt an inner resonance with the concept of "Magic". I have recently turned eighteen, and thus am at a somewhat pivotal point in my life. Free from the imposed structure of school, I now can choose my path, and I am considering this very closely. I desire to be prepared for whatever "honor/duties" I may have agreed to upon entering this life, and so I desire to awaken as much as possible. For this purpose, I am working to wake up and shake off the grogginess.
[Updated from post #14]
A few years ago (perhaps when I was 15), while riding the schoolbus home for the day, a strange thought surfaced lightly in my mind, which I did not understand. It was seemingly addressed directly to me, as if it were not my thought, but a cryptic message. The sentance was, "Every story you have ever read is true." I did not understand... how could that be? The thought kept surfacing in my mind as if my own but not. It only faded once I made the intention/response that I would "keep that in mind". I did not immediately accept it as truth, but I agreed to consider and be aware of that possibility, and the "message" faded in response. This experience had some effect on my growth, in that I was fascinated by the aspect of infinity it suggested. If every story I've ever read is true, then why not everything I have ever imagined, and even could imagine, and beyond? This message, combined with other events and, of couse, my very nature, lead me to contemplate some things.
The contemplation lead me to form and bring these reasonings together (among others):
Everything Exists. - the statement of Unity and Infinity. I invite all to contemplate this statement as a potentially useful excercise.
Nothing does not Exist. - as I would later read from Ra, "There is no nothingness." I also invite the contemplation of this concept. If you wish, try to imagine nothingness.[/b] Is it possible?
Existence is infinite.
(Therefore) Everything is Infinite.
God is infinite.
(Therefore) God is Existence.
(Therefore) God is Everything.
(Therefore) Nothing is not God.
Of course, these statements border on the limits of our language's ability to describe.