10-16-2010, 03:46 PM
the subject of suffering has been on my mind for a while now.
i do believe that how we deal with it is very important for us and the
ability to fully accept it embrace it and work with it is an initiation
that we all will pass thru at one time or another.
in buddhism one of the four noble truths is that life is suffering.
the two are inextricably intertwined and cannot be avoided. so if we
cant avoid it it seems like it would help to know how to better deal with
i believe from personal experience that one of the antidotes to suffering is gratitude. cultivating an attitude of gratitude for the
simple things of life greatly uplifts us and makes things easier to deal
with. being thankful for being able to get up and go to work which we
tend to take for granted is a blessing for us. gratitude for health for having a mind that we can use(many people unfortunately do not) gratitude for having found a place like llresearch are all things that will give us a brighter outlook on life.
every soul on this planet has experienced suffering in one form
or another. as many of us are 6d wanderers and empaths we are going
to feel things more than others do. i finally figured out why it seems that
souls with hearts of gold seem to suffer more physical problems than
people who are ornery. they take on the suffering of others whereas
people who are difficult are only concerned with themselves lol.
one other antidote for suffering is meditation. meditating will
definitely make it easier for us to carry whatever cross we might
have chosen for this lifetime. the apostle paul said" seeing therefore
this light affliction worketh a far more eternal and lasting weight of
glory " in reference to the suffering we endure in this life.
bottom line when we keep the situation in perspective we realize that
these things do serve their purpose even though we may not always
see it right now.
i do believe that how we deal with it is very important for us and the
ability to fully accept it embrace it and work with it is an initiation
that we all will pass thru at one time or another.
in buddhism one of the four noble truths is that life is suffering.
the two are inextricably intertwined and cannot be avoided. so if we
cant avoid it it seems like it would help to know how to better deal with
i believe from personal experience that one of the antidotes to suffering is gratitude. cultivating an attitude of gratitude for the
simple things of life greatly uplifts us and makes things easier to deal
with. being thankful for being able to get up and go to work which we
tend to take for granted is a blessing for us. gratitude for health for having a mind that we can use(many people unfortunately do not) gratitude for having found a place like llresearch are all things that will give us a brighter outlook on life.
every soul on this planet has experienced suffering in one form
or another. as many of us are 6d wanderers and empaths we are going
to feel things more than others do. i finally figured out why it seems that
souls with hearts of gold seem to suffer more physical problems than
people who are ornery. they take on the suffering of others whereas
people who are difficult are only concerned with themselves lol.
one other antidote for suffering is meditation. meditating will
definitely make it easier for us to carry whatever cross we might
have chosen for this lifetime. the apostle paul said" seeing therefore
this light affliction worketh a far more eternal and lasting weight of
glory " in reference to the suffering we endure in this life.
bottom line when we keep the situation in perspective we realize that
these things do serve their purpose even though we may not always
see it right now.