02-20-2017, 08:42 AM
Ever notice similarities in someone else's life compared to yours? I see that my best friend and I share a life lesson, of bearing a child and not being there for them, as one quick example of this.
Let's list some themes we've recognized over the years of being in this illusion. Let's see if we can't make a small road map of the little dirt paths that are the lessons in life we come to learn. Maybe we'll recognize lessons we each share, and make bridges to discuss them and how to handle them.
Some Patterns I've recognized:
Poor Taste in Partners (Going for the 'bad' guy/girl, the troubled person, the one who will most likely hurt you)
Repeating Bad Experiences with the Opposite Sex (girls teasing you or manipulating you, guys using you or hurting you, as some basic examples)
Addiction (Includes things like addicted to fast food, meat, cheese, or things like porn, technology, or habits like sex and lying, or the self explanatory cases of drugs.)
Rough or Distant Family (Lacking a supportive family, or even having a family that makes life harder)
Regrets of How We Handled Deceased Pets (In my instance, I feel I wasn't loving enough to my pet cat Clem, a friend felt he was too rough in disciplining his old pet dog, Tania at times)
The 'ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER' Theme (Life seems to just keep throwing catalyst at you, testing your ability to properly handle it all)
Intrapersonal Denial (Having trouble making a connection with the self, having difficulty getting to 'know thyself')
The 'Emotional Well' Syndrome (Experiencing a specific emotion in extremely more intense and deep ways than others similar to it, for me this is Anger, for others it has been expressed as Sadness, or Anxiety, or Impatience to name a few)
Monogamy Cheating (Refraining from being faithful to a loved one, this is apparently MUCH MORE common than I originally thought.)
The 'Pathological Dishonesty' Syndrome (having a hard time telling to truth, finding lying and the narratives made from lying easier to handle than being truthful and honest)
Loneliness (Self explanatory)
A Wealth of Poverty (Lessons in learning to find a wealth of being without material comforts or necessities, losing what is 'taken for granted')
Self-Denial, Doubt, and Fear (A 'barrier' of Indigo chakra blockages keeping one from properly performing higher energy functions without first dealing with the lower chakra's creating the higher chakra blockages)
The Bad Job Lesson (Learning to enjoy a bad job, or consistently finding one's self unhappy in a job, or having to deal or handle certain bad job environments in certain ways)
Orange Ray Regression (Becoming more activated in orange-ray energies in response to incoming green-ray energies, moving away from society to a more simpler life)
Physical/Psychological Limitations (Such as epilepsy or autism)
Fatherless/Motherless//Dead-Beat Father/Uncaring Mother Situations (Such as bearing a child and not being there for them, whether it be because of death or divorce or just by choice)
[list will be expanded upon]
FURTHER, to those of you who work with hundreds of customers a day have you ever noticed a sort of energetic theme overlaying a day (akin to Astrology's horoscope concept, that certain days effect certain people in certain ways)? Some energies I've noticed that permeate across groups of people on some days include:
Reduced Energy/Tiredness
Easily Joyous/A 'Happy' Day
Depressed Days
Motivating Days (where everything feels easier to spontaneously do)
Lazy Days (...Self explanatory I imagine lol)
Confrontational Days ("People better stay out of my f-bleep- way today!!!")
Content Days ("Today is so beautiful, I could take an hour walk in this! Those people are beautiful, I love you random people!")
[list will be expanded upon]
Would anyone like to help me list some more examples of these things, perhaps so that one day we'll have a sort of guide post to help us ascertain some potential clues to present issues? Any additions I'll edit into this post. Further if you have a more specific genre (such as a literal 'theme' genre) then please form a list and I'll add it into this post
Let's parse the 'Lessons' of 3D and make a small guide to them once we've got a nice meaty list going on!
Let's list some themes we've recognized over the years of being in this illusion. Let's see if we can't make a small road map of the little dirt paths that are the lessons in life we come to learn. Maybe we'll recognize lessons we each share, and make bridges to discuss them and how to handle them.
Some Patterns I've recognized:
Poor Taste in Partners (Going for the 'bad' guy/girl, the troubled person, the one who will most likely hurt you)
Repeating Bad Experiences with the Opposite Sex (girls teasing you or manipulating you, guys using you or hurting you, as some basic examples)
Addiction (Includes things like addicted to fast food, meat, cheese, or things like porn, technology, or habits like sex and lying, or the self explanatory cases of drugs.)
Rough or Distant Family (Lacking a supportive family, or even having a family that makes life harder)
Regrets of How We Handled Deceased Pets (In my instance, I feel I wasn't loving enough to my pet cat Clem, a friend felt he was too rough in disciplining his old pet dog, Tania at times)
The 'ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER' Theme (Life seems to just keep throwing catalyst at you, testing your ability to properly handle it all)
Intrapersonal Denial (Having trouble making a connection with the self, having difficulty getting to 'know thyself')
The 'Emotional Well' Syndrome (Experiencing a specific emotion in extremely more intense and deep ways than others similar to it, for me this is Anger, for others it has been expressed as Sadness, or Anxiety, or Impatience to name a few)
Monogamy Cheating (Refraining from being faithful to a loved one, this is apparently MUCH MORE common than I originally thought.)
The 'Pathological Dishonesty' Syndrome (having a hard time telling to truth, finding lying and the narratives made from lying easier to handle than being truthful and honest)
Loneliness (Self explanatory)
A Wealth of Poverty (Lessons in learning to find a wealth of being without material comforts or necessities, losing what is 'taken for granted')
Self-Denial, Doubt, and Fear (A 'barrier' of Indigo chakra blockages keeping one from properly performing higher energy functions without first dealing with the lower chakra's creating the higher chakra blockages)
The Bad Job Lesson (Learning to enjoy a bad job, or consistently finding one's self unhappy in a job, or having to deal or handle certain bad job environments in certain ways)
Orange Ray Regression (Becoming more activated in orange-ray energies in response to incoming green-ray energies, moving away from society to a more simpler life)
Physical/Psychological Limitations (Such as epilepsy or autism)
Fatherless/Motherless//Dead-Beat Father/Uncaring Mother Situations (Such as bearing a child and not being there for them, whether it be because of death or divorce or just by choice)
[list will be expanded upon]
FURTHER, to those of you who work with hundreds of customers a day have you ever noticed a sort of energetic theme overlaying a day (akin to Astrology's horoscope concept, that certain days effect certain people in certain ways)? Some energies I've noticed that permeate across groups of people on some days include:
Reduced Energy/Tiredness
Easily Joyous/A 'Happy' Day
Depressed Days
Motivating Days (where everything feels easier to spontaneously do)
Lazy Days (...Self explanatory I imagine lol)
Confrontational Days ("People better stay out of my f-bleep- way today!!!")
Content Days ("Today is so beautiful, I could take an hour walk in this! Those people are beautiful, I love you random people!")
[list will be expanded upon]
Would anyone like to help me list some more examples of these things, perhaps so that one day we'll have a sort of guide post to help us ascertain some potential clues to present issues? Any additions I'll edit into this post. Further if you have a more specific genre (such as a literal 'theme' genre) then please form a list and I'll add it into this post

Let's parse the 'Lessons' of 3D and make a small guide to them once we've got a nice meaty list going on!