02-28-2017, 02:13 PM
Health Update:
No plague, turns out it was a mild to moderate case of spleen toxicity caused by insufficient long endurance training that puts stress on things other than the feet in combination with a increase in usage of upper and upper middle body as well as healthier diet, caused a buildup and purge. Nasty looking non contagious but may cause others to... Run... Answer is to not spend so much time exercising by walking and upper body work but rather attempt swimming, stretching, lying down bicycling and so on.
Finally found a legal and taxable source for my weed, it took some near-excessive amount of work but I managed to set up the tax and personality checks in a way that makes it both sure to work always (not bribery), taxable (goernment sells 3 for you selling 1, sucks, i know), and private (you can't absolutely verify who the other party is).
No longer skulking about in puddles of rancid water running MRE's.
No plague, turns out it was a mild to moderate case of spleen toxicity caused by insufficient long endurance training that puts stress on things other than the feet in combination with a increase in usage of upper and upper middle body as well as healthier diet, caused a buildup and purge. Nasty looking non contagious but may cause others to... Run... Answer is to not spend so much time exercising by walking and upper body work but rather attempt swimming, stretching, lying down bicycling and so on.
Finally found a legal and taxable source for my weed, it took some near-excessive amount of work but I managed to set up the tax and personality checks in a way that makes it both sure to work always (not bribery), taxable (goernment sells 3 for you selling 1, sucks, i know), and private (you can't absolutely verify who the other party is).
No longer skulking about in puddles of rancid water running MRE's.