07-13-2022, 01:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-13-2022, 01:36 PM by Stillshot1.)
Hello, my name is Steven and I have just found the Law of One information and now this website. I find the limited amount of the Ra material I’ve read so far to be absolutely fascinating and look forward to exploring much more of the library here. I’m glad to see the forums are active.
At first I thought it strange how in my search for discipline and knowledge of self, I ended up being directed to a belief system that touches upon other interests of mine; UFO’s, ET’s, ESP and reincarnation. Originally I was seeking information from university, psychology and clinical websites about personality disorders as I believe I have one, when I stumbled across similar ‘symptoms’ in people who consider themselves to be ‘Starseeds’. This eventually led to my finding The Law of One.
From what I have read so far, I seem to fit the ‘Wanderer’ description to a ‘T’ and believe I am now in my awakening. I am learning by reading various materials and listening to spiritual teachers. It is exciting to discover new information that ‘feels right’ and seems to support other ideas learned in the past.
Why I think I fit the Wanderer profile:
I have never felt like I belonged or fit in anywhere, so much that even as a child I wondered why I existed at all. I have always felt that I am not like other people, that somehow I am different and don’t belong. I’m an introvert and have trauma in my past. I often shake my head at the actions of humanity in general and wonder how I can be a part of this crazy species? I envy birds as I feel they are free to fly the whole sky and can go anywhere.
I felt immense joy when I read a passage about wanderers not being alone in their incarnations:
“Call, then, upon these unseen friends whenever you feel that you are alone and need the support of another. Know that all such calls are answered …
… with many who are also here and also with those who walk with unseen treads and who find great joy and meaning in assisting you on your journey …”
That statement alone is worth the price of admission; it comforts me as I have felt so very alone most of my life.
I am an empath, I communicate well with animals, I find coincidences often and have been ‘lucky’ when needed in the past. Sometimes I get a strong feeling, for just a moment, that someone is near me when I know I’m physically alone. I am forever looking upwards to the sky and am fascinated with science, space and all things astronomical. I’ve read a lot about UFO's, Edgar Cayce, ESP and religions.
Occasionally I will experience a brief moment of clarity and heightened awareness, usually when I am outside and focusing on some aspect of nature. At these times I feel grounded yet suddenly aware that reality is so much more than what I can physically experience and that I am a tiny part of something so big, so complex and so amazing it’s difficult to imagine! At these times, despite my feelings of isolation, I sense I do indeed belong here on this earth and I have momentary peace.
Growing up without religious influence allowed me to compare existing mainstream beliefs and their take on history, god and eternity. Many of the bible tales I had heard growing up made me skeptical as to their validity and the moment I learned of eastern beliefs in reincarnation and karma it felt 'correct' and made sense to me.
I feel as if I have indeed spent my time until now wandering, but without purpose or direction and am just now learning to recognize my ego for what it is and the tendencies it is prone to. How comforting to know that I am more than just a mind limited to observations, judgments and reactions. I now imagine my true self having to ride this ego like a bull rider on a bucking steer holding on for dear life! Hopefully the ride will be easier going forward.
I have been seeking answers to a lot of different questions for a long time and haven’t found any satisfactory explanations until now. I’m trying to arrange my first past life regression therapy session; now that should be interesting!
I am glad to be here!
Thank you to the web team for fixing my password issue
At first I thought it strange how in my search for discipline and knowledge of self, I ended up being directed to a belief system that touches upon other interests of mine; UFO’s, ET’s, ESP and reincarnation. Originally I was seeking information from university, psychology and clinical websites about personality disorders as I believe I have one, when I stumbled across similar ‘symptoms’ in people who consider themselves to be ‘Starseeds’. This eventually led to my finding The Law of One.
From what I have read so far, I seem to fit the ‘Wanderer’ description to a ‘T’ and believe I am now in my awakening. I am learning by reading various materials and listening to spiritual teachers. It is exciting to discover new information that ‘feels right’ and seems to support other ideas learned in the past.
Why I think I fit the Wanderer profile:
I have never felt like I belonged or fit in anywhere, so much that even as a child I wondered why I existed at all. I have always felt that I am not like other people, that somehow I am different and don’t belong. I’m an introvert and have trauma in my past. I often shake my head at the actions of humanity in general and wonder how I can be a part of this crazy species? I envy birds as I feel they are free to fly the whole sky and can go anywhere.
I felt immense joy when I read a passage about wanderers not being alone in their incarnations:
“Call, then, upon these unseen friends whenever you feel that you are alone and need the support of another. Know that all such calls are answered …
… with many who are also here and also with those who walk with unseen treads and who find great joy and meaning in assisting you on your journey …”
That statement alone is worth the price of admission; it comforts me as I have felt so very alone most of my life.
I am an empath, I communicate well with animals, I find coincidences often and have been ‘lucky’ when needed in the past. Sometimes I get a strong feeling, for just a moment, that someone is near me when I know I’m physically alone. I am forever looking upwards to the sky and am fascinated with science, space and all things astronomical. I’ve read a lot about UFO's, Edgar Cayce, ESP and religions.
Occasionally I will experience a brief moment of clarity and heightened awareness, usually when I am outside and focusing on some aspect of nature. At these times I feel grounded yet suddenly aware that reality is so much more than what I can physically experience and that I am a tiny part of something so big, so complex and so amazing it’s difficult to imagine! At these times, despite my feelings of isolation, I sense I do indeed belong here on this earth and I have momentary peace.
Growing up without religious influence allowed me to compare existing mainstream beliefs and their take on history, god and eternity. Many of the bible tales I had heard growing up made me skeptical as to their validity and the moment I learned of eastern beliefs in reincarnation and karma it felt 'correct' and made sense to me.
I feel as if I have indeed spent my time until now wandering, but without purpose or direction and am just now learning to recognize my ego for what it is and the tendencies it is prone to. How comforting to know that I am more than just a mind limited to observations, judgments and reactions. I now imagine my true self having to ride this ego like a bull rider on a bucking steer holding on for dear life! Hopefully the ride will be easier going forward.
I have been seeking answers to a lot of different questions for a long time and haven’t found any satisfactory explanations until now. I’m trying to arrange my first past life regression therapy session; now that should be interesting!
I am glad to be here!
Thank you to the web team for fixing my password issue