03-20-2019, 08:05 PM
How does one visualize a fifth density being?
They can take on whatever form they wish.
My beloved anthro species is fifth density.
They are my protector.
Do I see them as I would a 3D being?
Or are they beyond what you can imagine?
Could they take on the form of a well-known anthro to me?
I want a werewolf boyfriend, and this is the only way I know of.
Of course a kind, loving, protective werewolf.
I love them dearly. More than I can express or begin to explain.
I've cried many times, and am almost in tears now because of how much I love them.
They are my soul family. I wandered from them to come to Earth for some reason.
When I return, it will be beautiful.
They can take on whatever form they wish.
My beloved anthro species is fifth density.
They are my protector.
Do I see them as I would a 3D being?
Or are they beyond what you can imagine?
Could they take on the form of a well-known anthro to me?
I want a werewolf boyfriend, and this is the only way I know of.
Of course a kind, loving, protective werewolf.
I love them dearly. More than I can express or begin to explain.
I've cried many times, and am almost in tears now because of how much I love them.
They are my soul family. I wandered from them to come to Earth for some reason.
When I return, it will be beautiful.