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Visions while meditating - Chett - 03-03-2010

The last few days I have been having flashes of visual things while meditating. I say flash because it is so quick I don't really get a 'look' at it, but it is strongly 'realistic' in the sense that is as clear as if I was looking at whatever object.
One such object was sort of football shaped off-white (on the gray scale) with red and blue spikes. I saw this object 4 or 5 times, on different days. I have seen other things too but they are much harder to describe. The amazing thing is the absolute clarity and the speed.
None of what I have seen appears to bear any relationship to anything in my life or the meditation. Last night I had a few flashes when I wasn't even meditating, just trying to fall asleep.
I should note that I am somewhat visually impaired, I haven't seen anything that clearly with my eyes open in years.
Anyone have any experience/ideas about whats happening and how I might explore it further?

RE: Visions while meditating - Biu_Tze - 03-03-2010

I have had an instance when I was meditating, trying to astral project, and saw the face of a grey alien, scared me to death! other than that.. I see flashes of light ALL the time.. 20-30 times a day easily.. not quite sure if it's of a spiritual nature, or just my eyes..
I don't feel qualified to offer advice as to what could be happening or how to explore it further, sorry! I await a more well versed persons opinion on this tho!
Much Love!

RE: Visions while meditating - colorado - 03-03-2010

I too do not feel qualified to give a good answer. However, I often have quick flashes while in meditation. Usually it is of faces of people I have never met. The face pops up in my mind's eye very clearly for about 1 second and then fades away. I have no idea if my mind is just making up these faces or what.

RE: Visions while meditating - Chett - 03-03-2010

Thanks for the replies. I think I was not clear enough about this. Its nothing like the usual vision of meditation, those are (at least for me) a little bit fuzzy and really 'in the minds eye', this is crystal clear and 'seen' the same way you would with your eyes open.

RE: Visions while meditating - Biu_Tze - 03-03-2010

I felt you made that clear with your initial post, the alien face I saw too, was incredibly detailed, perhaps more so than in real life. Strange stuff eh?

RE: Visions while meditating - Peregrinus - 03-03-2010

As I posted in another thread, while in meditation about a week ago, I had a face go by right in front of me from right to left. The face was Asian, dark skin, thin with wide eyes, large ears, and thin lips. The hair was black and was done in a tight bun on the top. It startled me, but I was not afraid. I asked, in the name of Christ three times, for this entity to identify itself, and from in front of me out of nowhere came the recognizable alabaster face of the Buddha, coming towards me and then going through me. The original face was that of the Buddha I had not recognized, but I know it now should he visit me again Smile

RE: Visions while meditating - Biu_Tze - 03-03-2010

Wow, visited by buddha, I can't wait until I feel the universes call for me to start meditating Smile

RE: Visions while meditating - Cyclops - 03-03-2010

Chett for me this happens at night when I'm on the borderline of being awake and asleep. The blackness of the eyes closed with the billions of sandy multi-colored particles instantaneously form visual images for split seconds they are extremely clear and purely visual. They cut off fast and when I try to focus on it, it wouldn't focus out of the sandy state until I let go of focus (then I'm asleep).

RE: Visions while meditating - Brittany - 03-03-2010

As far as I can tell it is completely normal to experience things like this during meditation. I think it mostly revolves around the fact that your are awakening energies that have laid dormant, which can affect all your senses. I feel things a lot- tingling or prickling sensations. Sometimes it even feels like something is breathing on me. Once something came up and pulled on my pants leg. I've seen light balls and I go all kinds of places in my mind- places I can see more clearly than the computer screen in front of me now.

I know what you mean by being visually impaired. I am extremely nearsighted. I can't make out my hand in front of my face without my glasses, but when I see through my 3rd eye everything is startlingly clear. I would guess this is because you are using your energy body, not the chemical one.

Unless you are trying to do the type of meditation where you completely void out all thoughts, my suggestion would be that when you see/hear/feel something, focus on it. For me asking to see certain things or just asking for guidance before I meditate helps. If you let it be known that you are open to guidance this is a great time for your guides to show you things. I've been some pretty awesome places.

All in all, I'd say relax and enjoy it. Unless you're seeing anything that makes you uncomfortable, it's just a part of the general neatness that comes with awakening, in my opinion.


RE: Visions while meditating - love everything - 04-17-2010

Hello Chett,

When I get the images I ask One "What is the message"........Sometimes the answer is then sometimes later......fascinating.......thank you for sharing

Love Everything xxx

RE: Visions while meditating - peelstreetguy - 04-18-2010

This happens to me as well. when I meditate or am falling asleep. I've seen faces, lights and even landscapes. If I try to focus on them, they dissapear.

RE: Visions while meditating - hairbysweppy - 03-26-2013

(03-03-2010, 02:02 AM)Biu_Tze Wrote: I have had an instance when I was meditating, trying to astral project, and saw the face of a grey alien, scared me to death! other than that.. I see flashes of light ALL the time.. 20-30 times a day easily.. not quite sure if it's of a spiritual nature, or just my eyes..
I don't feel qualified to offer advice as to what could be happening or how to explore it further, sorry! I await a more well versed persons opinion on this tho!
Much Love!

this is normal as you develop your third eye chakra more you'll experience such events sometimes people feel like they're floating or spinning this is the astral body it means whatever you're doing you're doing it right there is no right or wrong way to meditate the right way is what is comfortable for you

(03-03-2010, 01:59 AM)Chett Wrote: The last few days I have been having flashes of visual things while meditating. I say flash because it is so quick I don't really get a 'look' at it, but it is strongly 'realistic' in the sense that is as clear as if I was looking at whatever object.
One such object was sort of football shaped off-white (on the gray scale) with red and blue spikes. I saw this object 4 or 5 times, on different days. I have seen other things too but they are much harder to describe. The amazing thing is the absolute clarity and the speed.
None of what I have seen appears to bear any relationship to anything in my life or the meditation. Last night I had a few flashes when I wasn't even meditating, just trying to fall asleep.
I should note that I am somewhat visually impaired, I haven't seen anything that clearly with my eyes open in years.
Anyone have any experience/ideas about whats happening and how I might explore it further?

the difference between a true astral projection and you're a Imagination is that a projection is not created it is experienced and it is almost in high definition more clear than your worldly eyes

RE: Visions while meditating - Unbound - 03-26-2013

You are simply clearing away the dirt from your window. What you see is always occuring, but with meditation we tap in to a wider awareness and then begin to capture the sights of our other selves. I believe that the universe has a network of observers, the eyes of the one self, and when we meditate we expand our own field of observation to include wider spectrums, or sometimes alter our state of observation so that it reflects the view of another portion of the total self.

We all have many selves in many times and places which are all simultaneously having their own experiences. However, as we become more aware of that which we are, awareness of these parallel existences, both physical and non, begin to come in to observance.

RE: Visions while meditating - Brad1987 - 11-22-2016

(03-03-2010, 02:42 AM)Biu_Tze Wrote: I felt you made that clear with your initial post, the alien face I saw too, was incredibly detailed, perhaps more so than in real life. Strange stuff eh?

That image of a " grey " is an entity try to make contact with you, this can happen when you raise your frequency close to his / hers. if you relax and allow him to take over the " drivers seat " he will send you his thoughts and you could possibly channel this entity with some practice