03-27-2014, 08:27 PM
I have experience with having long hair, cutting it short or shaving it bald, and growing it long again on a few occassions.
I have noticed some interesting things. It's more difficult to notice changes in the hair getting longer because any changes of awareness would be more gradual. When cutting my hair short or shaving bald, I did notice a lot of differences (Not just the temperature of my head). Mostly the way people react to you. The biggest difference was that ironically I felt more free with short hair or bald. Funny that long hair is a symbol of freedom though. hahaha
I'm talking free as in less cluttered with both thoughts and whatever. Now granted on the occassions of cutting my hair, the first time I had had an intense psychic experience that made me want to cut my long hair off in order to wipe the slate clean and clear. So my intentions could give me bias from the experience.
When I shaved my head bald, I actually did so with the intention of following a Buddhist path for awhile, and thought that would be a good start. One interesting thing to note though is that Buddhist monks are taught to avoid and ignore any psychic phenomenon because it is a distraction to the attainment of enlightenment (Perhaps a reason for shaving their psychic antennae). Also the Hindu's with their long hair often seek the attainment of psychic supernatural abilities, which makes sense too.
These days I have a long beard, mustache, and hair. I do think that it is a psychic antennae. I also have had intuitions about how to wind my hair to get better reception. I often braid my hair and beard into spirals which I find to be quite effective. Specifically braiding two sets of spirals in one direction like clockwise, then braiding the two spirals together into a larger spiral that is counterclockwise or visa versa. I have experimented with different braidings and weavings to see what it effects. Perhaps it's more my intentions that produce the results I get, but I certainly have found that I can increase, decrease, or tune in to different things based on how my hair is. I also find I get good reception with a spiralled top knot (Sikh's wind their long hair into a top knot before tying it with a metal chain, and wrapping their turban around it. How's THAT for psychic reception? Ask the Sikh's.)
I've noted also that hats can increase my psychic awareness, particularly the infamous dunce cap. Yes, call me crazy, but it's true. I have a large collection of magic hats which range from having wings, points, feathers, crystals, wire coils, orgone accumulators, magnets, and sacred geometries. I'm a dunce alright, and always interested in a culture that has a dunce-like cap so I can copy their design and test it in my psychic lab. I'm serious! Pointy elf hats with wings are my favorite psychic amplifiers with a few magnets over the temporal bones.
So where am I going with all this? Well, I think if you are a highly psychic individual you can visualize an invisible antennae on your head that would do just as much or more than hair or a dunce cap. I happen to like having long hair, but is that because I am fairly psychic and want a bigger antennae, or did I become psychic because I grew my hair long???
On that note, I have built antennae's before for my techno-habits and it might be interesting to note that in the science of antenna building, if you make a long wired antenna you will send/receive a lower frequency transmission. Higher frequencies are accomplished by shorter antennas. Take a look at things such as wifi, bluetooth and such. We're getting into higher frequencies with our wireless transfers, allowing higher bandwidths and using smaller antenna's. The winding geometry of the antenna wire can change how the frequency of the transmission is picked up, like increase or decrease range for instance. The helicoidal or helical DNA spiral for instance is a great geometry for an antenna to increase range piicking up and sending signals in all directions at once (That's why I wind my hair in spirals, helical antenna action).
That's my research into the subject thus far, but I certainly haven't stopped experimenting. As soon as I find the divine hairstyle of enlightenment, I will let you all know.
Peace and Love,
Soulpods.org - Tribeshares.com
I have noticed some interesting things. It's more difficult to notice changes in the hair getting longer because any changes of awareness would be more gradual. When cutting my hair short or shaving bald, I did notice a lot of differences (Not just the temperature of my head). Mostly the way people react to you. The biggest difference was that ironically I felt more free with short hair or bald. Funny that long hair is a symbol of freedom though. hahaha
I'm talking free as in less cluttered with both thoughts and whatever. Now granted on the occassions of cutting my hair, the first time I had had an intense psychic experience that made me want to cut my long hair off in order to wipe the slate clean and clear. So my intentions could give me bias from the experience.
When I shaved my head bald, I actually did so with the intention of following a Buddhist path for awhile, and thought that would be a good start. One interesting thing to note though is that Buddhist monks are taught to avoid and ignore any psychic phenomenon because it is a distraction to the attainment of enlightenment (Perhaps a reason for shaving their psychic antennae). Also the Hindu's with their long hair often seek the attainment of psychic supernatural abilities, which makes sense too.
These days I have a long beard, mustache, and hair. I do think that it is a psychic antennae. I also have had intuitions about how to wind my hair to get better reception. I often braid my hair and beard into spirals which I find to be quite effective. Specifically braiding two sets of spirals in one direction like clockwise, then braiding the two spirals together into a larger spiral that is counterclockwise or visa versa. I have experimented with different braidings and weavings to see what it effects. Perhaps it's more my intentions that produce the results I get, but I certainly have found that I can increase, decrease, or tune in to different things based on how my hair is. I also find I get good reception with a spiralled top knot (Sikh's wind their long hair into a top knot before tying it with a metal chain, and wrapping their turban around it. How's THAT for psychic reception? Ask the Sikh's.)
I've noted also that hats can increase my psychic awareness, particularly the infamous dunce cap. Yes, call me crazy, but it's true. I have a large collection of magic hats which range from having wings, points, feathers, crystals, wire coils, orgone accumulators, magnets, and sacred geometries. I'm a dunce alright, and always interested in a culture that has a dunce-like cap so I can copy their design and test it in my psychic lab. I'm serious! Pointy elf hats with wings are my favorite psychic amplifiers with a few magnets over the temporal bones.
So where am I going with all this? Well, I think if you are a highly psychic individual you can visualize an invisible antennae on your head that would do just as much or more than hair or a dunce cap. I happen to like having long hair, but is that because I am fairly psychic and want a bigger antennae, or did I become psychic because I grew my hair long???
On that note, I have built antennae's before for my techno-habits and it might be interesting to note that in the science of antenna building, if you make a long wired antenna you will send/receive a lower frequency transmission. Higher frequencies are accomplished by shorter antennas. Take a look at things such as wifi, bluetooth and such. We're getting into higher frequencies with our wireless transfers, allowing higher bandwidths and using smaller antenna's. The winding geometry of the antenna wire can change how the frequency of the transmission is picked up, like increase or decrease range for instance. The helicoidal or helical DNA spiral for instance is a great geometry for an antenna to increase range piicking up and sending signals in all directions at once (That's why I wind my hair in spirals, helical antenna action).

That's my research into the subject thus far, but I certainly haven't stopped experimenting. As soon as I find the divine hairstyle of enlightenment, I will let you all know.
Peace and Love,
Soulpods.org - Tribeshares.com