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Giza Pyramids Alignment - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Strictly Law of One Material (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=2) +--- Thread: Giza Pyramids Alignment (/showthread.php?tid=9488) |
Giza Pyramids Alignment - andreazzi - 07-11-2014 Hi everyone! Since the Confederation, or more specifically Ra, built the Giza pyramids, why were they aligned identically to the three middle stars of the Orion constellation? I have always related this alignment to the builders, as some kind of signature. It was a huge surprise to know that those from Orion were not responsible for building these structures. Sorry if this was already answered, I have searched the forum and couldnt find anything on this. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - AnthroHeart - 07-11-2014 The pyramids were used for initiation and healing. I don't think the negative Orions would want to help people like that. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - andreazzi - 07-11-2014 They would not, so why build the pyramids with such an alignment? RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - 1109 - 07-11-2014 I think that Orion has a powerful influence over this planet. In fourth and fifth density negative entities supposedly have a strong presence in that area, but that probably doesn't affect the cosmic influence from the stars in that constellation. Graham Hancock has tried to show that other temples around the world are built to connect to other constellations. http://youtu.be/T5DNvYMtkyk RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Parsons - 07-11-2014 I may be mistaken, but I believe *the largest pyramid was built by Ra and the smaller ones built by the Egyptians. Thus the entire layout would have been manipulated by the Egyptians. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - AnthroHeart - 07-11-2014 (07-11-2014, 11:59 AM)Parsons Wrote: I may be mistaken, but I believe largest pyramid was built by Ra and the smaller ones built by the Egyptians. Thus the entire layout would have been manipulated by the Egyptians. I think this is true too. The large pyramid was made from Everlasting Rock, whatever that is, iirc. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - andreazzi - 07-11-2014 Well, it seems to me that Ra built the other pyramids also, as stated in: 3.12 ↥ Questioner: Then the rock was created by thought in place rather than moved from somewhere else? Is that correct? Ra: I am Ra. We built with everlasting rock the Great Pyramid, as you call it. Other of the pyramids were built with stone moved from one place to another. Do you really think the egyptians would be able to build the other two pyramids? I really cannot believe that. So, the question remains, why align them exactly as the Orion middle stars? RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Matt1 - 07-11-2014 I believe the contact was co-oped with Ra and Orion. Or at least Orion came in after Ra left due to the priest hood turning negative thus creating that alinement. The Orion constellation has been found all over the Earth in Ancient culture. I have a good documentary of great interest regarding misplaced prehistoric artifacts with a per Sanskrit writing with that constellation on it. It basically translated as the sons of God come if i remember correctly. In general the whole Orion contact/linage is fairly easy to trace if you have the patience to research it. Luckily there is already a lot of good information out there. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - darklight - 07-11-2014 So, and the second pyramid, built by Ra, refers to the central star (epsilon Orionis) in Orion's belt. Is that an "positive area" in Orion? RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - andreazzi - 07-11-2014 (07-11-2014, 01:14 PM)Matt1 Wrote: I believe the contact was co-oped with Ra and Orion. Or at least Orion came in after Ra left due to the priest hood turning negative thus creating that alinement. The Orion constellation has been found all over the Earth in Ancient culture. I have a good documentary of great interest regarding misplaced prehistoric artifacts with a per Sanskrit writing with that constellation on it. It basically translated as the sons of God come if i remember correctly. Yes, maybe they came afterwards and built the other two pyramids, or maybe realigned them to seem that they were built by those from Orion. Anyway, is there any evidence of this in the Ra material or any other channeling material? RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - reeay - 07-11-2014 There's a difference between theory and fact - is the orion alignment a theory or a scientifically validated fact? RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - andreazzi - 07-11-2014 (07-11-2014, 01:37 PM)reeay Wrote: There's a difference between theory and fact - is the orion alignment a theory or a scientifically validated fact? Well, everything discussed here in this forum is theory. Everything Ra said is theory for us, for no one is able to prove it. The point is: what is the best theory to corroborate the Ra theory? The pyramids alignment is EXACTLY the same as in the Orion constellation, this is a fact, the theory is: was it on purpose? Anyway, I do not wish to diverge from the thread. The vast majority of seekers believe that Ra theory is correct and also that the pyramids are in fact aligned as the Orion middle stars, me included. The question remains: Why is that since the Great Pyramid was built by the Confederation? RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - AnthroHeart - 07-11-2014 I thought the great pyramid was aligned to make best use of Earth's energy for initiation and healing at the time. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - reeay - 07-11-2014 If it is fact then there is surely some scientific data to show such calculations to validate 'alignment? The point is, there is nothing about alignments of pyramid to constellations in the Ra Material. That is a theory that was developed by 2 people and not yet validated nor refuted. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Adonai One - 07-11-2014 Reeay, has a point in that this is falsifiable. The ways of balancing the chakras on the other hand are not currently falsifiable. Science is applicable here. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - darklight - 07-11-2014 (07-11-2014, 02:30 PM)reeay Wrote: If it is fact then there is surely some scientific data to show such calculations to validate 'alignment? The point is, there is nothing about alignments of pyramid to constellations in the Ra Material. That is a theory that was developed by 2 people and not yet validated nor refuted. Alignment depends on the point of view in the space time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD-5ZOipE48 RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Matt1 - 07-11-2014 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramide_8.htm You can say everything in life is a theory if you want to. There is a good amount of evidence to point to the Orion connection in my opinion. People will not always go to the truth but what they are most comfortable in accepting. An Alternative option could be a star map time/date. To let people know when it was created originally (when the stars lined up 10500bc) RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - YourOtherSelf - 07-11-2014 I posted a similar question on the Q & A section of the forums just last week. I'm not sure if it was answered or not and forgot about it until reading your post. Quote: My question is about the Orion group. www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=8214&page=3 RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - darklight - 07-11-2014 also, in many hollywood films, Orion is almost always in the picture except K-PAX. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - third-density-being - 07-11-2014 Hello Andreazzi, I would like to share my understanding of this topic. (07-11-2014, 12:48 PM)andreazzi Wrote: Well, it seems to me that Ra built the other pyramids also, as stated in: I don't think Ra were refering to local group of pyramids with Great Piramid in Giza ahead. As this is quite technical question with regards to facts (as We unerstand it), I would like to start with series of quotes - all comes from The Law of One, Book I, Sessions 2, 3 and 4.. I would like to start with why RA've builded piramids. Quote:Ra: I am Ra. The larger pyramids were built by our ability using the forces As We go deeper in understanding both purposes it become more and more clear that Ra at described time created only one, Great Piramid in that area. Quote:Ra: In this quote Ra explaining the necessity for such large size of the pyramid. So in case of purpose of healing (part of initiation) both - healer and heald - had to be in inner focused points of energy streamings. Lesser piramid would not be proper for this purpose. Now regarding second purpose - to aid an entire Planet/Sphere - and other pyramids. Quote:Questioner: Is the large pyramid at Giza still usable for this purpose, or is it As I understand it, RA and second group of Confederation builded pyramids in pivotal points of corssing of cosmic/planetary as well as planetary/cosmic energy influx/reflux. It all was done to stabilize/balance the Earth at that time. As Ra explained: Quote:Ra: To summarize, for necessity of second purpose (to aid the Planet), many pyramids were created all over the world in points, were exchange of energies between Planet/Sphere and Universe/Creation was taking place. As what We understand as "time" goes by, layout of those points have changed, as well as nature of "vibrational quality" of Planet/Sphere energies, thus such aiding to the Planet is no longer necessary. All above is in my opinion important to understand in order to be able to deduce that in near surroundings of Great Pyramind in Giza, no other pyramid were created by Ra. I think stronger argument/reason is first purpose and necessity of the proper size of created pyramid. And yes, I do think people at that time were able to build pyramids of Their own - maybe not as big as Great Pyramid but They were building such structures. Sometimes all mountains were carved to obtain pyramid shape. Now regarding Orion constellation. I really don't think it is proper to assume that "Orion" = "Negative Polarity". Some Entities from Orion constellation are of such polarity, but to extend it to the entire constellation - without even basic possibilities to differentiate elements of this statement - is just to permitting Self for ineligible simplification in understanding/knowing. Same goes for Beings in lizard form. Before I've met Ra I've read a lot of negative things on that "body-shaped-Beings". Everytime I read/hear that "everyone of that kind" is this, or that, I know it is a mistake or a lie. Every generalization is false. Best I have in me for You. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - andreazzi - 07-12-2014 hi guys! Thanks for your sharing, third-density-being! And I agree with you, thanks for bringing that out, Ra never refers to more than one pyramid in the area, that is the great pyramid. The other two, and the alignment itself, were possibly built after the Confederation left the planet in their last attempt to help mankind directly, probably by the Orion group, since Ra states the Egyptians distortion towards power, fertile soil for their negative influence. That fits perfectly in my opinion. 23.6: "...The first, the Great Pyramid, was formed approximately six thousand [6,000] of your years ago. Then, in sequence, after this performing by thought of the building or architecture of the Great Pyramid using the more, shall we say, local or earthly material rather than thought-form material to build other pyramidical structures. This continued for approximately fifteen hundred [1,500] of your years. Meanwhile, the information concerning initiation and healing by crystal was being given. The one known as “Akhenaten” was able to perceive this information without significant distortion and for a time, moved, shall we say, heaven and earth in order to invoke the Law of One and to order the priesthood of these structures in accordance with the distortions of initiation and true compassionate healing. This was not to be long-lasting. At this entity’s physical dissolution from your third-density physical plane, as we have said before, our teachings became quickly perverted, our structures returning once again to the use of the so-called “royal” or those with distortions towards power." RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Jade - 07-19-2014 Egypt in the time of Ra had a different relationship with "Orion" than those of us today. Just a short excerpt about the history of the Orion constellation from Stars Names Their Lore and Meanings that I stumbled upon the other day: Quote:"In Egypt, as everywhere, Orion was of course prominent, especially so in the square zodiac of Denderah, as Horus in a boat surmounted by stars, followed by Sirius, shown as a cow, also in a boat; and nearly three thousand years previously had been sculptured on the walls of the recently discovered step-temple of Sakkara, and in the great Ramesseum of Thebes about 3285b.c. as Sahu. This twice appears in the Book of the Dead: RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - dreamliner - 07-20-2014 I agree with reeay; nothing on earth can be "aligned" with any star, except pole star (it is "approximately" aligned with earth's axis of rotation; just an unimportant coincidence, and identity of the pole stars changes over time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_star). Both stars and earth travel in space, change their orientations over time, as we all know. Probably, orion's belt was not looking the same as today, when the pyramids were built. This "pyramids' being aligned with orion" bubble is just a popular culture nonsense. The "proof" (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/piramides/esp_piramide_8.htm) presented here as the scientific fact, is just one of the trillion junk websites. It seems that nobody here has ever checked what the real distances between orion stars are, what the distances of those stars to earth are, and whether there is any ratio/correlation with the distances between pyramids. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion%27s_Belt In addition to distances, there are some other issues: the real orientation of the pyramids is here (top view) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Giza_pyramid_complex_%28map%29.svg and the orientation of orion stars is (from earth): https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/Orion_Belt.jpg This is how it looks when someone goes and positions themselves behind orion stars and look through them towards earth: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=wa3aix&s=8#.U8vmFUCg7FI . There seems no match; while pyramids are aligned from southwest to northeast, orion's belt is aligned from southeast to northwest. Pyramids can only "align" with orion's belt when earth rotates half turn and pyramids become located on the other side of earth, then "alignment lines" passes through earth, can enter through bottoms and leave tops of pyramids. However, even then, there is no 100% match because pyramid of menkaure does not coincide with orion star alnitak (alnitak stays on above of the line joining the other two stars, while menkaure stays on below of the line joining the other two pyramids). And, there have been efforts to debunk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_Correlation_Theory These kind of people (I mean the ones mentioned in that website) just manufacture such "legend"s out of nowhere, than they sell it -together with their names of course-; by means of which they build a career of some sort for themselves. The two guys who created the theory, has no knowledge of astronomy or any background in astronomy. Even if my claim of "alignments' being completely opposite" is false, it's just a visual coincidence at best, not an "alignment". In these cicumstances, we can't call it "scientific fact". RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Infinite Unity - 10-23-2018 (07-11-2014, 06:39 AM)andreazzi Wrote: Hi everyone! What you think of galaxies and constellations are more akin to being apart of a game, and looking up into the frame work and gears of the computer. These stars, are the programs, and gear like functions. They are not galaxies, this is a closed system. The giza pyramids are aligned in that fashion due, to the whole Earth being a representation/reflection of these gears. They are equipment for manipulating those interrelated gears/function. The true meaning to as above so below. Looking up is equal to looking inside. You are looking at you and everyone else's "mind/minds" And also apart of the reason the ancients were all obsessed with the stars. Also there is only one sun. Can you guess who that is? Yup that's the real you, powering all this s***, being refracted through all those gears we think of as stars. It's akin to seeing yourself here, and knowing were you are truly. In that other realm. The basis of all magic. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - zvonimir - 03-10-2019 found interesting information in the book The flower of life volume 1 re-reading again drawn by something idkn.... on pages starting from 107 to lets say 120 .... ,about Thoth-a being named Ra-and being called Araragat and how pyramids were built why and about grids surroundingthat the earth it would be to much to copy paste all the pages and pictures so am pasting the link for the book in pdf ( other format are also available) and check it yourself if you are interested... https://ia802709.us.archive.org/3/items/pdfy-c1LodGmSa1b1GB7q/Drunvalo%20Melchizedek%20-%20Ancient%20Secret%20of%20The%20Flower%20of%20Life%20(vol.1).pdf https://bit.ly/2J3MDyI short link RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Infinite - 03-13-2019 (03-10-2019, 05:59 AM)zvonimir Wrote: found interesting information in the book The flower of life volume 1 re-reading again drawn by something idkn.... Yes, I already posted this here in the forum. I found another source which relate the names "Ra" and "Thoth" with the pyramid building: Quote:Although this will be meaningless to most of you, we will tell you this TRUTH. Certain Orion Masters and the savants of the Atla Ra, directed by Thoth first visualized the Great Giza Pyramid 38,000 years ago. Yet that is also a fleeting number, and hard for the channel to receive or grasp, because they have since dematerialized and manifested again. It occurred again some 12,500 years ago, you see? Source: http://www.esotericonline.net/group/cosmometry/page/pyramids-parallel-dimensions-archangel-metatron-via-james RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - unity100 - 03-23-2019 (07-11-2014, 06:39 AM)andreazzi Wrote: Hi everyone! Only the first pyramid was built by Ra. The later ones were built by Egyptians by looking at the first. 2nd pyramid was not built by Ra either. RE: Giza Pyramids Alignment - Ophiuchus - 04-30-2019 (07-11-2014, 06:39 AM)andreazzi Wrote: Hi everyone! Newbie here. Frankly, I think the wing stars in Cygnus correlate better than the belt stars in Orion, and you don't have to flip the constellation over like you must with Orion. but then where do you put Denib? Going back to Orion, why not have the Orion nebula, which is more prominant than any of the belt stars, and covers and area of 65 by 60 arc min. posted as a pyramid as well? And where are the shoulder/head/arm stars? (Betelgeuse, Meissa, and Bellatrix). Not to mention the leg stars, Saiph and Mintaka? I think all this is to sell Alt-world books...you can find alignment correlations anywhere if you look hard enough. |