03-16-2012, 07:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012, 06:52 PM by JustLikeYou.)
The Emperor
The Emperor shows himself to me whenever I feel confident about who I am, but he also makes his appearance when I make a genuine effort to understand the information I’ve been given by the Empress. The sexual relationship between the Magician and the High Priestess can be imagined as the immobile Magician focusing his attention in order to penetrate the mysteries of the High Priestess as she moves in response to his desire (placing her in the stronger position and him in the weaker position). It is for this reason that the book the High Priestess holds is directly atop the reproductive center and it is for this same reason that I rather like the phallic wand depicted in my cards. The sexual relationship between the Emperor and Empress, however, is just the opposite. The Catalyst presents herself in all her radiant beauty and it is the onus of the Emperor to take her into his arms and explore her infinite bounty.
The act of processing that which is revealed to the mind about the mind is depicted very specifically in the disciplines of the mind in Session 5 (http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=5&ss=1). If you are an STO entity, then this description is a highly detailed explanation of the relationship that the Emperor (the now informed conscious mind) has with the Empress (the now revealed unconscious mind).
As will be depicted later in the Sun card (the Significator of the Spirit), the bird in flight is the avatar of the conscious mind informed by the unconscious mind. The Emperor card is named by C.C. Zain the “Sovereign”, which is another name that I find very fitting. This card shows the mind as master of itself: when you know something that is deeply true about yourself and you have learned to accept it, you will become powerful in your actions no matter what you do. For this power comes not from your doing, but from the mere fact that you are confident and self-owned. As Nas said “It’s never what you do but how it’s done.” The bird in this card is depicted upon the chest of the Emperor; whereas, the bird on the Empress card is upon her hand, looking her in the eye. Clearly, the soaring of the spirit comes from the perspective of the conscious mind, giving us insight into the interplay between male and female: the female, who bears an ankh on her chest (Archetypes 2 and 19), is the part of you which is already connected to the Infinite Beyond, while the male, who bears a bird on his chest (Archetypes 4 and 19), is the part of you which is witnessing the illusion of separation. The female opens her illusion for you to explore and the male enters this illusion for you to experience the exploration. Imagine the bird flying through the loop in the ankh and then ponder the lingam yoni upon the Sun card.
The cat is white, suggesting purity. If we consider what it is that the Emperor does, we may infer that the role of purity in the act of accepting what lies within you, knowing that the mind contains all, and balancing every concept with its opposite, is in “knowing that the mind contains all”. There is a constant temptation, when you are examining that which is within you but hidden from your conscious mind, a constant temptation to feel guilty. Guilt hides the unconscious mind from the conscious mind, guilt is often what causes the eyes of the conscious mind to be blinded by the protective sun in the Empress card. But for the informed conscious mind, there is a growing awareness that one can learn to be innocent again. This feeling of innocence is highly protective for those on the STO path because it teaches you that you can trust yourself, that whatever the unconscious mind wants you to see, it is good and it is worth loving.
The Emperor shows himself to me whenever I feel confident about who I am, but he also makes his appearance when I make a genuine effort to understand the information I’ve been given by the Empress. The sexual relationship between the Magician and the High Priestess can be imagined as the immobile Magician focusing his attention in order to penetrate the mysteries of the High Priestess as she moves in response to his desire (placing her in the stronger position and him in the weaker position). It is for this reason that the book the High Priestess holds is directly atop the reproductive center and it is for this same reason that I rather like the phallic wand depicted in my cards. The sexual relationship between the Emperor and Empress, however, is just the opposite. The Catalyst presents herself in all her radiant beauty and it is the onus of the Emperor to take her into his arms and explore her infinite bounty.
The act of processing that which is revealed to the mind about the mind is depicted very specifically in the disciplines of the mind in Session 5 (http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=5&ss=1). If you are an STO entity, then this description is a highly detailed explanation of the relationship that the Emperor (the now informed conscious mind) has with the Empress (the now revealed unconscious mind).
As will be depicted later in the Sun card (the Significator of the Spirit), the bird in flight is the avatar of the conscious mind informed by the unconscious mind. The Emperor card is named by C.C. Zain the “Sovereign”, which is another name that I find very fitting. This card shows the mind as master of itself: when you know something that is deeply true about yourself and you have learned to accept it, you will become powerful in your actions no matter what you do. For this power comes not from your doing, but from the mere fact that you are confident and self-owned. As Nas said “It’s never what you do but how it’s done.” The bird in this card is depicted upon the chest of the Emperor; whereas, the bird on the Empress card is upon her hand, looking her in the eye. Clearly, the soaring of the spirit comes from the perspective of the conscious mind, giving us insight into the interplay between male and female: the female, who bears an ankh on her chest (Archetypes 2 and 19), is the part of you which is already connected to the Infinite Beyond, while the male, who bears a bird on his chest (Archetypes 4 and 19), is the part of you which is witnessing the illusion of separation. The female opens her illusion for you to explore and the male enters this illusion for you to experience the exploration. Imagine the bird flying through the loop in the ankh and then ponder the lingam yoni upon the Sun card.
The cat is white, suggesting purity. If we consider what it is that the Emperor does, we may infer that the role of purity in the act of accepting what lies within you, knowing that the mind contains all, and balancing every concept with its opposite, is in “knowing that the mind contains all”. There is a constant temptation, when you are examining that which is within you but hidden from your conscious mind, a constant temptation to feel guilty. Guilt hides the unconscious mind from the conscious mind, guilt is often what causes the eyes of the conscious mind to be blinded by the protective sun in the Empress card. But for the informed conscious mind, there is a growing awareness that one can learn to be innocent again. This feeling of innocence is highly protective for those on the STO path because it teaches you that you can trust yourself, that whatever the unconscious mind wants you to see, it is good and it is worth loving.