10-17-2010, 04:54 AM
Hi all!
Can someone tell me how can i activate my energy centers??
Can someone tell me how can i activate my energy centers??
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10-17-2010, 04:54 AM
Hi all!
Can someone tell me how can i activate my energy centers??
10-17-2010, 02:30 PM
(10-17-2010, 04:54 AM)Kiron Wrote: Hi all! Hi, Kiron. Welcome to this conversation. That's a wide open question. First, if you're a reasonably normally functioning person you can pretty safely assume that your energy centers are active to some extent. The question is, are they functioning in a manner which best serves your desire to serve? As I understand the Ra information, the recommended goal is to ease up the energetic fixations in the lower 3 chakras which then allows greater energy flow to the heart chakra. Stepping back for a moment, each experience is first offered to the first chakra to see if there's any interest there. From it's point of view it sees the world in elemental terms and is particularly concerned with survival. Let's say that the particular experience at hand is a threatening person approaching you with a knife. In that case, most of the energy coming into your system along with that catalyst will likely stay around your first chakra to enable you to respond appropriately. If the catalyst in question, however, is, say, your mother offering you a glass of chocolate milk, then the first chakra will likely have no particular interest in the experience and the energy will consequently be offered to your second chakra which will engage with the experience according to its own biases which might have something to do with enjoying the nourishment transferred from mother to child. This process continues sequentially on up the line. The less the energy is grabbed by any one chakra, the more energy remains to be drawn upwards, particularly if there is a strong will to serve. In other words, the will to serve catalyzes the upward movement. On the other hand, let's say you meet an attractive sexual partner, you feel warmly towards this person, but really all you can think about is survival and nurturance. That is, the over-activity in these areas is preventing much of your energy from reaching (and further activating) your heart chakra. This is where intensity (or not) of will to serve interplays with lower chakra fixations and leads you to enact in the theatre of life your present state of balance. Okay, so here are some things you might do. Read the Ra Material and Qu'o stuff about the energy centers. Pay attention to your own patterns of "energy expenditure" such as mentioned above: observe what's playing in your life's theatre, so to speak. Without forcing too much, try to allow your impulses to flow through your circuits without getting overly fixated along the way while keeping in mind the tangibility of your will to serve. As to the last point, you may find the balancing exercises in the Ra Material useful. There's something to think on. I'm sure other folks here will provide more. Have fun!
10-18-2010, 07:47 AM
You can do this with generic energy work and breathing exercises. It's like training a physical muscle, with the added challenge of not being aware of having the muscle in the first place and it potentially being so unused that even when you do accidentally activate it you don't really notice..
The outline is 1. Get a sense of energy so you know what's going on when it's going on. 2. Basic energy manipulations. Moving energy about your body. Especially the hands. 3. Massage the energy centers with your energy control. This is the step that takes some time. 4. As soon as the centers become stronger and you become aware of them start using them. This takes forever to perfect. First off, getting a sense. People feel energy in different ways, heat, cold, electric, pressure. Heat and pressure being the most common. To cause the first sensations there is a trick, it's useless after you get your first sense of control. But untill you have control here's how... Close your eyes. Put your fingers flat on the table in front of you. Visualize hitting your index finger with a hammer.. Visualize! Doing this bit for real would be counter productive and well, stupid.. Then go wild imagining your finger is really hurt, shake it, protect it in your other hand... All things you do when you hurt your finger. Just vividly imagine it hurting. The idea is to fool your body into believing it's hurt so it will start a healing response. The first step in the healing response is to send energy to the hurt area. Allowing you to get a sense of what it feels like to you. So after about 10 seconds of exaggerating how incredibly hurt you are. Stop, put your attention on your hand and feel what it feels like. If all went well you should feel a heat pressure or tingling.. Congrats you are feeling energy... Repeat this process a few times per day. It only takes 30 seconds in total. Ideal would be doing the exercise, going on with life, then when a few moments present themselves do the exercise. This will make you comfortable with the feeling and improves awareness. Don't do the finger all the time, do the trick with various body parts. Fingers, hands and face to start with as these are the most sensitive. But eventually all parts of the body are game. Second, manipulate! To do this we extend the first exercise.. Do it without imagining hurting yourself. Open your hand, look at it.. And use breathing to push the energy towards the hand. On the exhale imagine energy being pushed by the breath into the hand, on the inhale imagine the energy being pulled into the hand by the breath. This is called circular breathing. It creates a continuous energetic push unto an area. If you sucesfully finished the first phase. Then you probably feel your hand starting to charge up right away.. The trick here is to amplify the effect. By using breathing. 30 seconds of circular breathing should be enough to charge your hand. If you don't feel it getting stronger around that time. Stop, do something else, do it again later. Like a muscle this will grow with exercise, you cannot force it in one meditation session. When you are confident that your hand is glowing. Hold it palm facing your face at a distance of an inch or two from your face. You should be able to feel the pressure you feel in your hand in your face. As if the hand is radiating. Which incidentally is exactly what it is doing. Play with this... Explore your body, some parts of it are extremely sensitive to energy. Some parts are not. Ironically bones respond to energy pretty well. So check your knee joint and the large bones in your lower legs. Third, the energy centers. I presume you have a basic understanding of where your chakra's are, I'm not going to explain them and their associations as a google search will dig this up faster and better than me. It takes longer to charge chakra's than the hand because the energy centers have a relatively large capacity for holding energy even untrained. Start working on the third eye. It is the most sensitive chakra in my experience. Charge your hand, move your hand over your third eye. Imagine your energetic hand gently opening the petals of the third eye flower. See it opening in your minds eye. At the same time use circular breathing to charge the third eye. You can do this for longer stretches, up to 10 minutes. After that I don't expect added benefit for doing it longer. After the third eye go for the heart. Think of a time when you were in love. Or when people have acted lovingly and beautiful. This naturally charges the heart and helps your exercise. Third go for the belly chakra. This is a monster when it comes to energetic capacity. To many it takes a while to get this to respond. But steady practice should help. It works the same as the others. Finally, you have to incorporate this in your life... This is why I gave the many short exercises. Short is better when you want to incorporate things into life... Eventually you will become constantly aware of your energy body. You'll begin to discover your own energetic rhythyms. Shifting energy around your body becomes a process of seconds. It will begin to feel like a body part which moves naturally at will. If you want to use the chakra's to change parts of your life this is not the exact way to do it. That requires actively participating in those parts of life related to the chakra. Exercising your leg muscles daily in a gymn doesn't make you a fast runner. You need to run to become a fast runner. Same with chakras. Training them doesnt make you an adept. Using them does... So for example if you're working on the chakra at the root of the spine, you'll need to participate in material well being. This means participating in a job, building on your house, taking care of loved ones. Take care, if you try this let me know your experiences so I can calibrate the instructions for the next guy.
A good way is to meditate in the body point of each chakra.
You can do some mantras for each chakra, such as "yam" for the heart chakra, "ham" for the throat chakra, "om" for the sixth chakra. Do a bit and then contemplate the feeling of each chakra. Don't force or expect, let it appear naturally. From my experience, this is what I feel (roughly):
11-13-2010, 08:08 AM
thanks for suggestions especially from Ali Quadir.i think that is best to practice this kind of meditation from early age.i am now 22 years old ,and i find it nothing short of extremly difficult to activate my energy centers by using any method i am at least currently communicating by telepatic link with my Higher Self.Maybe he will help me How is it to have active energy centers?? do you feel great when you eat and drink or have sex??
11-13-2010, 12:45 PM
When I was 19, I was an atheist who did not believe any of this airy fairy nonsense. One night changed everything. You are more than young enough to do this. Older people have done it. I know a 72 year old who just figured out earlier this year his analytical materialistic world view does no longer suffice. I admit though I do not see him growing into a spiritual guru before his life is over. But at least he chose to learn.
Your question if it makes you feel great is not to be answered by yes or no... Active energy centers do not mean having a high energy. Neither do inactive centers mean having a low energy... The high energy makes you feel awesome. What happens when you activate/take control of your own energy is that you'll be inclined to increase your energy because it feels good to have high energy, and you know how to do it. So on the whole yes... Everything will feel better. Everyone, not just women, has energetic cycles. The female cycle coincides with her menstrual cycle. The male cycle would too if he had the appropriate organs. So we all know the difference between highs and lows energy wise. Even if this does not always consciously filter through. We mostly just know we feel good or bad but not that there is a cycle associated with it. If you do the exercises I gave, and have questions or experiences you'd like to share, just do it. It's retrospectively how I did it for me. But hopefully without the cluelessness. And over the years I've given those exercises to others who reported them to work. I've gotten people to see their energy body just on a night out. Just to indicate it's not as hard as one would think. Most people are on the brink of doing it as it is. This is very basic energy body work. They relate to spirituality to the way early morning stretching exercises relate to sports. It's not the same, but it helps.
11-13-2010, 01:35 PM
(10-19-2010, 03:12 PM)irpsit Wrote: A good way is to meditate in the body point of each chakra. Just to add - The yellow ray center/chakra is at the solar plexus just below your diaphragm. Here's a better way to explain it - a pictures worth a a thousand words. http://mantraaonline.com/wp-content/uplo...hakras.jpg
11-13-2010, 05:41 PM
I don't have that much helpful advice here, because for me it just happened. I know that I started feeling the energy when I reached the point in my life that put me on this path of seeking. For a good 20 years I was closed off...not a very open mind. When I finally realized there had to be more out there and decided I was willing to consider options other than those I had been raised with, I began feeling electric tingles shooting through my body, especially up my spine and into the crown of my head. When I reach those periods where I am totally aware of the love that surrounds me and I feel sustained in the light of the Creator, it feels like an electric charge around my body.
Anything that particularly moves me, be it someone's words, a movie or a beautiful sunset, provoke this bodily reaction. I think just letting your emotions run freely is a good way to start waking up that energy. Smoothing out the emotional blockages makes it easier for the energy to have a clear path through your body. It has taken me much longer to go from just feeling the energy sporadically to trying to summon it up and use it for a purpose. I am still not very proficient at this. Trying to recreate the feelings that inspired the reaction in the first place sometimes helps. I think of something that fills me with love and makes me happy...something I feel strongly about...and I start to feel that tingle at the base of my spine. Sometimes I feel an itchy feeling at the top of my head, and a tingling in my hands. On occasion I feel surges of pleasure through my fingers. Not sure how helpful this information is, but I figured it might help you recognize the symptoms of kundalini rising if any come to you. |